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List of Departments and their Contact Persons

Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Shri Olden Nongpluh General Manager & Office-in-Charge 0364-2501837 - e-mail

PS to General Manager & Office-in-Charge
Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Shri Kunal Sehrawat Assistant Manager 0364-2501837 - e-mail

Financial Inclusion and Development Department
Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Shri Navneet Singh Nagar Deputy General Manager 0364-2501838 - e-mail
Shri Anil Kumar Reshi Assistant General Manager 0364-2501821 - e-mail

Consumer Education and Protection Cell/Market Intelligence Unit
Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Shri Navneet Singh Nagar Deputy General Manager 0364-2501838 - e-mail
Shri Lianzalal Phiamphu Assistant General Manager 0364-2501839 - e-mail

Estate Department/Information Technology Cell
Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Shri Navneet Singh Nagar Deputy General Manager 0364-2501838 - e-mail
Shri Priya Prawas Ranjan Manager 0364-2501836 - e-mail

Human Resource Management Department / Banking Department
Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Shri Sabu Padmanabhan Babu Assistant General Manager 0364-2501841 - e-mail

Protocol & Security Cell
Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Major Bhaskar Rai Manager (P&S) 0364-2501840 - e-mail

Rajbhasha Cell
Name Designation Telephone Fax E-mail ID
Shri Ajay Kumar Prasad Assistant General Manager 0364-2501847 - e-mail