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Date : Aug 06, 2024
Addendum - Production and distribution of Web Series Commemorating 90 years of RBI, Mumbai


Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting

E-Tender No. - RBI/DoC-Central Office Departments/Others/10/24-25/ET/270 [Web series commemorating RBI 90]

Department of Communication (DoC) calling for bids through E-tendering on the captioned work through E-tender on RBI Website and MSTC Portal on July 26, 2024.

S. No Tender specification Reference
(relevant page(s) in Tender Document)
Answers / Clarifications from the Bank's side, if any.
1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Sr. no. ‘P’ in Schedule of Events (pg. 5) and
Para 3 of General Terms and Conditions – Pg 33
Option of online deposit is available, however, it is preferred to receive the EMD through a Bank Guarantee.

Bidder can deposit EMD on the following NEFT details:

Beneficiary Name: Reserve Bank of India

A/C no: 41869229964

IFSC: RBIS0COD001 (5th, 9th and 10th character is zero)

Bidders should email the UTR number and other details for reconciliation before 5:00 PM on August 13, 2024 to email id (
2 The Bank invites proposals from interested production houses, TV Channels, and OTT platforms either on standalone basis, or in collaboration/ tie-up, willing to extend best-in-class production, post production, and distribution (conceptualization and implementation) as per the Scope of Work. 2 of Section I
Page 15 of RFP
In case bidders are bidding in collaboration/ tie-up with the other partners (production houses, TV Channels or OTT platforms), the proof of collaboration needs to be submitted by the Primary Bidder to the satisfaction of the Bank.
3 Eligibility criteria mentioned for experience with PSUs/State Governments/Central Governments/BFSI Sr. no. 2&3 of Section III, Page 22-23 of RFP Projects done with Corporates may also be considered for this eligibility criteria.
4 The bidder should have a collaboration with an OTT platform for hosting/ distribution of the web series. This OTT platform shall have 200 million minimum Unique Users (from within India) per month Sr. no. 4 of Section III

Page 23 of RFP
The bidders can put forth the proposal of distribution through a number of channels and OTT platforms.

However, the minimum Unique Users (from within India) per month, of only the top three OTT platforms – by the number of users - (out of the bouquet of OTTs submitted by any bidder) will be taken into consideration.

Illustratively – if t1, t2 and t3 are the maximum users of three OTTs out of the list of OTTs submitted by the bidder, then to qualify under this condition, (t1+t2+t3) >= 200 mn

The bidders should also submit the proof of collaboration with OTT/TV channels along with the bid documents.
5 Presentation Point ‘f’,’g’,’h’ of Section IV, pg no. 27 and of Eligibility Matrix, pg no. 30 Presentation will be invited from only those bidders who qualify in the technical eligibility criteria. However, bidder should be ready with presentation submission on August 21, 2024.

2. The bidders are advised to submit the bid after considering the above addendum. Please note that this is supplementary to the tender document and will form part of the tender.

3. All the other terms and conditions pertaining to this e-tender will remain unchanged.

