Note: 1. For the year 1995-96, interest rate on deposits of maturity above 3 years, and from 1996-97 onwards, interest rates on deposit for all the maturities refer to the deposit rates of 5 major public sector banks as at end-March.
2.From 1994-95 onwards, data on minimum general key lending rates prescribed by RBI refers to the prime lending rates of 5 major public sector banks.
3. For 2010-11, data on deposit rates and Base rates of 5 major public sector banks refer to the period up to July 31, 2010. From July 1, 2010 BPLR System is replaced by Base Rate System. Accordingly the data reflects the Base Rate of five major public sector banks. Data for 2010-11 for Call/Notice Money rates are average of April-July 2010.
4. Data for dividend rate and yield rate for units of UTI are based on data received from Unit Trust of India.
5. Data on annual(gross) redemption yield of Government of India securities are based on redemption yield which is computed from 2000-01 as the mean of the daily weighted average
yield of the transactions in each traded security. The weight is calculated as the share of the transaction in a given security in the aggregated value.
6. Data on prime lending rates for IDBI, IFCI and ICICI for the year 1999-00 relates to long-term prime lending rates in January 2000.
7. Data on prime lending rates for State Financial Corporation for all the years and for other term lending institutions from 2002-03 onwards relate to long-term (over 36-month) PLR.
8. Data on prime lending rate of IIBl/IRBI from 2003-04 onwards relate to single PLR effective July 31, 2003.
9. IDBI ceased to be term lending institution on its conversion into a banking entity effective October 11, 2004.
10. ICICI ceased to be a term-lending institution after its merger with ICICI Bank.
11. Figures in brackets indicate lending rate charged to small-scale industries.
12. IFCI has become a non-bank financial company.
13. IIBI is in the process of voluntary winding up.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source: Respective financial institutions and Reserve Bank of India.