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(942 kb)
Date : Jan 24, 2023
Empanelment of Ranchi based reputed Firms / Agencies / Companies for providing Cars / Utility vehicles of different variants on hire to the Reserve Bank of India, Kutchery, Ranchi


Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting



a. e-Tender No. RBI/Ranchi/HRMD/69/22-23/ET/581
b. Name of Tender Tender for Empanelment of Ranchi based reputed Firms / Agencies / Companies for providing Cars / Utility vehicles of different variants on hire to the Reserve Bank of India, Kutchery, Ranchi – 834001 for local / outstation tours of Bank’s Executives, Staff and Guests on “need basis” for the period from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.
c. Mode of Tender e-Procurement System
(Online Part I – Technical Bid and Part II – Financial / Price Bid through
d. Date of Notice Inviting Tender
(NIT) available to parties to download
January 24, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. onwards.
e. Pre-Bid meeting January 31, 2023 at 15:00 hours at Conference Room, 4th Floor, Reserve Bank of India, Pragati Sadan, Kutchery Chowk, 834001.

Note: Date and time of the meeting may change subject to the COVID-19 pandemic scenario. The Bank, if it deems necessary may at its own discretion cancel the Pre-bid Meeting.
f. Estimated Cost of the Tender ₹40,00,000 (Rupees Forty Lakh only)
g. Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 80,000/- (being 2% of the total contract value shall be deposited by each bidder) in the form of NEFT on or before February 20, 2023 before 12.00 Noon

Beneficiary A/c Name RBI NEFT Inward Received
Beneficiary A/c number 186003001
(Fifth and Tenth character in IFSC is Zero)

Kindly mention your name/ company name in the NEFT Transaction remarks. The bidders are also advised to send the proof of remittance with transaction number (scanned copy) to the following e-mail ID:
h. Last date of submission of EMD February 20, 2023 before 12.00 Noon
i. Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of online Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid at
January 25, 2023 at 11:00 AM
j. Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid February 20, 2023 at 02.00 PM
k. Date/ time/venue of opening of Tender Part I February 20, 2023 at 03.00 PM at Conference Room, 4th Floor, Reserve Bank of India, Pragati Sadan, Kutchery Chowk, 834001.
l. Date/ time/Venue of opening of Tender Part II Date and time of opening of Financial bid shall be informed separately.
m. Transaction Fee Payment of Transaction fee as mentioned in the MSTC portal through MSTC payment gateway through / NEFT / RTGS in favour of MSTC LIMITED or as advised by M/s MSTC Ltd.
Please do not transfer the transaction fee to the Reserve Bank of India, Ranchi

In case of any clarification, you may please contact the following officials of RBI:

Shri Sunny, Manager – – 8809501850

Shri Ujjwal Ghosh, Assistant General Manager – - 9771431574

Quotations will be opened on the due date and time as specified in this document. You may nominate a representative to be present on the occasion.

Note: All the bidders may please note that any amendments/corrigendum to the NIT, if issued in future, will be notified on the RBI Website and MSTC Website and will not be published in the newspaper.

General Manager (OIC)
Reserve Bank of India
Ranchi Office

January 24, 2023


1. RBI shall obtain reports on the past performance of the tenderer from his/ their clients and shall evaluate the said reports as per the evaluation criteria before opening of the Part- II of the tenders. If any tender is not found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the tendering process at any point of time and /or his/ their performance reports received from his/ their clients and /or his bankers’ report are found unsatisfactory, RBI reserves the right to reject his tender offer.

2. RBI is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender and also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.

3. Every tenderer has to sign (with stamp) each and every page of tender document and upload the same while uploading documents in MSTC portal.

4. The tenderers are requested not to submit PART II (Financial Bid) along with PART I document (Technical Bid), else the participation will be rejected.

Tenders Awarded
