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Date : Sep 05, 2024
External Repairs and Repainting works of Buildings at Bank’s Staff Quarters, Thamalam, Thiruvananthapuram

Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting

Reserve Bank of India, Thiruvananthapuram invites two-part tender through e-Tender mode from eligible contractors who meets the minimum pre-qualification criteria specified below for the following work. The salient details of the work for which bids are invited and important instructions to the bidder are as under:

i e-Tender No RBI/Thiruvananthapuram Regional office/Estate/6/24-25/ET/413
ii Name and Location of the work External Repairs and Repainting works of Buildings at Bank’s Staff Quarters, Thamalam, Thiruvananthapuram’
iii Name, Address of tender inviting authority Shri Thomas Mathew, Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Thiruvanathapuram, 695033.
E Mail id:
iv Estimated cost put to tender ₹73 Lakh/-
v Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ₹1,46,000/-
vi Period of completion Four (04) months
vii (a) Tender documents available on and to be downloaded /submitted through e-Tender mode Through Bank’s approved e-Tender portal
(b) Period of Tender documents available From 03:00 PM on 05/09/2024 to 10:59 AM on 30/09/2024.
viii Important instructions on e-Tender and amount of transaction fee to be paid. For instructions on e-Tender, please refer to the Schedule - H of the tender document.
e-Tender transaction fee shall be paid in the MSTC Website as applicable.
ix Pre-bid meeting (offline) 27/09/2024 at 11:00 AM in Estate Department, RBI, Thiruvananthapuram
x Period of submission of Bid (online) - Techno commercial (Part I) and price bid (Part II). From 11:00 AM on 30/09/2024 to 03:00 PM on 10/10/2024
xi Date and time of opening of Bid 10-10-2024 at 04:00 PM
xii Contact details of tender inviting authority personnel 1. Shri Shaji Krishnan (Assistant General Manager, Estate Department) 0471-278 3030/ (

2. Shri Muthuraja M (Assistant Manager, Estate Department) 0471-278 3029/ (

2. The Bidder/ contractor who fulfils the following minimum pre-qualification criteria shall be eligible to participate in tendering process.
