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24. Treasury Bills – Ownership Pattern
Date : Dec 24, 2024
(₹ Crore)
Item 2023-24 2023 2024
Oct. 27 Sep. 20 Sep. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 91-day                
1.1 Banks 18054 10711 3475 5662 3677 3099 3987 4445
1.2 Primary Dealers 22676 21650 8242 5698 7262 8191 8176 7867
1.3 State Governments 5701 20974 71688 69688 70088 63073 75533 94683
1.4 Others 88670 99139 94083 90440 89862 88511 84636 84488
2 182-day                
2.1 Banks 84913 78300 51781 44787 42339 40097 38664 39780
2.2 Primary Dealers 87779 91001 37767 30674 32794 35358 31454 30680
2.3 State Governments 4070 13556 13909 13909 14647 11983 14467 13595
2.4 Others 102311 81399 79152 78239 78367 77046 79882 81040
3 364-day                
3.1 Banks 91819 82167 84627 84526 84887 84987 85022 82642
3.2 Primary Dealers 159085 187124 117499 122233 118548 112750 113087 115669
3.3 State Governments 41487 48417 31022 28145 30738 32439 34933 34600
3.4 Others 165095 152709 183873 173241 173565 176263 172892 169689
4 14-day Intermediate                
4.1 Banks                
4.2 Primary Dealers                
4.3 State Governments 318736 126331 175422 167512 91586 221354 188558 162948
4.4 Others 442 831 811 449 107 338 4325 547
Total Treasury Bills (Excluding 14 day Intermediate T Bills) # 871662 887147 777119 747242 746773 733795 742733 759178
# 14D intermediate T-Bills are non-marketable unlike 91D, 182D and 364D T-Bills. These bills are ‘intermediate’ by nature as these are liquidated to replenish shortfall in the daily minimum cash balances of State Governments.
Note: Primary Dealers (PDs) include banks undertaking PD business.
