June 04, 2021 |
 | Resolution Framework - 2.0: Resolution of Covid-19 related stress of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) – Revision in the threshold for aggregate exposure | 127.00 kb |
 | Resolution Framework - 2.0: Resolution of Covid-19 related stress of Individuals and Small Businesses – Revision in the threshold for aggregate exposure | 145.00 kb |
 | Submission of returns under Section 31 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (AACS) – Extension of time | 191.00 kb |
May 21, 2021 |
 | Relaxation in timeline for compliance with various payment system requirements | 301.00 kb |
May 05, 2021 |
 | Priority Sector Lending (PSL) - On-lending by Small Finance Banks (SFBs) to NBFC-MFIs | 253.00 kb |
 | Periodic Updation of KYC – Restrictions on Account Operations for Non-compliance | 334.00 kb |
 | Credit to MSME Entrepreneurs | 221.00 kb |
 | Utilisation of Floating Provisions/Counter Cyclical Provisioning Buffer | 229.00 kb |
 | Resolution Framework 2.0 – Resolution of Covid-19 related stress of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) | 260.00 kb |
 | Resolution Framework – 2.0: Resolution of Covid-19 related stress of Individuals and Small Businesses | 385.00 kb |
April 22, 2021 |
 | Declaration of dividends by banks | 318.00 kb |
April 07, 2021 |
 | External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy – Relaxation in the period of parking of unutilised ECB proceeds in term deposits | 303.00 kb |
 | Asset Classification and Income Recognition following the expiry of Covid-19 regulatory package | 206.00 kb |
Feburary 05, 2021 |
 | Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) | 227.00 kb |
 | Basel III Capital Regulations- Review of transitional arrangements | 186.00 kb |
December 04, 2020 |
 | Card transactions in Contactless mode - Relaxation in requirement of Additional Factor of Authentication | 305.00 kb |
 | Declaration of dividends by banks | 217.00 kb |
October 27, 2020 |
 | Scheme for grant of ex-gratia payment of difference between compound interest and simple interest for six months to borrowers in specified loan accounts (1.3.2020 to 31.8.2020) | 105.00 kb |
October 13, 2020 |
 | Submission of returns under Section 31 (read with section 56) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Extension of time | 181.00 kb |
September 29, 2020 |
 | Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) | 102.00 kb |
 | Basel III Capital Regulations - Review of transitional arrangements | 79.00 kb |
September 07, 2020 |
 | Resolution Framework for COVID-19-related Stress – Financial Parameters | 160.00 kb |
August 26, 2020 |
 | Submission of returns under Section 31 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (AACS) – Extension of time | 301.00 kb |
August 06, 2020 |
 | Offline Retail Payments using Cards / Wallets / Mobile Devices – Pilot | 282.00 kb |
 | Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) System for Digital Payments | 316.00 kb |
 | Resolution Framework for COVID-19-related Stress | 226.00 kb |
 | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector – Restructuring of Advances | 145.00 kb |
 | Basel III Capital Regulations – Treatment of debt mutual funds/ETFs | 136.00 kb |
 | Loans against Gold Ornaments and Jewellery for Non-Agricultural End-uses | 89.00 kb |
 | Opening of Current Accounts by Banks - Need for Discipline | 254.00 kb |
June 22, 2020 |
 | Increasing Instances of Payment Frauds – Enhancing Public Awareness Campaigns Through Multiple Channels | 260.00 kb |
June 04, 2020 |
 | Interest Subvention (IS) and Prompt Repayment Incentive (PRI) for Short Term Loans for Agriculture including Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries for extended period on account of Covid-19 | 216.00 kb |
May 23, 2020 |
 | Pre-shipment and Post-shipment Export Credit – Extension of Period of Advance | 234.00 kb |
 | COVID19 Regulatory Package – Review of Resolution Timelines under the Prudential Framework on Resolution of Stressed Assets | 220.00 kb |
 | COVID-19 – Regulatory Package | 138.00 kb |
 | Large Exposures Framework – Increase in Exposure to a Group of Connected Counterparties | 283.00 kb |
May 22, 2020 |
 | Import of goods and services- Extension of time limits for Settlement of import payment | 156.00 kb |
 | ‘Voluntary Retention Route’ (VRR) for Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) investment in debt - relaxations | 213.00 kb |
May 18, 2020 |
 | Risk Management and Inter-bank Dealings – Hedging of Foreign Exchange Risk-Date of Implementation | 256.00 kb |
April 29, 2020 |
 | Submission of regulatory returns - Extension of timelines | 273.00 kb |
April 21, 2020 |
 | Interest Subvention (IS) and Prompt Repayment Incentive (PRI) for Short Term Crop Loans during the years 2018-19 and 2019-20: Extended Period on account of Covid-19 | 201.00 kb |
April 17, 2020 |
 | COVID19 Regulatory Package - Asset Classification and Provisioning | 234.00 kb |
 | COVID19 Regulatory Package – Review of Resolution Timelines under the Prudential Framework on Resolution of Stressed Assets | 213.00 kb |
 | Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) | 116.00 kb |
 | Declaration of dividends by banks | 215.00 kb |
April 03, 2020 |
 | Rupee Drawing Arrangement – Remittance to the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM-CARES) Fund | 116.00 kb |
April 01, 2020 |
 | Export of Goods and Services- Realisation and Repatriation of Export Proceeds-Relaxation | 244.00 kb |
March 27, 2020 |
 | Annual Closing of Government Accounts – Transactions of Central / State Governments – Special Measures for the Current Financial Year (2019-20) | 140.00 kb |
 | Legal Entity Identifier: Extension of deadline | 190.00 kb |
 | COVID-19 – Regulatory Package | 324.00 kb |
March 16, 2020 |
 | COVID-19- Operational and Business Continuity Measures | 296.00 kb |
November 08, 2019 |
 | Formation of new districts in the State of Mizoram – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 283.00 kb |
October 11, 2019 |
 | Revision in Proforma and Reporting of Bank / Branch details under the Central Information System for Banking Infrastructure (CISBI) | 649.00 kb |
October 07, 2019 |
 | Expanding and Deepening of Digital Payments Ecosystem | 269.00 kb |
September 20, 2019 |
 | Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Classification of Exports under priority Sector | 270.00 kb |
 | Harmonisation of Turn Around Time (TAT) and customer compensation for failed transactions using authorised Payment Systems | 365.00 kb |
September 19, 2019 |
 | Priority Sector Targets - Lending to Non-Corporate Farmers – FY 2019-20 | 312.00 kb |
September 05, 2019 |
 | Change in name of “The Orissa State Co-operative Bank Ltd.” to “The Odisha State Co-operative Bank Ltd” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 309.00 kb |
August 26, 2019 |
 | Interest Subvention Scheme for Kisan Credit Card (KCC) to Fisheries and Animal Husbandry farmers during the years 2018-19 and 2019-20 | 320.00 kb |
August 16, 2019 |
 | Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 | 114.00 kb |
August 14, 2019 |
 | Usage of ATMs – Free ATM transactions – Clarifications | 254.00 kb |
August 13, 2019 |
 | Priority Sector Lending – Lending by banks to NBFCs for On-Lending | 268.00 kb |
 | Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme – Implementation | 272.00 kb |
August 02, 2019 |
 | Financial Inclusion - Access to Banking Services - Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) | 210.00 kb |
June 26, 2019 |
 | Acceptance of coins | 163.00 kb |
June 20, 2019 |
 | Formation of new district in the States of Telangana and Madhya Pradesh – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 264.00 kb |
June 14, 2019 |
 | Security Measures for ATMs | 265.00 kb |
June 13, 2019 |
 | Inclusion in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – Delhi State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Delhi | 69.00 kb |
June 10, 2019 |
 | Sale of Securities held in Held to Maturity (HTM) Category - Accounting treatment | 131.00 kb |
 | Financial Inclusion- Access to Banking Services – Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) | 136.00 kb |
May 29, 2019 |
 | Amendment to Master Direction (MD) on KYC | 201.00 kb |
May 23, 2019 |
 | Incentive for improving service to non-chest branches | 251.00 kb |
May 14, 2019 |
 | Outsourcing of Cash Management – Reconciliation of Transactions | 243.00 kb |
May 06, 2019 |
 | Priority Sector Lending – Targets and Classification | 537.00 kb |
April 26, 2019 |
 | Ombudsman Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies, 2018 | 122.00 kb |
April 08, 2019 |
 | Minimum Standards for a Currency Chest | 280.00 kb |
April 01, 2019 |
 | Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 259.00 kb |
March 25, 2019 |
 | Assignment of SLBC/UTLBC Convenorship – State of Gujarat and Union Territories of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 249.00 kb |
March 07, 2019 |
 | Interest Subvention Scheme for Short Term Crop Loans during the years 2018-19 and 2019-20 | 310.00 kb |
Feburary 28, 2019 |
 | Storage of Notes and Coins | 261.00 kb |
Feburary 21, 2019 |
 | Interest Subvention Scheme for MSMEs | 378.00 kb |
Feburary 07, 2019 |
 | Credit Flow to Agriculture- Collateral free agricultural loans | 189.00 kb |
 | Inclusion in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – Tripura State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Tripura | 224.00 kb |
Feburary 04, 2019 |
 | Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme: Working Capital for Animal Husbandry and Fisheries | 218.00 kb |
Feburary 01, 2019 |
 | Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 | 25.00 kb |
January 31, 2019 |
 | Ombudsman Scheme for Digital Transactions, 2019 | 107.00 kb |
January 09, 2019 |
 | Gold Monetization Scheme, 2015 | 160.00 kb |
January 01, 2019 |
 | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector – Restructuring of Advances | 150.00 kb |
December 06, 2018 |
 | Special Deposit Scheme (SDS)-1975 Payment of interest for calendar year 2018 | 216.00 kb |
November 29, 2018 |
 | Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) – Final Guidelines | 165.00 kb |
 | Legal Entity Identifier Code for participation in non-derivative markets | 163.00 kb |
November 06, 2018 |
 | External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy – Review of Minimum Average Maturity and Hedging Provisions | 90.00 kb |
October 25, 2018 |
 | Fire Audit of Currency Chests - Clarification | 70.00 kb |
October 08, 2018 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2018-19 | 364.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2018-19, Operational Guidelines | 121.00 kb |
September 21, 2018 |
 | Co-origination of loans by Banks and NBFCs for lending to priority sector | 221.00 kb |
September 07, 2018 |
 | Amendments to Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, 2009 | 70.00 kb |
July 12, 2018 |
 | Priority Sector Lending - Targets and Classification: Lending to non-corporate farmers – System wide average of last three years | 86.00 kb |
June 21, 2018 |
 | Customer Service provided by agency banks | 132.00 kb |
June 19, 2018 |
 | Priority Sector Lending – Targets and Classification | 143.00 kb |
June 07, 2018 |
 | Banking Regulation Act, 1949 – Section 26A Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 – Operational Guidelines - Payment of Interest | 68.00 kb |
 | Continuation of Interest Subvention Scheme for short-term crop loans on interim basis during the year 2018-19 | 176.00 kb |
June 06, 2018 |
 | Encouraging formalisation of MSME sector | 49.00 kb |
May 31, 2018 |
 | Withdrawal of Exemptions Granted to Government Owned NBFCs | 140.00 kb |
May 10, 2018 |
 | Revised guidelines on lending to Priority Sector for Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) | 1229.00 kb |
April 12, 2018 |
 | Interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 167.00 kb |
 | Cassette - Swaps in ATMs | 175.00 kb |
 | Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for Resident Individuals – daily reporting of transactions | 43.00 kb |
April 06, 2018 |
 | Prohibition on dealing in Virtual Currencies (VCs) | 56.00 kb |
 | Cash Management activities of the banks Standards for engaging the Service Provider and its sub-contractor | 221.00 kb |
 | Revamp of Lead Bank Scheme - Action Points for SLBC Convenor Banks/ Lead Banks | 239.00 kb |
 | Action Points for Lead Banks on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Lead District Managers (LDMs) | 175.00 kb |
March 23, 2018 |
 | Implementation of UNSCR 2397 (2017), pertaining to Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) | 72.00 kb |
March 13, 2018 |
 | Discontinuance of Letters of Undertaking (LoUs) and Letters of Comfort (LoCs) for Trade Credits | 70.00 kb |
March 01, 2018 |
 | Review of Currency Distribution & Exchange Scheme (CDES) | 19.00 kb |
 | Priority Sector Lending – Targets and Classification | 144.00 kb |
Feburary 23, 2018 |
 | Ombudsman Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies, 2018 - Appointment of the Nodal Officer/Principal Nodal Officer | 71.00 kb |
 | Ombudsman Scheme for Non-Banking Financial Companies, 2018 | 57.00 kb |
Feburary 15, 2018 |
 | Acceptance of coins | 43.00 kb |
Feburary 09, 2018 |
 | Levy of Penal Interest – Delayed Reporting | 23.00 kb |
Feburary 07, 2018 |
 | Relief for MSME Borrowers registered under Goods and Services Tax (GST) | 50.00 kb |
Feburary 01, 2018 |
 | Small Saving Schemes – Payment of Agency Commission | 105.00 kb |
January 18, 2018 |
 | Formation of new districts in the State of Assam - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 188.00 kb |
January 11, 2018 |
 | Interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 166.00 kb |
January 01, 2018 |
 | Cessation of 8 percent GoI Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 | 12.00 kb |
December 21, 2017 |
 | Prompt implementation of Governments’ instructions by agency banks | 156.00 kb |
December 14, 2017 |
 | Customer Protection - Limiting Liability of Customers of Co-operative Banks in Unauthorised Electronic Banking Transactions | 292.00 kb |
December 07, 2017 |
 | Change in name of “Sardar Bhiladwala Pardi People’s Co-operative Bank Ltd., Killa Pardi, Dist. Valsad (Gujarat)” to “SBPP Co-operative Bank Ltd., Killa Pardi, Dist. Valsad (Gujarat)” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 65.00 kb |
 | Settlement of Agency transactions in certain cases (for Funds and Agency Commission) directly from Reserve Bank of India | 54.00 kb |
December 06, 2017 |
 | Rationalisation of Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) for Debit Card Transactions | 198.00 kb |
November 30, 2017 |
 | Reporting of Transactions by agency banks to RBI | 73.00 kb |
November 23, 2017 |
 | Special Deposit Scheme (SDS)-1975 Payment of interest for calendar year 2017 | 164.00 kb |
November 16, 2017 |
 | Agency Commission for GST receipt transactions | 103.00 kb |
 | Inclusion of “Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Limited” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 101.00 kb |
 | Implementation of UNSCR 2356 (2017), UNSCR 2371(2017) and UNSCR 2375 (2017) pertaining to Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) | 67.00 kb |
November 09, 2017 |
 | Directions on Managing Risks and Code of Conduct in Outsourcing of Financial Services by NBFCs | 170.00 kb |
 | Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies - October 4, 2017- Banking Facility for Senior Citizens and Differently abled Persons | 52.00 kb |
 | Cessation of “Commonwealth Bank of Australia” as a banking company within the meaning of sub –section (2) of Section 36 (A) of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 | 39.00 kb |
 | Inclusion of “Au Small Finance Bank Limited” in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 48.00 kb |
 | Exclusion of “Commonwealth Bank of Australia” from the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 39.00 kb |
November 02, 2017 |
 | Introduction of Legal Entity Identifier for large corporate borrowers | 126.00 kb |
October 25, 2017 |
 | Amendment to Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, Notification No.4 (25)-W&M/2017 | 12.00 kb |
October 18, 2017 |
 | Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) - Aajeevika - Interest Subvention Scheme | 312.00 kb |
October 17, 2017 |
 | Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 | 98.00 kb |
October 06, 2017 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme | 263.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme, Operational Guidelines | 52.00 kb |
September 21, 2017 |
 | Change in name of “Gopinath Patil Parsik Janata Sahakari Bank, Ltd., Thane ” to “GP Parsik Sahakari Bank Ltd, Kalwa, Thane “ in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India,1934 | 58.00 kb |
 | Inclusion of “Suryoday Small Finance Bank Limited” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 40.00 kb |
 | Formation of new districts in the State of West Bengal - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 171.00 kb |
 | Priority Sector Lending - Targets and Classification: Lending to non-corporate farmers – System wide average of last three years | 76.00 kb |
September 14, 2017 |
 | Inclusion of “Emirates NBD Bank (P.J.S.C)” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 36.00 kb |
September 07, 2017 |
 | Inclusion of “Qatar National Bank SAQ” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 24.00 kb |
 | Alteration in the name of "National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC" to "First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC" in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 45.00 kb |
 | Inclusion of “Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 24.00 kb |
August 16, 2017 |
 | Interest Subvention Scheme for Short Term Crop Loans during the year 2017-18 | 203.00 kb |
August 10, 2017 |
 | Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions, 2017 | 176.00 kb |
August 03, 2017 |
 | Exclusion of the name of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Travancore and Bharatiya Mahila Bank from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 35.00 kb |
 | Natural Calamities Portal – Monthly Reporting System | 174.00 kb |
August 02, 2017 |
 | Change in Bank Rate | 496.00 kb |
 | Issue of comprehensive Credit Information Reports | 37.00 kb |
 | Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Liquidity Risk Monitoring Tools and LCR Disclosure Standard | 65.00 kb |
July 27, 2017 |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 24.54 million to the Government of the Republic of Ghana | 36.00 kb |
July 13, 2017 |
 | Investment in plant and machinery for the purpose of classification as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – documents to be relied upon | 130.00 kb |
 | Interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 33.00 kb |
 | Recording of Details of Transactions in Passbook/Statement of Account by Co-operative Banks | 83.00 kb |
 | Financial Literacy by FLCs (Financial Literacy Centres) and rural branches - Revision in funding limits, Audio-visual content and provision of hand held projectors | 88.00 kb |
July 06, 2017 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2017-18 – Series II - Operational Guidelines | 45.00 kb |
 | Inclusion in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – Telangana State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd., Hyderabad | 345.00 kb |
 | Small Finance Banks – Compendium of Guidelines on Financial Inclusion and Development | 512.00 kb |
 | Customer Protection – Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorised Electronic Banking Transactions | 98.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18 – Series II | 253.00 kb |
June 29, 2017 |
 | Limits on balances in customer accounts with payments banks – sweep out arrangements with other banks | 64.00 kb |
 | Specified Bank Notes held by DCCBs | 55.00 kb |
June 22, 2017 |
 | Exclusion of “The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.” from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 87.00 kb |
 | Payment of agency commission for government receipts | 104.00 kb |
June 15, 2017 |
 | Formation of a new district in the State of West Bengal - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 166.00 kb |
June 08, 2017 |
 | Aligning roadmap for unbanked villages having population more than 5000 with revised guidelines on Branch Authorisation Policy | 172.00 kb |
June 01, 2017 |
 | Introduction of Legal Entity Identifier for OTC derivatives markets | 57.00 kb |
May 25, 2017 |
 | Continuation of Interest Subvention Scheme for short-term crop loans on interim basis during the year 2017-18 - regarding | 232.00 kb |
 | Formation of new districts in the State of Arunachal Pradesh - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 490.00 kb |
April 27, 2017 |
 | Formation of a new district in the State of Haryana - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 166.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 52.30 million to the Government of the Republic of Mauritius | 31.00 kb |
April 20, 2017 |
 | Alteration in the name of "Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Limited" to "Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC" in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 59.00 kb |
 | Cessation of KBC Bank N.V. as a banking company within the meaning of sub-section (2) of Section 36(A) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 | 41.00 kb |
 | Alteration in the name of "Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A." to "Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A." in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 55.00 kb |
 | Exclusion of KBC Bank N.V. – from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 41.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18 – Series I | 291.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2017-18 – Series I - Operational Guidelines | 61.00 kb |
April 19, 2017 |
 | Amendment to Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme, Notification No.S.O.4061 E | 30.00 kb |
April 13, 2017 |
 | Financial Literacy Week | 175.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 31.29 million to the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua | 31.00 kb |
 | Revised Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) Framework for Banks | 72.00 kb |
April 06, 2017 |
 | Change in Bank Rate | 374.00 kb |
 | Interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 34.00 kb |
March 31, 2017 |
 | Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors in Government Securities | 51.00 kb |
March 30, 2017 |
 | Purchase of foreign exchange from foreign citizens and others | 86.00 kb |
 | Assignment of SLBC Convenorship - Telangana | 170.00 kb |
 | Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 176.00 kb |
March 29, 2017 |
 | Opening of all Agency Banks for government business on April 1, 2017 – Revised instructions | 115.00 kb |
 | All payment systems to remain closed on April 1, 2017 | 186.00 kb |
March 27, 2017 |
 | Formation of seven new districts in the State of Manipur - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 422.00 kb |
March 25, 2017 |
 | Payment systems to remain open on all days from March 25, 2017 to April 1, 2017 | 17.00 kb |
March 24, 2017 |
 | All Agency Banks to remain open for public on all days from March 25, 2017 to April 1, 2017 | 113.00 kb |
March 16, 2017 |
 | Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme (PMGKDS), 2016 - Clarification | 227.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 10 million to the Government of Co-operative Republic of Guyana | 31.00 kb |
March 09, 2017 |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 92.18 million to the Government of Tanzania | 109.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 750 million to the Government of Nepal | 36.00 kb |
 | Inclusion of “The Royal Bank of Scotland plc” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 72.00 kb |
 | Disbursal of loan amount in cash | 79.00 kb |
 | Formation of seven new districts in the State of Manipur - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 430.00 kb |
March 06, 2017 |
 | Gold Monetisation Scheme | 316.00 kb |
March 02, 2017 |
 | Financial Literacy by FLCs (Financial Literacy Centres) and rural branches - Policy Review | 447.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 15 million to the Government of the Republic of Kenya | 36.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 23.50 million to the Government of the Republic of Malawi | 36.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 26 million to the Government of the Republic of Senegal | 36.00 kb |
 | Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 78 million to the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone | 36.00 kb |
Feburary 23, 2017 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2016-17 – Series IV | 254.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2016-17 – Series IV - Operational Guidelines | 60.00 kb |
Feburary 16, 2017 |
 | Formation of twenty one new districts in the State of Telangana - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility | 227.00 kb |
 | Repayment of Gold Loan | 105.00 kb |
 | Inclusion of “Equitas Small Finance Bank Limited” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 91.00 kb |
 | Inclusion of “Capital Small Finance Bank Limited” in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 91.00 kb |
Feburary 13, 2017 |
 | Deposit of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) – Chest Balance Limit / Cash Holding Limit | 33.00 kb |
Feburary 09, 2017 |
 | Interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 34.00 kb |
Feburary 08, 2017 |
 | Removal of limits on withdrawal of cash from Saving Bank Accounts | 22.00 kb |
January 30, 2017 |
 | Limits on Cash withdrawals from Bank accounts and ATMs - Restoration of status quo ante | 20.00 kb |
January 16, 2017 |
 | Enhancement of withdrawal limits from ATMs and Current Accounts | 23.00 kb |
January 03, 2017 |
 | Exchange facility to foreign citizens | 20.00 kb |
 | Allocation of cash for rural areas | 30.00 kb |
December 31, 2016 |
 | Facility for exchange of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) during Grace Period – Verification of KYC and Account details | 263.00 kb |
December 30, 2016 |
 | Cash withdrawal from ATMs – Enhancement of daily limits | 37.00 kb |
 | Closure of the scheme of exchange of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) at banks on December 30th 2016- Accounting | 91.00 kb |
 | White Label ATM Operators (WLAOs) - Sourcing of cash from retail outlets | 208.00 kb |
 | Special measures to incentivise Electronic Payments – Extension of time | 36.00 kb |
December 29, 2016 |
 | Sanction of Additional Working Capital Limits to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) | 477.00 kb |
December 26, 2016 |
 | Interest Subvention Scheme for Short Term Crop Loans during the year 2016-17- Grant of grace period of 60 days beyond due date | 59.00 kb |
December 23, 2016 |
 | Procedural Guidelines for Servicing the Sovereign Gold Bonds | 163.00 kb |
December 21, 2016 |
 | Withdrawal of Legal Tender Character of existing ₹ 500/- and ₹ 1000/- Bank Notes (Specified Bank Notes) - Deposit of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) into bank accounts- Modification | 61.00 kb |
December 19, 2016 |
 | Withdrawal of Legal Tender Character of existing ₹ 500/- and ₹ 1000/- Bank Notes (Specified Bank Notes) - Deposit of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) into bank accounts | 73.00 kb |
December 16, 2016 |
 | Special Measures upto March 31, 2017 : Rationalisation of customer charges for Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), Unified Payment Interface (UPI) & Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) | 31.00 kb |
 | Exchange facility to foreign citizens | 20.00 kb |
 | Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme (PMGKDS), 2016 - Operational Guidelines | 35.00 kb |
 | Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme (PMGKDS), 2016 | 127.00 kb |
December 15, 2016 |
 | Compliance to provisions of Master Direction on Know Your Customer (KYC) | 75.00 kb |
December 08, 2016 |
 | Amendment to Master Direction on Know Your Customer | 182.00 kb |
 | Amendment to Master Direction (MD) on KYC | 76.00 kb |
December 06, 2016 |
 | Card Not Present transactions – Relaxation in Additional Factor of Authentication for payments upto ₹ 2000/- for card network provided authentication solutions | 180.00 kb |
December 02, 2016 |
 | Allocation of banknotes | 16.00 kb |
 | Aadhaar-based Authentication for Card Present Transactions | 255.00 kb |
November 30, 2016 |
 | Accounts under PMJDY - Precautions | 53.00 kb |
 | Deposit of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) – Chest Balance Limit / Cash Holding Limit | 24.00 kb |
November 28, 2016 |
 | Chest Guarantee Scheme for Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) – CGSS | 22.00 kb |
 | Withdrawal of cash from bank deposit accounts - Relaxation | 24.00 kb |
November 27, 2016 |
 | Chest Guarantee Scheme for Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) - CGSS | 88.00 kb |
November 25, 2016 |
 | Withdrawal of cash – Weekly limit | 38.00 kb |
November 24, 2016 |
 | Discontinuation of over the Counters Exchange of SBN | 20.00 kb |
 | Special knowledge or practical experience useful to banking companies | 116.00 kb |
 | Withdrawal of Specified Banknotes : Cash requirements of pensioners and Armed Forces Personnel | 55.00 kb |
November 23, 2016 |
 | Deposit of specified banknotes (SBN) in Small Savings Schemes | 85.00 kb |
November 22, 2016 |
 | Special Measures to incentivise Electronic Payments – (i) Enhancement in Issuance Limits for PPIs in India (ii) Special measures for merchants | 208.00 kb |
 | Fraudulent Practices | 54.00 kb |
 | Making Cash available for Rabi Crop Season – Advisory to Banks | 59.00 kb |
 | Cash Withdrawal for purpose of Celebration of Wedding – Modification | 56.00 kb |
November 21, 2016 |
 | Cash Withdrawal Limit Facility for Overdraft/Cash Credit Accounts | 38.00 kb |
 | Cash Withdrawal for Wedding | 70.00 kb |
 | Revisions for Farmers/Traders registered with APMC/Mandis | 115.00 kb |
 | Relaxation in Prudential Norms | 104.00 kb |
November 20, 2016 |
 | Withdrawal Limits from ATMs unchanged | 72.00 kb |
November 18, 2016 |
 | Cash Withdrawal at POS - Withdrawal Limits and Customer Fee/Charges - Relaxation | 42.00 kb |
November 17, 2016 |
 | Limit for Exchange Over the Counters Revised | 107.00 kb |
November 16, 2016 |
 | Compliance with Provisions of 114B of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 | 40.00 kb |
 | Daily Reporting by Banks | 35.00 kb |
 | Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 – Master Circular on Branch Licensing – Census data 2011 – RRBs | 126.00 kb |
November 15, 2016 |
 | SOP for putting Indelible Ink on the Finger of the Customers coming to a Bank Branch for SBNs | 69.00 kb |
November 14, 2016 |
 | Applicability of the Scheme to DCCBs | 89.00 kb |
 | Expanding the Distribution Locations for Deposit and Withdrawal of Cash | 43.00 kb |
 | Usage of ATMs – Waiver of Customer Charges | 189.00 kb |
November 13, 2016 |
 | Reporting and Monitoring – Information on Issuance of Banknotes Over the Counters / ATMs | 104.00 kb |
 | Revision in Limits for Cash | 42.00 kb |
November 11, 2016 |
 | Relaxation for Government Departments | 89.00 kb |
 | Reporting and Monitoring | 67.00 kb |
 | Issue of Pre-Paid Instruments to Foreign Tourists | 36.00 kb |
November 10, 2016 |
 | Payment Systems to remain open on Saturday, November 12 and Sunday, November 13, 2016 | 173.00 kb |
 | Limits for Banks, Post offices, Money Changers, White Label ATMs | 74.00 kb |
November 09, 2016 |
 | Instructions to Authorised Persons | 40.00 kb |
 | Banks to remain open for public on Saturday, November 12 and Sunday, November 13, 2016 | 121.00 kb |
 | RBI Instruction to Banks for Changes in ATM | 92.00 kb |
November 08, 2016 |
 | Closure of ATM Operations | 187.00 kb |
 | RBI Instructions to Banks | 559.00 kb |
November 02, 2016 |
 | Dispensation of Rs.100 denomination banknotes through exclusive ATMs | 40.00 kb |
October 28, 2016 |
 | Money Market Futures | 113.00 kb |
October 27, 2016 |
 | External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) by Startups | 26.00 kb |
 | Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 41.00 kb |
October 24, 2016 |
 | Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) (Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 2016 | 25.00 kb |
October 20, 2016 |
 | NDS-OM Web Module – Access to Gilt Account Holders (GAHs) | 19.00 kb |
 | Review of sectoral caps and simplification of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy | 38.00 kb |
 | Foreign investment in Other Financial Services | 27.00 kb |
 | External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) – Extension and conversion | 27.00 kb |
 | Grant of ‘Certificate of Registration’ – For carrying on the business of credit information – Experian Credit Information Company of India Private Limited (ECICI) | 64.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds- Maximum Limit of Investment and Acceptance as Collateral- Clarification | 232.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2016-17 – Series III | 251.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2016-17 Series III – Operational Guidelines | 217.00 kb |
October 13, 2016 |
 | Section 24 and Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Maintenance of Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) | 104.00 kb |
 | Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 85.00 kb |
 | Revised Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme | 172.00 kb |
October 06, 2016 |
 | Priority Sector Lending - Revised Reporting System | 183.00 kb |
 | Operating Guidelines for Payments Banks | 96.00 kb |
 | Operating Guidelines for Small Finance Banks | 280.00 kb |
October 04, 2016 |
 | Change in Bank Rate | 81.00 kb |
 | Marginal Standing Facility | 16.00 kb |
September 29, 2016 |
 | Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities – Modification | 108.00 kb |
September 08, 2016 |
 | Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 – Acceptance of Cash Over the Counter | 315.00 kb |
September 01, 2016 |
 | Free Annual Credit Report to Individuals | 339.00 kb |
 | Advances against Term Deposits of Non-members | 230.00 kb |
August 30, 2016 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2016-17 – Series II | 217.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2016-17 Series II – Operational Guidelines | 216.00 kb |
August 25, 2016 |
 | Financial Literacy Centres - Revised reporting format | 76.00 kb |
 | Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna-Non-feeding of data by bank branches in the Crop Insurance Portal of MoA&FW | 165.00 kb |
 | Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) – Aajeevika - Interest Subvention Scheme | 317.00 kb |
August 11, 2016 |
 | Priority Sector Lending status for Factoring Transactions | 184.00 kb |
August 04, 2016 |
 | Dishonour of cheques – Modification in procedure | 47.00 kb |
 | Union Budget – 2016-17 Interest Subvention Scheme | 547.00 kb |
July 28, 2016 |
 | Priority Sector Lending –Targets and Classification- Bank loans to MFIs for on-lending - Qualifying asset - Revised loan limit | 537.00 kb |
 | Guidelines for Relief Measures by NBFCs in areas affected by Natural Calamities | 16.00 kb |
July 21, 2016 |
 | Inclusion in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – Uttarakhand State Cooperative Bank Ltd., Haldwani | 348.00 kb |
July 14, 2016 |
 | Facility for Exchange of Soiled/ Mutilated/ Imperfect Notes | 65.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2016-17 - Operational Guidelines | 58.00 kb |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds 2016-17 – Series I | 250.00 kb |
 | Investments in Non-SLR instruments by State / Central Co-operative Banks | 99.00 kb |
July 08, 2016 |
 | Amendment to Master Direction on KYC – Operationalisation of Central KYC Registry (CKYCR) and KYC norms for Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) | 78.00 kb |
July 07, 2016 |
 | Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 458.00 kb |
June 30, 2016 |
 | Guidelines for relief measures by banks in areas affected by natural calamities- utilisation of insurance proceeds | 164.00 kb |
 | Amendment in rules for implementation of Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) | 54.00 kb |
 | Performance Audit of Crop Insurance Schemes | 170.00 kb |
 | Pre-2005 series of Banknotes - Revision of exchange facility | 74.00 kb |
June 16, 2016 |
 | Credit Information Reporting in respect of Self Help Group (SHG) members | 457.00 kb |
 | Inclusion in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – ‘Rajarambapu Sahakari Bank Ltd., Peth, Sangli’ | 56.00 kb |
June 09, 2016 |
 | National Rural livelihoods Mission (NRLM) – Aajeevika - Interest Subvention Scheme | 165.00 kb |
June 02, 2016 |
 | Implementation of Supreme Court Orders in Writ Petition by Swaraj Abhiyan against Union of India and others- Guidelines on Relief Measures by banks in areas affected by Natural Calamities | 412.00 kb |
 | Cyber Security Framework in Banks | 1314.00 kb |
May 26, 2016 |
 | Inclusion in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – ‘The Jalgaon Peoples Co-op Bank Ltd., Jalgaon’ | 57.00 kb |
 | Credit information reporting in respect of Self Help Group (SHG) members | 78.00 kb |
 | ATMs - Security and Risk Mitigation Measures for Card Present (CP) Transactions | 186.00 kb |
May 19, 2016 |
 | Cessation of UBS AG as a banking company within the meaning of sub-section (2) of Section 36(A) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 | 60.00 kb |
May 05, 2016 |
 | Discontinuation of Statements on Special Agriculture Credit Plan (SACP) | 164.00 kb |
 | Currency Distribution & Exchange Scheme (CDES) for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public | 227.00 kb |
April 28, 2016 |
 | Compliance with Jilani Committee Recommendations | 232.00 kb |
April 21, 2016 |
 | Publicity in the bank branches cautioning public against placing deposits in dubious schemes | 61.00 kb |
April 07, 2016 |
 | Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes | 101.00 kb |
 | Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY)-National Urban Livelihoods Mission | 368.00 kb |
 | Alteration in the name of “Rabobank International (Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A.)” to “Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A.” in the Second Schedule to the RBI Act, 1934 | 113.00 kb |
 | Alteration in the name of “Korea Exchange Bank Co., Ltd” to “KEB Hana Bank” in the Second Schedule to the RBI Act, 1934 | 112.00 kb |
 | Priority Sector Lending Certificates | 533.00 kb |
March 31, 2016 |
 | Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 | 60.00 kb |
March 04, 2016 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds- 2016 Series-II | 248.00 kb |
Feburary 18, 2016 |
 | Frauds - Future approach towards monitoring of frauds in NBFCs | 19.00 kb |
Feburary 11, 2016 |
 | Legal Guardianship Certificates issued under the Mental Health Act, 1987 | 117.00 kb |
 | Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005 | 150.00 kb |
Feburary 04, 2016 |
 | RTGS service charges for members and customers - Rationalisation | 180.00 kb |
January 28, 2016 |
 | Provision of Safe Deposit Locker facility by NBFCs | 15.00 kb |
January 21, 2016 |
 | Sale of India Gold Coin (IGC) | 58.00 kb |
 | Incentive for improving service to non-chest branches under Linkage Scheme | 49.00 kb |
 | Amended circular on Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 | 277.00 kb |
January 14, 2016 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2015-16 | 248.00 kb |
 | Financial Literacy Centres (FLCs) – Revised Guidelines | 139.00 kb |
December 31, 2015 |
 | Roadmap for opening brick and mortar branches in villages with population more than 5000 without a bank branch of a scheduled commercial bank | 171.00 kb |
December 23, 2015 |
 | Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005 | 38.00 kb |
November 24, 2015 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2015-16 | 68.00 kb |
November 05, 2015 |
 | Internet Banking Facility for Customers of Cooperative Banks | 144.00 kb |
November 04, 2015 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2015-16 - Operational Guidelines | 51.00 kb |
November 03, 2015 |
 | Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 - Interest Rate | 356.00 kb |
 | Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 - Amendment | 80.00 kb |
October 30, 2015 |
 | Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2015-16 | 248.00 kb |
October 15, 2015 |
 | Advance against Pledge of Gold ornaments/jewellery | 62.00 kb |
 | Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF) - Revised Guidelines | 410.00 kb |
September 29, 2015 |
 | Change in Bank Rate | 346.00 kb |
September 24, 2015 |
 | Banknotes with new numbering pattern and special features for the visually impaired | 665.00 kb |
September 01, 2015 |
 | Changes in RTGS time window | 185.00 kb |
August 27, 2015 |
 | Detection of Counterfeit Notes | 210.00 kb |
 | Cash Withdrawal at Point-of-Sale (POS) - Enhanced limit at Tier III to VI Centres | 144.00 kb |
 | Security and Risk Mitigation Measures for Card Present and Electronic Payment Transactions – Issuance of EMV Chip and PIN Cards | 124.00 kb |
August 21, 2015 |
 | Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas affected by Natural Calamities | 169.00 kb |
July 16, 2015 |
 | Priority Sector Lending – Targets and Classification | 82.00 kb |
June 26, 2015 |
 | Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005 | 156.00 kb |
June 11, 2015 |
 | Amendment to Prevention of Money Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005 – additional documents for the limited purpose of ‘proof of address’ | 68.00 kb |
May 21, 2015 |
 | Modalities for implementation of Atal Pension Yojana (APY) | 783.00 kb |
May 14, 2015 |
 | Card Payments – Relaxation in requirement of Additional Factor of Authentication for small value card present transactions | 201.00 kb |
May 07, 2015 |
 | Mandatory issue of acknowledgement to pensioners on submission of life certificates | 298.00 kb |
April 23, 2015 |
 | Priority Sector Lending-Targets and Classification | 459.00 kb |
March 13, 2015 |
 | Know your Customer (KYC) guidelines - accounts of proprietary concerns | 183.00 kb |
Feburary 25, 2015 |
 | Priority Sector Lending- Targets and Classification –Overdraft in PMJDY accounts | 528.00 kb |
January 28, 2015 |
 | Dispensing with ‘No Due Certificate’ for lending by banks | 488.00 kb |
January 22, 2015 |
 | Display of information by banks | 161.00 kb |
December 31, 2014 |
 | Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005 | 54.00 kb |
December 09, 2014 |
 | Introduction of Digital Life Certificates for Pensioners | 94.00 kb |
December 04, 2014 |
 | Mobile Banking Transactions in India - Operative Guidelines for Banks | 29.00 kb |
November 28, 2014 |
 | Implementation of Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) - Guidelines (Updated as on May 26, 2022) | 201.00 kb |
November 20, 2014 |
 | Levy of penal charges on non-maintenance of minimum balances in savings bank accounts | 49.00 kb |
August 22, 2014 |
 | Security Issues and Risk mitigation measures related to Card Not Present (CNP) transactions | 26.00 kb |
June 10, 2014 |
 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) /Obligation of banks under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 – Clarification on Proof of Address - Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) | 53.00 kb |
June 09, 2014 |
 | One Documentary Proof of Address - RBI further simplifies KYC Norms for Bank Accounts | 388.00 kb |
May 21, 2014 |
 | Need for Bank Branches / ATMs to be made accessible to persons with disabilities | 45.00 kb |
May 07, 2014 |
 | Levy of foreclosure charges/pre-payment penalty on Floating Rate Term Loans | 78.00 kb |
May 06, 2014 |
 | Levy of penal charges on non-maintenance of minimum balances in inoperative Accounts | 75.00 kb |
 | Opening of Bank Accounts in the Names of Minors | 86.00 kb |
May 05, 2014 |
 | Interest Tax Act 1974 – Collection from borrowers | 80.00 kb |
March 26, 2014 |
 | Inflation Indexed National Savings Securities- [IINSS-C] | 96.00 kb |
March 21, 2014 |
 | Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 (PPF Scheme, 1968) and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS, 2004) - Revision of interest rates | 201.00 kb |
 | The Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 - Section 26A of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 | 158.00 kb |
March 05, 2014 |
 | Ensuring Reasonableness of Bank Charges and Charges Levied for Sending SMS Alerts by State Cooperative Banks (StCBs) /District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) | 1667.00 kb |
March 04, 2014 |
 | Money Transfer Service Scheme – ‘Direct to Account’ facility | 20.00 kb |
March 03, 2014 |
 | Alteration in the name of "Chinatrust Commercial Bank" to "CTBC Bank Co.,Ltd." in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 49.00 kb |
 | Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005 | 37.00 kb |
Feburary 11, 2014 |
 | Deregulation of Interest Rates on Non-Resident (External) Rupee (NRE) Deposits | 106.00 kb |
 | Interest Rates on FCNR (B) Deposits | 138.00 kb |
Feburary 07, 2014 |
 | Interest Rates on FCNR(B) Deposits | 84.00 kb |
 | Deregulation of Interest Rates on Non-Resident (External) Rupee (NRE) Deposits | 81.00 kb |
 | ‘Non-Banking Financial Company-Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-MFIs) – Directions – Modifications in “Pricing of Credit” | 19.00 kb |
Feburary 04, 2014 |
 | Alteration in the name of "Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd." to "Mizuho Bank Ltd." in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 57.00 kb |
January 31, 2014 |
 | Interest Rates on FCNR (B) Deposits | 251.00 kb |
 | Deregulation of Interest Rates on Non-Resident (External) Rupee (NRE) Deposits | 418.00 kb |
January 22, 2014 |
 | NEFT – Customer Service and Charges – Adherence to Procedural Guidelines and Circulars | 42.00 kb |
 | Ensuring Reasonableness of Bank Charges and Charges Levied for Sending SMS Alerts by Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) | 232.00 kb |
January 20, 2014 |
 | Facilities for Persons Resident outside India – Clarification | 34.00 kb |
 | Lending against Gold Jewellery | 56.00 kb |
January 16, 2014 |
 | Distribution of Banknotes & Coins – Review of Incentives & Penalties | 19.00 kb |
January 13, 2014 |
 | Legal Guardianship Certificates Issued under the Mental Health Act, 1987and National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 | 125.00 kb |
January 10, 2014 |
 | Alteration in the name of "Development Credit Bank Limited" to "DCB Bank Limited " in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 | 18.00 kb |
January 09, 2014 |
 | Resident Bank account maintained by residents in India – Joint holder – liberalization | 33.00 kb |
January 08, 2014 |
 | Lending Against Security of Single Product – Gold Jewellery | 240.00 kb |
December 30, 2013 |
 | Inflation Indexed National Savings Securities- Cumulative, 2013 | 221.00 kb |
 | Extension of banking hours in the designated branches, e-payment deadline and acceptance of payment of VCES dues | 143.00 kb |
December 24, 2013 |
 | Borrowing and Lending in Rupees - Investments by persons resident outside India in the tax free, secured, redeemable, non-convertible bonds | 90.00 kb |
December 23, 2013 |
 | Special Deposit Scheme 1975 – Payment of interest for the calendar year 2013 | 96.00 kb |
December 19, 2013 |
 | Inflation Indexed National Savings Securities- Cumulative, 2013 | 203.00 kb |
December 06, 2013 |
 | Charges Levied by Banks for Sending SMS Alerts | 126.00 kb |
December 02, 2013 |
 | Revised General Credit Card (GCC) Scheme | 627.00 kb |
November 29, 2013 |
 | Interest Rates on FCNR (B) Deposits | 506.00 kb |
 | Periodicity of Payment of Interest on Rupee Savings/Term Deposits | 99.00 kb |
 | Deregulation of Interest Rates on Non-Resident (External) Rupee (NRE) Deposits | 344.00 kb |
November 26, 2013 |
 | Charges Levied by Banks for Sending SMS Alerts | 77.00 kb |
October 29, 2013 |
 | Settlement of Claims in respect of Missing Persons in Uttarakhand Disaster | 424.00 kb |
October 07, 2013 |
 | StCBs - CCBs - Unclaimed Deposits/Inoperative Accounts in banks – Treatment of certain savings bank accounts opened for credit of Scholarship amounts and credit of Direct Benefit Transfer under Government Schemes | 124.00 kb |
September 19, 2013 |
 | RRBs/StCBs/CCBs - Foreign students studying in India – KYC procedure for opening of bank accounts | 134.00 kb |
September 17, 2013 |
 | Financial Inclusion- Access to Banking Services – Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) – FAQs | 131.00 kb |
September 16, 2013 |
 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 – Information sought by banks from customers | 494.00 kb |
September 10, 2013 |
 | Settlement of Claims of Deceased Depositor – Simplification of Procedure – Placing of claim forms on bank’s website | 130.00 kb |
September 03, 2013 |
 | KYC Norms/AML Standards/Combating Financing of Terrorism/Obligation of Banks under PMLA, 2002 – Information sought by Banks from Customers | 89.00 kb |
 | Settlement of Claims of Deceased Depositor – Simplification of Procedure – Placing of claim forms on bank’s website | 34.00 kb |
 | Disclosure of customer complaints and unreconciled balances on account of ATM transactions | 65.00 kb |
September 02, 2013 |
 | Financial Inclusion by Extension of banking Services- Use of Business Correspondents for distribution of Banknotes and Coins- Alternative Avenues | 177.00 kb |
August 30, 2013 |
 | 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 - Premature Encashment | 411.00 kb |
August 01, 2013 |
 | ATM transactions – Enhancement of customer service | 21.00 kb |
May 07, 2013 |
 | Delay in re-presentation of technical return cheques and levy of charges for such returns | 178.00 kb |
March 28, 2013 |
 | Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 (PPF, 1968) and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS, 2004) - Revision of interest rates | 195.00 kb |
January 31, 2013 |
 | Financial Literacy Material | 113.00 kb |
December 14, 2012 |
 | RRBs - Conversion of Term Deposits, Daily Deposits or Recurring Deposits for Reinvestment in Term Deposits | 144.00 kb |
November 06, 2012 |
 | NEFT System - RRBs | 104.00 kb |
October 12, 2012 |
 | NEFT – Requirement of IFSC in transactions | 80.00 kb |
September 05, 2012 |
 | Banking facilities to visually challenged / persons with disabilities | 109.00 kb |
September 03, 2012 |
 | Standardisation and Enhancement of Security Features in Cheque Forms-Migrating to CTS 2010 standards | 93.00 kb |
August 24, 2012 |
 | Repayment of Term/Fixed Deposits with Either or Survivor or Former or Survivor Mandate | 52.00 kb |
August 22, 2012 |
 | Financial Inclusion – access to banking Services – Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account | 74.00 kb |
August 17, 2012 |
 | Financial Inclusion- Access to Banking Services – Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account | 87.00 kb |
August 16, 2012 |
 | Premature Repayment of Term/Fixed Deposits in banks with Either or Survivor or Former or Survivor mandate – Clarification | 123.00 kb |
August 13, 2012 |
 | Stipulation of compensation for delay in Clearance of Local Cheques | 133.00 kb |
August 10, 2012 |
 | Financial Inclusion- Access to Banking Services – Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account | 35.00 kb |
July 10, 2012 |
 | Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability | 56.00 kb |
June 15, 2012 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs - Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/ pre-payment penalty | 111.00 kb |
June 12, 2012 |
 | RRBs/StCBs/DCCBs - Strengthening the Regulatory Framework for Unclaimed Deposits | 78.00 kb |
June 06, 2012 |
 | Special Deposit Scheme (SDS), 1975 –Revision of Rate of Interest | 49.00 kb |
June 05, 2012 |
 | Home Loans-Levy of fore-closure charges/pre-payment penalty | 50.00 kb |
May 11, 2012 |
 | Revised Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme | 209.00 kb |
May 07, 2012 |
 | Release of Foreign Exchange for Miscellaneous Remittances | 46.00 kb |
 | Transfer of Funds from Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account to Non- Resident External (NRE) Account | 32.00 kb |
May 04, 2012 |
 | Interest Rates on FCNR(B) Deposits | 155.00 kb |
 | Deregulation of Interest Rates on Export Credit in Foreign Currency | 96.00 kb |
April 27, 2012 |
 | Intra-bank Deposit Accounts Portability | 100.00 kb |
April 20, 2012 |
 | Printing of MICR Code and IFSC Code on Passbook/Statement of Account | 17.00 kb |
April 18, 2012 |
 | ECS (Debit) mandate management procedure by the banks – adherence to Procedural Guidelines | 61.00 kb |
April 13, 2012 |
 | National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) - Acceptance of NEFT inward for credit to Loan Accounts | 49.00 kb |
April 10, 2012 |
 | Relief and Savings bonds-Compensation structure for delay in payment of interest and/or principal | 197.00 kb |
April 03, 2012 |
 | Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 (PPF, 1968) and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS, 2004) - Revision of interest rates | 53.00 kb |
April 02, 2012 |
 | Use of International Debit Cards/Store Value Cards/Charge Cards/Smart Cards by Resident Indians while on a visit outside India | 49.00 kb |
March 26, 2012 |
 | The Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 – Clarifications | 31.00 kb |
March 05, 2012 |
 | Grievance Redressal Mechanism in Banks – Display of Names of Nodal Officers | 39.00 kb |
Feburary 08, 2012 |
 | Unclaimed Deposits/Inoperative Accounts in Banks - Display List of Inoperative Accounts –StCBs/DCCBs/RRBs | 104.00 kb |
January 05, 2012 |
 | Payment of Penal Interest for delayed credit/refunds of NEFT transactions | 57.00 kb |
December 15, 2011 |
 | Amendment to Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 (PPF, 1968) and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS, 2004) – Payment of commission to the agents | 57.00 kb |
December 09, 2011 |
 | Committee on Procedures & Performance Audit on Public Sercies (CPPAPS) – Report No. 2 – Compensation structure for delay in payment of interest and/or principal | 94.00 kb |
December 05, 2011 |
 | Amendment to Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 (PPF, 1968) | 63.00 kb |
November 24, 2011 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs - Collection of Account Payee Cheques - Prohibition on Crediting Proceeds to Third Party Account | 97.00 kb |
November 04, 2011 |
 | Customer Service - Non-Issuance of Passbooks to Savings Bank Accountholders (Individuals) | 29.00 kb |
 | Issue of Demand Drafts for Rs. 20,000/- and above | 52.00 kb |
 | Payment of Cheques/Drafts/Pay Orders/Banker’s Cheques | 32.00 kb |
 | Collection of Account Payee Cheques - Prohibition on Crediting Proceeds to Third Party Account | 55.00 kb |
October 17, 2011 |
 | KYC – Letter issued by UIDAI containing details of name, address and Aadhaar number | 22.00 kb |
September 15, 2011 |
 | Savings Bank account maintained by residents in India – Joint holder - liberalisation | 33.00 kb |
August 16, 2011 |
 | Misuse of Banking Channels - Issue and Payment of Demand Drafts for Rs. 50,000/- and above | 145.00 kb |
August 12, 2011 |
 | Discretion to customers for selection between RTGS and NEFT | 44.00 kb |
August 08, 2011 |
 | Opening of 'Small Account' | 150.00 kb |
August 04, 2011 |
 | Security Issues and Risk mitigation measures related to Card Not Present (CNP) transactions | 111.00 kb |
August 01, 2011 |
 | Misuse of Banking Channels - Issue and Payment of Demand Drafts for Rs. 50,000/- and above | 23.00 kb |
July 25, 2011 |
 | Dishonour / Return of Cheques - Need to Sign / Initial the Cheque Return Memo | 34.00 kb |
June 22, 2011 |
 | Public Provident Fund (PPF) Scheme -1968 - Clarification Payment of interest in respect of PPF HUF accounts | 39.00 kb |
June 10, 2011 |
 | Non-implementation of Senior Citizens Savings Scheme- 2004(SCSS) by certain banks on deposit by Army Personnel | 44.00 kb |
June 09, 2011 |
 | Retail Electronic Payment Systems – NEFT / NECS / RECS / ECS – Levy of Processing Charges | 68.00 kb |
May 27, 2011 |
 | Reconciliation of failed transactions at ATMs | 22.00 kb |
April 26, 2011 |
 | Opening of "Small Account" | 62.00 kb |
April 21, 2011 |
 | Coins of 25 Paise and below – Withdrawal from Circulation | 197.00 kb |
April 20, 2011 |
 | Coins of 25 Paise and below – Withdrawal from Circulation | 193.00 kb |
December 29, 2010 |
 | Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 Amendment to Section 9(3) of the Scheme | 67.00 kb |
December 10, 2010 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs - Know Your Customer Guidelines - Salaried Employees | 48.00 kb |
November 12, 2010 |
 | Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for Lenders – Disclosing all information relating to processing fees/charges | 44.00 kb |
November 01, 2010 |
 | Opening and operating the accounts of the beneficiaries of Indira Gandhi National old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) | 23.00 kb |
October 19, 2010 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs - Collection of third party account payee cheques – Prohibition on crediting proceeds to third party accounts | 24.00 kb |
September 01, 2010 |
 | Uniformity in penal interest payable by banks for delays in credit / return of NEFT / NECS / ECS transactions | 24.00 kb |
August 26, 2010 |
 | Opening of No-Frills accounts by students for availing various Government Scholarships. | 27.00 kb |
June 22, 2010 |
 | Standardisation and Enhancement of Security Features in Cheque Forms | 16.00 kb |
May 26, 2010 |
 | Remittance towards participation in lottery, money circulation schemes, other fictitious offers of cheap funds, etc. | 91.00 kb |
May 12, 2010 |
 | Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines - accounts of proprietary concerns | 17.00 kb |
April 08, 2010 |
 | Cheque Collection Policy (CCP) - Immediate credit of Local / Outstation Cheques | 59.00 kb |
March 29, 2010 |
 | Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 | 35.00 kb |
November 23, 2009 |
 | Installation of Note Sorting Machines | 38.00 kb |
November 13, 2009 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs – Safe Deposit Lockers | 14.00 kb |
November 09, 2009 |
 | Unclaimed Deposits and Inoperative/ Dormant Accounts in UCBs | 29.00 kb |
 | Dishonour of Cheques – Dealing with incidents of frequent dishonour | 51.00 kb |
October 30, 2009 |
 | Inoperative Accounts | 59.00 kb |
 | Appointment of a Nodal Officer by banks in respect of their Currency Management Operations | 12.00 kb |
September 02, 2009 |
 | Display of information regarding Local Level Committees set up under the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 | 48.00 kb |
August 12, 2009 |
 | Payment of interest on accounts frozen by banks | 41.00 kb |
July 22, 2009 |
 | Cash Withdrawal at Point-of-Sale | 15.00 kb |
July 21, 2009 |
 | Grievance Redressal Mechanism - Display of Contact Details of Officials | 47.00 kb |
July 17, 2009 |
 | Reconciliation of transactions at ATMs failure – Time limit | 19.00 kb |
June 24, 2009 |
 | Access to own credit report | 85.00 kb |
April 24, 2009 |
 | Payment of Interest on Savings Bank Account on a Daily Product Basis | 50.00 kb |
April 13, 2009 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs – Nomination – Acknowledgement/Indicating Nominee Name in Bank Pass Book/FDRs | 57.00 kb |
 | Need for Bank Branches / ATMs to be made accessible to persons with disabilities | 44.00 kb |
April 08, 2009 |
 | RTGS Transactions | 10.00 kb |
March 09, 2009 |
 | Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 – Acknowledgement of Nomination and indicating the Name of the Nominee in Pass Books / Fixed Deposit Receipts | 50.00 kb |
Feburary 18, 2009 |
 | Credit/Debit Card transactions-Security Issues and Risk mitigation measures | 8.00 kb |
 | Unclaimed deposits and inoperative / dormant accounts in banks | 57.00 kb |
Feburary 11, 2009 |
 | Reconciliation of transactions at ATMs failure-Time limit | 8.00 kb |
January 20, 2009 |
 | Collateral Free Loans - Micro and Small Enterprises | 10.00 kb |
January 14, 2009 |
 | USD Denominated Cheques–Improvements in collection process - UCBs | 10.00 kb |
December 19, 2008 |
 | Disclosing all information relating to processing fees / charges | 11.00 kb |
December 10, 2008 |
 | Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for Lenders - Disclosing all information relating to processing fees / charges | 10.00 kb |
 | Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 – Foreign Travel – Mode of payment in Rupees | 9.00 kb |
November 25, 2008 |
 | Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for Lenders- Disclosing all information reating to processing fees / charges | 9.00 kb |
October 24, 2008 |
 | Relief/Savings Bonds – Rights of Customers | 12.00 kb |
 | Savings Bonds now eligible as Collateral for Loans | 58.00 kb |
October 15, 2008 |
 | 7% Savings Bonds 2002, 6.5% Savings Bonds 2003 (Non-taxable) & 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 - Collateral facility - UCBs | 37.00 kb |
October 08, 2008 |
 | Levy of Service Charges for Electronic Payment Products and Outstation Cheque Collection | 13.00 kb |
September 19, 2008 |
 | Payment of interest on accounts frozen by banks | 50.00 kb |
August 22, 2008 |
 | Unclaimed Deposits / Inoperative Accounts in banks | 19.00 kb |
 | Display of information by banks – Comprehensive Notice Board | 26.00 kb |
August 12, 2008 |
 | RBI cautions Public against Fictitious offers of Remitting cheap funds from abroad | 8.00 kb |
 | RBI Cautions Public against Fictitious offers of Remitting Cheap Funds from Abroad | 11.00 kb |
August 05, 2008 |
 | 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 - Income Tax Act, 1961 - TDS | 17.00 kb |
July 23, 2008 |
 | Credit Card Operations of Banks | 32.00 kb |
July 09, 2008 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs - Banking Facilities to Visually Challenged | 8.00 kb |
June 12, 2008 |
 | Banking facilities to the visually challenged - UCBs | 11.00 kb |
June 04, 2008 |
 | Banking facilities to the visually challenged | 9.00 kb |
May 30, 2008 |
 | Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000 – Credit to Non Resident (External) Rupee Accounts | 8.00 kb |
May 14, 2008 |
 | Claims secured by residential property – Change in limits for risk weights | 11.00 kb |
 | Settlement of claims in respect of missing persons | 8.00 kb |
May 13, 2008 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs – Customer Charges for use of ATMs for Cash Withdrawal/Balance Enquiry | 18.00 kb |
May 02, 2008 |
 | Grievance Redressal Mechanism in banks | 11.00 kb |
 | Settlement of claims in respect of missing persons | 9.00 kb |
April 24, 2008 |
 | Recovery Agents engaged by Banks | 77.00 kb |
April 15, 2008 |
 | UCBs – Cheque Collection Policy | 72.00 kb |
April 10, 2008 |
 | Mandatory electronic payment of tax by certain Categories of taxpayers w.e.f. 1.4.2008 | 8.00 kb |
March 10, 2008 |
 | Customer charges for use of ATMs for cash withdrawal and balance enquiry | 19.00 kb |
Feburary 27, 2008 |
 | Repayment of 6.5% Savings Bonds, 2003 (Non Taxable) | 110.00 kb |
November 19, 2007 |
 | Guardians appointed by District Courts/Local Level Committees can open/operate bank accounts of certain categories of Disabled Persons | 111.00 kb |
November 12, 2007 |
 | Misuse of banknotes | 8.00 kb |
September 19, 2007 |
 | 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003 - Income Tax Act. 1961 - TDS | 12.00 kb |
September 03, 2007 |
 | Branch Level Customer Service Committees | 9.00 kb |
August 30, 2007 |
 | Settlement of PPF Claims of Subscribers who go missing | 104.00 kb |
August 22, 2007 |
 | Banks to Furnish copy of Loan Agreement | 49.00 kb |
May 18, 2007 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs – Safe Deposit Locker/Safe Custody Article Facility and Access to Safe Deposit Lockers/Return of Safe Custody Articles | 26.00 kb |
May 07, 2007 |
 | Complaints about excessive interest charged by banks | 60.00 kb |
April 30, 2007 |
 | Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 - Clarification in respect of rate of interest in death cases. | 51.00 kb |
April 18, 2007 |
 | Introduction of `Protected Disclosures Scheme for Private Sector and Foreign banks` | 8.00 kb |
April 17, 2007 |
 | Safe Deposit Lockers/Articles in Safe Custody | 45.00 kb |
April 12, 2007 |
 | StCBs/DCCBs – Nomination Facility in Single Deposit Accounts | 54.00 kb |
April 09, 2007 |
 | Rounding off Transactions to the nearest rupee | 52.00 kb |
April 05, 2007 |
 | Nomination Facility in Single Deposit Accounts | 11.00 kb |
March 30, 2007 |
 | Rounding off cheques to the nearest rupee | 11.00 kb |
March 06, 2007 |
 | Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for Lenders | 49.00 kb |
Feburary 21, 2007 |
 | Doorstep Banking – Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 | 74.00 kb |
Feburary 02, 2007 |
 | Report of the Working Group to formulate a scheme for ensuring reasonableness of bank charges | 36.00 kb |
January 31, 2007 |
 | Clean Note Policy - Stapling of Note Packets | 9.00 kb |
December 28, 2006 |
 | Cheque Drop Facility-UCBs | 55.00 kb |
December 26, 2006 |
 | Cheque drop Facility-RRBs | 39.00 kb |
 | Cheque Drop Box Facility and the facility for acknowledgement of cheques | 8.00 kb |
December 22, 2006 |
 | NRIs and PIOs as Nominees under Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004- Clarification | 55.00 kb |
December 18, 2006 |
 | Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 – Payment of interest in case of Pre-mature withdrawal- Clarification | 9.00 kb |
 | Special Deposit Scheme 1975 – Payment of interest for the calendar year 2006 | 11.00 kb |
 | Cheque Drop Box Facility and the facility for acknowledgement of cheques | 40.00 kb |
November 10, 2006 |
 | TDS on interest payable under Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 | 18.00 kb |
 | Customer Service – Issue of Duplicate Demand Draft | 36.00 kb |
November 03, 2006 |
 | Guidelines on Managing Risks and Code of Conduct in Outsourcing of Financial Services by banks | 104.00 kb |
October 11, 2006 |
 | Customer Service- Non issuance of passbooks to Savings Bank Account-holders (Individuals) | 37.00 kb |
October 06, 2006 |
 | Address / Telephone Number of the Branch in Pass Books / Statement of Accounts - UCBs | 36.00 kb |
October 04, 2006 |
 | Customer Service – Non-issuance of Passbooks to Savings Bank Accountholders (Individuals) | 16.00 kb |
September 22, 2006 |
 | Address, telephone number of the Branch in passbooks/statements of account | 35.00 kb |
September 15, 2006 |
 | Address/Telephone Number of the Branch in Pass Books / Statement of Accounts-Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) | 36.00 kb |
September 01, 2006 |
 | Address / Telephone Number of the Branch in Pass Books / Statement of Accounts | 12.00 kb |
August 24, 2006 |
 | Payment of half-yearly interest / principal of Relief / Savings Bonds to investors at a place of their choice | 41.00 kb |
August 23, 2006 |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts - UCBs | 255.00 kb |
July 28, 2006 |
 | Maintenance of collateral by Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) for transactions in derivative segment | 23.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 86.00 kb |
July 20, 2006 |
 | Annual Policy Statement for the year 2006-07-Fair Practices Code- Display of Bank Charges | 43.00 kb |
July 06, 2006 |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 207.00 kb |
June 06, 2006 |
 | Opening of savings bank accounts in the name of certain bodies/organisations | 41.00 kb |
May 26, 2006 |
 | UCBs advised to display Service Charges in their branches/on Website | 64.00 kb |
March 22, 2006 |
 | Financial Inclusion by Extension of Banking Services - Use of Business Facilitators and Correspondents | 62.00 kb |
March 07, 2006 |
 | Know Your Customer Guidelines- Anti-Money Laundering Standards | 46.00 kb |
Feburary 06, 2006 |
 | Dearness Relief to Pensioners | 42.00 kb |
January 23, 2006 |
 | Collection of account payee cheque – Prohibition on crediting proceeds to third party account | 42.00 kb |
December 30, 2005 |
 | Financial Inclusion - Trilingual Forms / Brochures / Pamphlets | 40.00 kb |
 | RRBs - Financial Inclusion - Trilingual Forms/Brochures/Pamphlets | 6.00 kb |
December 27, 2005 |
 | One-Time Settlement Scheme for Small Borrowal Accounts and Eligibility for Fresh Loans | 40.00 kb |
December 09, 2005 |
 | Premature repayment of public deposits or deposits | 41.00 kb |
November 21, 2005 |
 | Credit Card Operations of banks | 92.00 kb |
November 11, 2005 |
 | Financial Inclusion | 41.00 kb |
November 02, 2005 |
 | Advances against Gold Ornaments and Jewellery | 61.00 kb |
October 25, 2005 |
 | OLTAS – Drop Box facility for Direct Tax Challans | 41.00 kb |
October 17, 2005 |
 | Electronic Clearing Service | 38.00 kb |
October 06, 2005 |
 | Providing E-payment Facilities to Tax Payers | 41.00 kb |
September 03, 2005 |
 | Guidelines on One-Time Settlement Scheme for SME Accounts | 51.00 kb |
 | KYC/AML Standards for scheduled commercial banks | 44.00 kb |
August 16, 2005 |
 | Facilitating opening of bank accounts for flood affected persons | 40.00 kb |
August 10, 2005 |
 | Indian banknotes with additional/new security features | 42.00 kb |
August 06, 2005 |
 | Tax Counterfoil for Cash Payments/ Debit to A/c. with the designated branch | 40.00 kb |
August 02, 2005 |
 | Facilitating opening of bank accounts for flood affected persons | 41.00 kb |
July 20, 2005 |
 | Internet Banking in India – Guidelines | 7.00 kb |
July 12, 2005 |
 | Settlement of claims in respect of deceased depositors – Simplification of Procedure | 23.00 kb |
June 14, 2005 |
 | Use of Plastic Cards by Resident Indians while on a visit outside India | 16.00 kb |
June 09, 2005 |
 | Procedure for settlement of claims relating to Deceased Depositors Simplified | 14.00 kb |
May 31, 2005 |
 | Liberalised Remittance Scheme of USD 25,000 for Resident Individuals | 13.00 kb |
May 25, 2005 |
 | Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 - Clarifications | 8.00 kb |
May 14, 2005 |
 | Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 - Amendments | 5.00 kb |
May 07, 2005 |
 | Indian banknotes with additional/revised security features | 16.00 kb |
April 30, 2005 |
 | Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Door-step banking | 5.00 kb |
January 19, 2005 |
 | Non-acceptance of coins by bank branches | 5.00 kb |
January 15, 2005 |
 | Payment Order for Matured Relief/Savings Bonds in the name of the Joint Holder | 6.00 kb |
December 27, 2004 |
 | Non-acceptance of coins | 10.00 kb |
November 29, 2004 |
 | Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards | 36.00 kb |
November 01, 2004 |
 | Minimum Tenor of Domestic Term Deposits Reduced from 15 Days to 7 Days | 9.00 kb |
October 07, 2004 |
 | Operation of the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS) through Public Sector Banks | 10.00 kb |
June 21, 2004 |
 | Guidelines on KYC Norms - Existing Accounts | 9.00 kb |
May 29, 2004 |
 | "Know Your Customer" Guidelines-Compliance | 5.00 kb |
April 17, 2004 |
 | FEMA 1999 – Current Account Transactions – Remittance for maintenance of close relatives abroad- Requests of Indian Nationals on deputation to India from Overseas Companies - A.P (DIR Series) Circular No.86 | 20.00 kb |
April 05, 2004 |
 | Acceptance of coins | 9.00 kb |
Feburary 27, 2004 |
 | Grant of advances against the security of Relief Bonds | 108.00 kb |
Feburary 05, 2004 |
 | Revised guidelines for compromise settlement of chronic Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of public sector banks upto Rs 10 crore | 7.00 kb |
January 29, 2004 |
 | Provision of note counting machines in the counters | 5.00 kb |
January 19, 2004 |
 | Providing facilities to public for exchange of notes, coins, etc. | 8.00 kb |
January 16, 2004 |
 | 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds 2003 | 110.00 kb |
October 11, 2003 |
 | Banks advised to desist from using Stickers/Gummed Labels on Note Packets | 5.00 kb |
September 27, 2003 |
 | Borrowing from Close Relatives Abroad A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.24 (Sept 27, 2003) | 9.00 kb |
July 23, 2003 |
 | Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 – Third party transfer of funds through ATMs | 7.00 kb |
July 17, 2003 |
 | Current Account Transactions - Liberalisation | 9.00 kb |
June 26, 2003 |
 | Procedure for Dishonour of cheques | 9.00 kb |
May 21, 2003 |
 | International Credit Cards - Liberalisation of Facilities for Residents A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.103 (May 21, 2003) | 5.00 kb |
May 05, 2003 |
 | Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for Lenders | 14.00 kb |
January 24, 2003 |
 | Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 – Current Account Transactions – Use of International Credit Cards abroad A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.73 (January 24, 2003) | 9.00 kb |
December 26, 2002 |
 | Minimum balance in savings bank accounts | 5.00 kb |
December 24, 2002 |
 | Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Account –Facility for Resident Individuals A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.64 (December 24, 2002) | 5.00 kb |
December 14, 2002 |
 | Opening of saving bank accounts in the name of certain bodies / organizations | 7.00 kb |
December 09, 2002 |
 | Issue of International Credit Cards to Non- Resident Indians (NRIs)/Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.59 (Dec 9, 2002) | 6.00 kb |
November 25, 2002 |
 | Remittance of Foreign Exchange for Miscellaneous purposes | 11.00 kb |
November 23, 2002 |
 | Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Account - Facility for Resident Individuals A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.53 (November 23, 2002) | 10.00 kb |
November 18, 2002 |
 | Increase in release of foreign exchange for private visits abroad A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.51 (November 18, 2002) | 6.00 kb |
November 06, 2002 |
 | Special One-Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme for Small and Marginal farmers | 5.00 kb |
November 05, 2002 |
 | Issue of International Credit Cards to Non- Resident Indians (NRIs)/Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.40 (November 5, 2002) | 5.00 kb |
November 01, 2002 |
 | Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) Account - Facility for Resident Individuals A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.37 (November 1, 2002) | 8.00 kb |
October 18, 2002 |
 | Release of Exchange for Private Travel A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.31 (October 18, 2002 | 16.00 kb |
September 12, 2002 |
 | Liberalisation of Release of Foreign Exchange for Medical Treatment Abroad A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.17 (September 12, 2002) | 5.00 kb |
August 23, 2002 |
 | Customer Service - Immediate credit for outstation and local cheques - enhancement of ceiling | 8.00 kb |
August 16, 2002 |
 | Guidelines on "Know Your Customer" norms and "Cash transactions" | 18.00 kb |
July 18, 2002 |
 | Updating Passbooks of customers maintaining Savings Bank/Current Accounts | 5.00 kb |
July 17, 2002 |
 | Transferability of Relief Bonds of earlier series | 5.00 kb |
July 15, 2002 |
 | Release of Foreign Exchange for Travel outside India | 36.00 kb |
June 27, 2002 |
 | Use of Credit Cards AP (DIR Series) Circular No.53 (June 27, 2002) | 9.00 kb |
April 11, 2002 |
 | Issue of Smart Cards by banks | 7.00 kb |
April 08, 2002 |
 | Customer Service - Reversal of Erroneous Debits Arising on Fraudulent or Other Transactions | 12.00 kb |
Feburary 04, 2002 |
 | Release of Assets of Deceased Customers to Legal Survivors/Claimants | 8.00 kb |
January 01, 2002 |
 | Release of Assets of Deceased Customers to Legal Survivors/Claimants | 5.00 kb |
December 22, 2001 |
 | One Time Settlement of NPAs- Small Loan Accounts with sanctioned limits upto RS.25,000/- | 10.00 kb |
November 13, 2001 |
 | Release of Foreign Exchange for visits abroad - Currency Component A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 11 | 5.00 kb |
November 07, 2001 |
 | Stapling of Note Packets - Removal | 6.00 kb |
July 27, 2001 |
 | Remittance for participation in lottery etc. schemes A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.2 (July 27, 2001) | 6.00 kb |
May 12, 2001 |
 | Credit Card business of banks | 8.00 kb |
April 19, 2001 |
 | Interest Rates on Deposits | 10.00 kb |
Feburary 27, 2001 |
 | Payment of Balance in Account of the Deceased Customers to Legal Survivors / Claimants | 51.00 kb |
January 10, 2001 |
 | Non - acceptance of Rs.500/- denomination notes | 3.00 kb |
January 09, 2001 |
 | Payment of interest on the term deposit of a deceased depositor | 4.00 kb |
November 01, 2000 |
 | Foreign Exchange Management Act , 1999 - Foreign Travel A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.19 (October 30, 2000) | 19.00 kb |
August 22, 2000 |
 | Payment of Balance in Accounts of the Deceased Customers to Survivors / Claimants | 53.00 kb |
June 02, 2000 |
 | Limits for release of foreign exchange revised | 5.00 kb |
April 01, 2000 |
 | Interest Rates on advances against domestic/NRE/FCNR(B) term deposits | 11.00 kb |
 | Interest Rates on Deposits | 5.00 kb |
Feburary 25, 1999 |
 | Operation of Bank Accounts by Old/Sick/Incapacitated Customers | 34.00 kb |
March 05, 1997 |
 | Interest Rates on Deposits | 31.00 kb |
September 10, 1996 |
 | Operation of Safe Deposits Lockers by Customers | 42.00 kb |
April 06, 1994 |
 | Committee on Customer Service in Banks - Implementation of Recommendations of the Goiporia Committee | 39.00 kb |
January 01, 1994 |
 | Customer Service - Immediate Credit of Local Cheques | 39.00 kb |
September 10, 1993 |
 | Delay in Crediting the Proceeds of Outstanding Instruments - Rate of interest | 42.00 kb |
May 26, 1993 |
 | Interest Rates on Deposits - Premature Withdrawal |
May 12, 1993 |
 | Customer Service | 62.00 kb |
May 11, 1993 |
 | Customer Service - Implementation of Recommendations of the Goiporia Committee | 46.00 kb |
April 21, 1992 |
 | Interest Rates on Deposits | 33.00 kb |
May 26, 1988 |
 | Payment of Balance in the Accounts of Deceased Customers to Survivors/Claimants and Nomination Facilities | 34.00 kb |