The pre-bid meeting for the captioned tender was conducted by Estate Department in the Conference Room on 07.01.2025 at 11:00 AM in presence of the following: For Reserve Bank of India: -
Shri Sachin Sharma, DGM (Estate) -
Shri B Kamal Nayak, AGM (Estate) -
Shri Abhirup Chaudhuri, AM (Technical – Civil) -
Shri Palash Chaurasia, AM (Estate) -
Shri Saket Ashok Puttewar, JE (Technical- Civil) -
Shri Dhirendra Singh Raj, Assistant (Estate) Prospective Tenderers: -
Shri Yogesh P Lokhande, M/s Yogesh P Lokhande -
Shri Sunil Giradkar, M/s Giradkar Associates -
Shri Abhiman Hegde, M/s Abhiman Hegde -
Shri Niyazuddin Shaikh M/s Deepak Engineers Gist of the queries raised by the prospective bidders and Bank’s clarification on the same is as follows. 1. Query: Will the site be vacant for the captioned work? Clarification: Yes, the site provided will be vacant for the captioned work. 2. Query: GST to be quoted separately? Clarification: GST is included in rate. Please read tender document thoroughly. | |