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50 (a). Flow of Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households - Instrument-wise
Date : Dec 24, 2024
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item 2021-22
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual
Net Financial Assets (I-II) 3,42,813 3,30,490 4,85,203 5,54,816 17,13,322
Per cent of GDP 6.6 5.9 7.7 8.5 7.3
I. Financial Assets 3,63,395 5,25,419 8,16,484 9,07,366 26,12,664
Per cent of GDP 7.0 9.3 13.0 13.9 11.1
of which:          
1.Total Deposits (a)+(b) (81,064) 2,04,486 4,28,035 2,83,634 8,35,091
(a) Bank Deposits (1,06,429) 1,97,105 4,22,393 2,70,025 7,83,094
i. Commercial Banks (1,07,941) 1,95,442 4,18,267 2,62,326 7,68,094
ii. Co-operative Banks 1,512 1,663 4,126 7,699 15,000
(b) Non-Bank Deposits 25,365 7,380 5,642 13,610 51,997
of which:          
Other Financial Institutions (i+ii) 17,555 (435) (2,178) 5,770 20,712
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 5,578 (1,371) 73 4,021 8,302
ii. Housing Finance Companies 11,977 936 (2,252) 1,748 12,410
2. Life Insurance Funds 1,15,539 1,28,277 1,04,076 1,38,998 4,86,889
3. Provident and Pension Funds (including PPF) 1,24,971 1,12,810 95,493 2,18,719 5,51,993
4. Currency 1,28,660 (68,631) 62,793 1,46,845 2,69,667
5. Investments 24,884 82,260 69,715 50,926 2,27,785
of which:          
(a) Mutual Funds 14,573 63,151 37,912 44,964 1,60,600
(b) Equity 4,502 13,218 27,808 3,084 48,613
6. Small Savings (excluding PPF) 50,405 66,218 56,372 68,243 2,41,238
II. Financial Liabilities 20,583 1,94,929 3,31,281 3,52,550 8,99,343
Per cent of GDP 0.4 3.5 5.3 5.4 3.8
Loans (Borrowings) from          
1. Financial Corporations (a+b) 20,479 1,94,825 3,31,178 3,52,446 8,98,928
(a) Banking Sector 21,428 1,38,720 2,67,955 2,74,181 7,02,284
of which:          
i. Commercial Banks 26,979 1,40,269 2,65,271 3,37,010 7,69,529
(b) Other Financial Institutions (949) 56,105 63,223 78,266 1,96,644
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies (8,708) 30,151 32,177 40,003 93,623
ii. Housing Finance Companies 7,132 24,404 29,495 37,436 98,467
iii. Insurance Corporations 627 1,550 1,551 827 4,554
2. Non-Financial Corporations (Private Corporate Business) 34 34 34 34 135
3. General Government 70 70 70 70 279

No. 50 (a): Flow of Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households - Instrument-wise (Contd.)
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item 2022-23
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual
Net Financial Assets (I-II) 2,89,980 2,99,395 2,96,132 4,54,240 13,39,748
Per cent of GDP 4.5 4.6 4.3 6.4 5.0
I. Financial Assets 5,79,958 6,34,471 7,50,245 9,71,526 29,36,200
Per cent of GDP 8.9 9.8 10.9 13.6 10.9
of which:          
1.Total Deposits (a)+(b) 1,85,429 3,17,361 2,80,233 3,25,853 11,08,876
(a) Bank Deposits 1,63,172 2,99,533 2,56,400 3,07,867 10,26,971
i. Commercial Banks 1,58,613 3,00,565 2,48,460 2,84,968 9,92,606
ii. Co-operative Banks 4,559 (1,032) 7,940 22,899 34,365
(b) Non-Bank Deposits 22,257 17,829 23,833 17,986 81,905
of which:          
Other Financial Institutions (i+ii) 6,505 2,077 8,082 2,234 18,897
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 4,231 3,267 3,247 3,946 14,690
ii. Housing Finance Companies 2,274 (1,191) 4,835 (1,712) 4,207
2. Life Insurance Funds 73,298 1,51,677 1,67,522 1,56,613 5,49,109
3. Provident and Pension Funds (including PPF) 1,48,915 1,20,367 1,38,584 2,18,709 6,26,575
4. Currency 66,439 (54,579) 76,760 1,48,990 2,37,610
5. Investments 51,503 48,530 49,779 64,151 2,13,962
of which:          
(a) Mutual Funds 35,443 44,484 40,206 58,955 1,79,088
(b) Equity 13,561 1,378 6,434 1,665 23,038
6. Small Savings (excluding PPF) 54,375 51,115 37,368 57,211 2,00,068
II. Financial Liabilities 2,89,978 3,35,076 4,54,113 5,17,285 15,96,452
Per cent of GDP 4.5 5.2 6.6 7.3 5.9
Loans (Borrowings) from          
1. Financial Corporations (a+b) 2,89,781 3,34,880 4,53,917 5,17,089 15,95,667
(a) Banking Sector 2,34,235 2,63,450 3,70,783 3,83,845 12,52,313
of which:          
i. Commercial Banks 2,30,284 2,61,265 3,68,305 3,31,293 11,91,146
(b) Other Financial Institutions 55,546 71,429 83,134 1,33,244 3,43,354
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 30,532 36,650 55,792 94,565 2,17,539
ii. Housing Finance Companies 22,337 33,031 24,903 36,746 1,17,017
iii. Insurance Corporations 2,678 1,748 2,439 1,933 8,798
2. Non-Financial Corporations (Private Corporate Business) 34 34 34 34 135
3. General Government 163 163 163 163 650

No. 50 (a): Flow of Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households - Instrument-wise (Concld.)
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item 2023-24
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual
Net Financial Assets (I-II) 3,53,093 2,89,675 2,98,111 6,11,366 15,52,245
Per cent of GDP 5.0 4.1 3.9 7.8 5.3
I. Financial Assets 6,74,763 8,15,842 8,08,779 11,32,130 34,31,514
Per cent of GDP 9.6 11.5 10.7 14.5 11.6
of which:          
1.Total Deposits (a)+(b) 2,68,925 4,12,388 2,99,372 4,10,559 13,91,244
(a) Bank Deposits 2,55,249 5,06,208 2,79,872 3,94,573 14,35,902
i. Commercial Banks 2,46,079 5,06,700 2,82,537 3,87,313 14,22,629
ii. Co-operative Banks 9,170 (492) (2,665) 7,260 13,273
(b) Non-Bank Deposits 13,676 (93,820) 19,499 15,986 (44,658)
of which:          
Other Financial Institutions (i+ii) (485) (1,07,982) 5,338 1,825 (1,01,305)
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 6,119 4,782 4,896 1,943 17,740
ii. Housing Finance Companies (6,605) (1,12,764) 442 (118) (1,19,045)
2. Life Insurance Funds 1,58,358 1,41,413 1,61,192 1,30,036 5,90,999
3. Provident and Pension Funds (including PPF) 1,63,508 1,48,178 1,53,255 2,53,719 7,18,661
4. Currency (48,636) (36,701) 56,719 1,46,644 1,18,026
5. Investments 41,409 73,060 79,633 1,08,732 3,02,834
of which:          
(a) Mutual Funds 32,086 55,769 60,135 90,973 2,38,962
(b) Equity 3,757 7,146 9,941 8,236 29,080
6. Small Savings (excluding PPF) 91,198 77,504 58,607 82,441 3,09,751
II. Financial Liabilities 3,21,670 5,26,167 5,10,667 5,20,764 18,79,269
Per cent of GDP 4.6 7.4 6.7 6.7 6.4
Loans (Borrowings) from          
1. Financial Corporations (a+b) 3,21,520 5,26,016 5,10,516 5,20,613 18,78,666
(a) Banking Sector 2,13,606 8,68,874 4,02,647 3,92,330 18,77,458
of which:          
i. Commercial Banks 2,08,027 8,75,654 3,89,898 3,82,558 18,56,136
(b) Other Financial Institutions 1,07,914 (3,42,858) 1,07,869 1,28,283 1,208
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 81,449 59,684 85,032 1,00,836 3,27,001
ii. Housing Finance Companies 23,784 (4,04,294) 21,233 25,853 (3,33,424)
iii. Insurance Corporations 2,681 1,753 1,604 1,594 7,631
2. Non-Financial Corporations (Private Corporate Business) 34 35 35 35 138
3. General Government 116 116 116 116 465
Notes : 1. Net Financial Savings of households refer to the net financial assets, which are measured as difference of financial asset and liabilities flows.
2. Preliminary estimates for 2023-24 and revised estimates for 2021-22 and 2022-23.
3. The preliminary estimates for 2023-24 will undergo revision with the release of first revised estimates of national income, consumption expenditure, savings, and capital formation, 2023-24 by the National Statistical Office (NSO).
4. Non-bank deposits apart from other financial institutions, comprises state power utilities, co-operative non credit societies etc.
5. Figures in the columns may not add up to the total due to rounding off.
