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Date : Sep 15, 2018
Table 25 : Minimum Support Price for Foodgrains According to Crop Year (Fair Average Quality)
(₹ per quintal)
Year Paddy common Coarse cereals Wheat Gram Arhar
Moong Urad
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1985-86 142 130 162 260 300 300 300
1986-87 146 132 166 280 320 320 320
1987-88 150 135 173 290 325 325 325
1988-89 160 145 183 325 360 360 360
1989-90 185 165 215 421 425 425 425
1990-91 205 180 225 450 480 480 480
1991-92 230 205 280 500 545 545 545
1992-93 270 240 330 600 640 640 640
1993-94 310 260 350 640 700 700 700
1994-95 340 280 360 670 760 760 760
1995-96 360 300 380 700 800 800 800
1996-97 380 310 475 740 840 840 840
1997-98 415 360 510 815 900 900 900
1998-99 440 390 550 895 960 960 960
1999-00 490 415 580 1,015 1,105 1,105 1,105
2000-01 510 445 610 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200
2001-02 530 485 620 1,200 1,320 1,320 1,320
2002-03 530 485 620 1,220 1,320 1,330 1,330
2003-04 550 505 630 1,400 1,360 1,370 1,370
2004-05 560 515 640 1,425 1,390 1,410 1,410
2005-06 570 525 650 1,435 1,400 1,520 1,520
2006-07 580 540 850 1,445 1,410 1,520 1,520
2007-08 745 620 1,000 1,600 1,550 1,700 1,700
2008-09 900 840 1080 1730 2,000 2,520 2,520
2009-10 1,050 840 1,100 1,760 2,300 2,760 2,520
2010-11 1,000 880 1,170 2,100 3,500 3,670 3,400
2011-12 1,080 980 1,285 2,800 3,700 4,000 3,800
2012-13 1,250 1,175 1,350 3,000 3,850 4,400 4,300
2013-14 1,310 1,310 1,400 3,100 4,300 4,500 4,300
2014-15 1,360 1,310 1,450 3,175 4,350 4,600 4,350
2015-16 1,410 1,325 1,525 3,500 4,625 4,850 4,625
2016-17 1,470 1,365 1,625 4,000 5,050 5,225 5,000
2017-18 1,550 1,425 1,735 4,400 5,450 5,575 5,400
2018-19 1,750 1,700 - - 5,675 6,975 5,600
Notes :1. Paddy common : From 1997-98, Minimum Support Price (MSP) is announced for two varieties of paddy - common and Grade ‘A’, as against the earlier three categories of common, fine and super fine.
2. Wheat prices for 1992-93 and 1993-94, include a Central bonus of ₹ 25 per quintal.
3. Wheat price for 2006-07 and Paddy common for year 2007-08 include an additional incentive bonus of ₹ 100 per quintal is payable over the MSP.
4. Wheat prices for 1996-97 includes a Central bonus of ₹ 60 per quintal payable up to June 30, 1997.
5. Wheat prices for 2005-06 and 2010-11 include a bonus of ₹ 50 per quintal payable over the MSP.
6. Paddy common for 2006-07 include an additional incentive bonus of ₹ 40 per quintal on procurement between October 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007.
7. Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2007-08 includes a bonus of ₹ 40 per quintal payable over and above the MSP.
8. An additional incentive bonus of ₹ 50 per quintal over the MSP included for paddy common for the years 2008-09 and 2009-10.
9. For Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2010-11 and 2011-12 an additional incentive at the rate of ₹ 500 per quintal payable during the harvest/arrival period of two months is included.
10. For Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2015-16 and 2017-18 bonus of ₹ 200 per quintal payable over and above the MSP.
11. Gram for 2015-16 includes a bonus of ₹ 75 for quintal and for 2017-18 includes a bonus of ₹ 150 per quintal on and above MSP and 2016-17 included a bonus of ₹ 200 per quintal.
12. Arhar, Moong and Urad for 2016-17 includes a bonus of ₹ 425 per quintal over and above MSP.
Also See Notes on Tables.
Sources : 1. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
2. Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP).
