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Extension of closing date - Application for the Posts of Officers in Gr. ‘B’ (DR) / Research Officer in Gr. ‘B’ for DEAP / Manager (Technical – Electrical) in Gr. ‘B’

Advt.No. 2 /2007-08

Telegraphic Address : 'SERVBOARD', Mumbai

(Complete advertisement and the Format of the Application Form can be accessed on RBI Website

Recruitment to the posts of Manager in Gr.B (DR), Research Officer
in Grade B for DEAP and Manager (Technical - Electrical) in RBI

Extension of closing date

Please refer to our Advertisement No. 1A/2007-2008 published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar dated August 4-10, 2007 and format of application published in Employment News dated August 11-17, 2007 for the captioned posts.

Closing date for the said posts has now been extended up to August 29, 2007 and the same for the far flung areas mentioned in the above advertisement will now be up to August 31, 2007. Except the above there is no other change in the Advertisement.
