E-tender No: RBI/Delhi Regional Office/Estate/1/24-25/ET/98 It has been decided to extend the last date of submission of EMD and tender documents for the above-mentioned tender as per the following schedule- Last date of submission of EMD | On or before 21.08.2024 by 12:00 PM | Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid | 02:00 PM on 21.08.2024 | Date & time of opening of Part-I (i.e. Techno-Commercial Bid) | 03:00 PM on 21.08.2024 | Date & time of opening of Part-II (i.e. Price Bid) | Bidder(s) will be intimated regarding date of opening of Part-II (Financial Bid) through valid email given by them | 2. Accordingly, the requirement mentioned against the criteria (iii) in Section 4 of the tender document, has been amended as follows- Section: 4 (General Instructions to the Bidder/Contractors and Special Conditions of Contract)- Criteria iii: Minimum value of each completed similar work/s* | Existing | Amended | The tenderer shall have successfully completed similar works in past five years ending May 31, 2024. | The tenderer shall have successfully completed similar works in past five years ending August 21, 2024. | 3. All other terms and conditions of the e-tender shall remain unchanged. | |