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Date : Feb 09, 2024
Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting Cum Corrigendum - Annual Service Contract for Pest Control Treatment at Bank’s various properties at Nagpur

Extension of Last date for Submission

(e-Tender No - RBI/Nagpur Regional Office/Others/3/23-24/ET/358)

The Prebid meeting for the captioned tender was held on February 07, 2024 at 12:30 Hrs. through CISCO WebEx. The following staff members of RBI and firms/ prospective tenderers were present during the pre-bid meeting:

S. No. Name and Designation of the RBI Official
i. Capt Maruti S Falke, Manager (Protocol & Security)
ii. Shri Avinash Kumar, Assistant Manager (Security)
iii. Major Sneha S Itty, Assistant Manager (Security)
iv. Shri Saurabh Verma, Assistant Manager
v. Shri Chetan B Khandoji, Assistant Manager
vi. Shri Markat Keshari Patra, Assistant
vi.. Shri Sriram Kumar, Assistant

S. No. Name of the Firm/ Prospective tenderers Name of the Representative
i. M/s Central India Pest Control Shri Anuiruddha Hardas
ii. M/s Seva Facility Services Pvt Ltd Shri Pravin Pimpare
Shri Hiraman Rathod
iii. M/s Central Warehousing Corporation Shri Balu Rathod
Shri Akshay Banjari

2. The following queries/proposals were raised in the pre-bid meeting:

S. No Query/Proposal Clarifications furnished by the Bank
i. Whether the personnel for pest control treatment need to be deployed on permanent basis to the Bank? Personnel for pest control treatment must be stationed locally (at Nagpur) to attend to periodic as well as on-call pest control services at each of the Bank’s properties as mentioned in the tender.
ii. What should be the schedule of pest control treatment? Kindly refer to Section I “Scope of Work and Schedule of Quantities” (Page No. 46-50) for the details. It should be noted that in addition to the periodic treatments as mentioned in the said Section, the contractor is required to attend to on-call pest control treatment as and when required by the Bank at no additional cost.
iii. Please specify appropriate time for carrying out Site visit of the Bank’s properties. In order to properly assess the Bank’s requirements, intending tenderers are advised to perform a site visit at their own cost on or before the last date of submission of tender during office hours (preferably from 10:00 Hrs to 15:00 Hrs) on the Bank’s working day (Monday-Friday).

You may register your request for the same by sending an email to the contact person of the Bank specified in Page No. 17 of the tender document.
iv. For some of the activities, frequency of work is weekly. Whether the amount to be quoted for such activities on monthly basis or weekly basis? Amount needs to be quoted on monthly basis (excluding GST) irrespective to the frequency of work.
v. Will the invoicing be done on monthly basis? Kindly refer to Clause 23 of Section J “Terms & Conditions of Contract” (Page No. 55), The payment for the works to be executed under this contract shall be made on a monthly basis through NEFT. Accordingly, invoicing will be done on the monthly basis.

Further, following documents for the corresponding month duly certified by the firm to be submitted along with bill for payment:

i. a record giving full details of pest control treatment done duly signed by
  • department admin/ vault custodian- in case of departments/ vaults in offices
  • residents- in case of occupied flats in colonies (flat wise)
  • caretaker of the concerned property- in case of common areas of offices/ colonies and vacant flats in colonies (flat wise)
ii. Any other logbooks/ document as directed by the Bank.

iii. Documentary evidence indicating the payment made towards PF/ESI, if applicable.

iv. Declaration/ Certificate of Compliance of payment to workers as per Minimum Wages Act & provision of amenities as per CLRA Act and all other Statutory and Regulatory requirements as applicable.
vi. Lately Glue traps are getting banned in several states. Should Glue traps be used for Rodent Control at your premises? In case usage of Glue traps are getting banned, suitable alternatives as approved by the local authorities may be used.
vii. Kindly provide clarification on documents to be submitted along with the tender. Kindly refer to Clause 3 of Section E “Eligibility Criteria for participating in the e-Tender” (Page No. 23-27) for the details of documents to be submitted along with the tender.

A checklist of the documents is also provided in Annex X of the tender document. A similar checklist will be available in MSTC portal, the intending tenderers will be required to upload the corresponding documents as per checklist in PDF format to the MSTC portal.
viii. Kindly clarify on requirement of submitting undertaking of having all the required legal/ statutory approvals for carrying out this business at Nagpur. Kindly refer to Clause 3 (k) of Section E “Eligibility Criteria for participating in the e-Tender” (Page No. 27), Tenderers should furnish an undertaking declaring that they have obtained all the required legal/ statutory approvals for carrying out this business at Nagpur along with all relevant valid documents like “License to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribution of insecticides including stock and use of insecticides for commercial pest control operations” issued by Government of Maharashtra etc.

This undertaking should be furnished in the official letterhead of the tenderer. The undertaking as well as all supporting documents (license etc.) must be scanned in a single PDF file and uploaded to the MSTC portal at corresponding checklist point.
ix. What is the bidding period for the tender? Bidding period will be from February 09, 2024 at 12:00 Hrs. to February 20, 2024 up to 12:00 Hrs.

However, it may be noted that the cut-off time for submitting EMD will be February 20, 2024 up to 11:00 Hrs.
x. Whom and how to contact in case of difficulty in tendering process? Contact details of RBI and MSTC officials is given under Clause 1 (ii) of Section D “Important Instructions Regarding E-tender” (Page No. 17) of the tender. You may contact the RBI officials in case of any difficulty or queries regarding tender and documents to be uploaded. In case of difficulty in accessing and usage of MSTC portal, you may contact MSTC officials.

3. Additionally, it was informed by the Bank that Micro and Small Enterprises having Udyam Registration Number (Udyam Aadhar Memorandum Number) irrespective of category are exempt from submission of EMD. In this connection, the following amendments/corrigenda in the Tender document is notified:

S. No. Clause No. Existing Clause Amended Clause
i. 5 (i) of Schedule of Tender (SOT)
(Page No. 7)
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) By

(1) NEFT, RBI A/c No.8714295, IFSC Code: RBIS0NGPA01 (5th& 10th digit is zero), or

(2) DD in favour of Reserve Bank of India, payable at Nagpur, or

(3) An irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in the Bank’s standard proforma (Annexure-B)
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) By

(1) NEFT, RBI A/c No.8714295, IFSC Code: RBIS0NGPA01 (5th& 10th digit is zero), or

(2) DD in favour of Reserve Bank of India, payable at Nagpur, or

(3) An irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in the Bank’s standard proforma (Annexure-B)

Micro and Small Enterprises having Udyam Registration Number (Udyam Aadhar Memorandum Number) irrespective of category are exempt from submission of EMD. They are required to furnish their Micro/ Small Enterprises Registration certificate to avail such exemption.

It may however be noted that Medium enterprises are not provided such exemption from submitting EMD.
ii. 1 (c) of Section B “Letter of Offer”
(Page No. 10)
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) (bears no interest)
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) (bears no interest) (not applicable for Micro and Small Enterprises having Udyam Registration Number (Udyam Aadhar Memorandum Number) irrespective of category)
iii. 5 of Section-E “Eligibility Criteria for participating in thee-Tender”
(Page No. 27)
Intending tenderers need to upload relevant documents supporting their eligibility criteria and scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (NEFT statement/ Bank Guarantee/ Demand draft) along with Techno-commercial bid (Part-I) of the tender. Intending tenderers need to upload relevant documents supporting their eligibility criteria and scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit (NEFT statement/ Bank Guarantee/ Demand draft) along with Techno-commercial bid (Part-I) of the tender. Micro and Small Enterprises having Udyam Registration Number (Udyam Aadhar Memorandum Number) irrespective of category are exempt from submission of EMD. They are required to furnish their Micro/ Small Enterprises Registration certificate to avail such exemption. It may however be noted that Medium enterprises are not provided such exemption from submitting EMD.
iv. 6 of Section-E “Eligibility Criteria for participating in thee-Tender”
(Page No. 27-28)
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) shall be deposited through

a) NEFT in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur in the A/c 8714295 & IFSC – RBIS0NGPA01 before 1100 Hrs on February 20, 2024, or

b) in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in the Bank’s standard proforma (Annexure- IV). The Bank Guarantee (from Scheduled Commercial Bank) submitted towards Earnest Money deposit has to be valid atleast for the validity period of the tender plus additional 45 days (i.e., till July 03, 2024). In such case, the Bank Guarantee should be submitted to the Bank physically before 1100 Hrs on February 20, 2024, or

c) in form of Demand Draft. In such case, the Demand Draft should be submitted to the Bank physically before 1100 Hrs on February 20, 2024.

Under no circumstances, EMD will be accepted in the form of fixed deposits of the bank, cheque or cash. The tenders not accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit as prescribed in the tender, shall be treated as Non Bonafide tender and shall not be considered for acceptance.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) shall be deposited through

a) NEFT in favour of Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur in the A/c 8714295 & IFSC – RBIS0NGPA01 before 11:00 Hrs on February 20, 2024, or

b) in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled bank in the Bank’s standard proforma (Annexure- IV). The Bank Guarantee (from Scheduled Commercial Bank) submitted towards Earnest Money deposit has to be valid atleast for the validity period of the tender plus additional 45 days (i.e., till July 03, 2024). In such case, the Bank Guarantee should be submitted to the Bank physically before 11:00 Hrs on February 20, 2024, or

c) in form of Demand Draft. In such case, the Demand Draft should be submitted to the Bank physically before 11:00 Hrs on February 20, 2024.

Under no circumstances, EMD will be accepted in the form of fixed deposits of the bank, cheque or cash. The tenders not accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit as prescribed in the tender, shall be treated as Non Bonafide tender and shall not be considered for acceptance.

However, Micro and Small Enterprises having Udyam Registration Number (Udyam Aadhar Memorandum Number) irrespective of category are exempt from submission of EMD. They are required to furnish their Micro/ Small Enterprises Registration certificate to avail such exemption. In case, they fail to furnish such certificate of having registered as Micro or Small Enterprises, their tender shall be treated as Non Bonafide tender and shall not be considered for acceptance.

It may further be noted that Medium enterprises are not provided such exemption from depositing EMD.
v. 2 of Section L “Check List of Commercial Conditions”
(Page No. 62)
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)- ₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) in form of NEFT/ Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)- ₹18,100/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Only) in form of NEFT/ Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee. (not applicable for Micro and Small Enterprises having Udyam Registration Number (Udyam Aadhar Memorandum Number) irrespective of category)

4. All the above points were noted and agreed by the firms. Firms were advised to adhere to the prequalification criteria and all terms & conditions mentioned in the tender documents.

Please note:
A This document (Minutes of the Pre-bid meeting cum corrigendum) shall form a part of the tender. Hence, it shall be signed and submitted along with the tender by the tenderers.
B Rest of the terms and conditions and specifications as mentioned in the tender documents shall continue to remain the same.
C The above amendments/ clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders.
D The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the bid document and amendments/ clarifications given above.
E In case any vendors have already uploaded their bids to the MSTC portal before issuance of this Minutes of the Pre-bid meeting cum Corrigendum, they are advised to revise their bids and re upload their bids to the MSTC portal.

GM O-i-C
Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur

Place: Nagpur
Date: February 09, 2024
