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Date : Aug 06, 2024
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting - Supply of fully covered container trucks / vehicles for transportation of coin bags containing coins, Hyderabad

E-Tender No: RBI/Hyderabad/Issue/1/24-25/ET/100

E-tenders were invited for supply of container trucks for transportation of Coin Bags after publishing the Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) in Press, MSTC Portal and on the Bank’s website on July 15, 2024.

As per schedule, pre-bid meeting was conducted at 3:30 PM on August 05, 2024 in Issue Department, 2nd floor Main Office Building, RBI, Hyderabad.

2. The list of officials of the Issue Department, RBI Hyderabad and interested bidders who participated in the pre-bid meeting is given in Annexure-1.

3. All the major terms and conditions were explained to the firms in detail.

4. It was clarified that the rates to be quoted for supply of container trucks for transportation of Coin Bags shall be exclusive of GST but inclusive of all other charges/taxes.

5. The provisions of Earnest Money Deposit and Performance Bank Guarantee were also explained to the bidders. The format for Bank Guarantee (as per PD Manual) was shown to bidders.

6. It was reiterated that the vehicles deployed for transportation of coins must be fitted with Global Positioning System (GPS) kit for tracking purpose, CCTV enabled for passenger and cargo compartment and wireless mobile communication system along with hooter.

7. Manager, Issue Department concluded the meeting with vote of thanks.


(i) This document (minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting) shall form a part of the tender.

(ii) Rest of the terms and conditions and specifications of the bid document shall continue to remain the same.

(iii) The above amendments / clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders.

(iv) The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the bid document and amendments / clarifications given above.


List of Participants

S. No Name of the organization/firm Name of the Rep
1 RBI Ankit Agrawal, Manager
2 RBI Nimmakayala Tejdeepthi, Manager
3 RBI Prasanna Ponnapalli, AM
4 RBI Prashant Kumar Jagdish Nayak, AM
5 RBI Manoj Kumar Garipally, Assistant
6 OM Sawari Asif Hussain
7 OM Sawari Subrojit Dar
8 S&IB Services pvt Ltd Somnath Chalteyer
9 S&IB Services pvt Ltd Santanu Sarkar
10 MSKGN Transport contractors Md Nizam Ahmed
11 Currency Movers Santosh K Gurbde
12 MSKGN Transport contractors Naveen Kumar
13 MSKGN Transport Contractors Insihadh
