RBI / 2004-05 / 69
DNBS (PD) C.C. No. 42 / 02.59 / 2004-05
July 24, 2004
To all NBFCs registered as non-public deposits taking companies
Dear Sir,
Section 45-IA of the RBI Act – Grant of CoR –Requirement
of minimum NOF of Rs. 200 lakhs as an additional condition for allowing NBFCs
registered in non-public deposit taking category to accept public deposits
In terms of Section 45-IA of the RBI Act, the
NBFCs existing as on January 9, 1997 were required to obtain a Certificate of
Registration (CoR) from RBI. Eligible NBFCs not holding public deposits or those
which have been incorporated after January 9, 1997 have been granted the CoR
in the category of non-deposit taking NBFCs. As a part of the terms and conditions
subject to which the CoR was issued, it was also stipulated that any such NBFC
would have to obtain prior permission of RBI before commencing acceptance of
public deposits and that such request would be entertained only after two years
of track record of performance of the company.
2. In terms of Notification
No. DNBS.132 / CGM (VSNM) – 99 dated April 21, 1999, the minimum NOF requirement
for the new companies applying for grant of CoR to commence business of an NBFI
was raised to Rs.200 lakhs. In the light of the above, it is considered necessary
in the interest of the depositors and in public interest that the NBFCs which
were granted CoR in the non-public deposit taking category should meet the minimum
capital requirements of R.200 lakhs for being eligibility to apply to RBI for
accepting public deposits. Accordingly, such NBFCs may please ensure compliance
with this requirement before applying to RBI for approval to accept public deposits.
Yours faithfully,
( D. S. Nagi )
Chief General Manager