(₹ Crore) |
Item | Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays |
2021-22 | 2021 | 2022 |
Nov. 19 | Oct. 21 | Nov. 4 | Nov. 18 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Monetary Aggregates | | | | | |
NM1 (1.1 + 1.2.1+1.3) | 5307125 | 4883362 | 5325968 | 5351638 | 5356388 |
NM2 (NM1 + | 12081049 | 11461215 | 12453325 | 12534866 | 12512152 |
NM3 (NM2 + + 1.4 = 2.1 + 2.2 + 2.3 – 2.4 – 2.5) | 20634885 | 19761137 | 21712620 | 21802115 | 21732947 |
1 Components | | | | | |
1.1 Currency with the Public | 3035689 | 2878246 | 3088753 | 3083069 | 3093618 |
1.2 Aggregate Deposits of Residents | 17266157 | 16574705 | 18005784 | 18160468 | 18093758 |
1.2.1 Demand Deposits | 2212992 | 1957254 | 2167214 | 2197740 | 2192060 |
1.2.2 Time Deposits of Residents | 15053166 | 14617450 | 15838570 | 15962728 | 15901698 | Short-term Time Deposits | 6773925 | 6577853 | 7127357 | 7183228 | 7155764 | Certificates of Deposit (CDs) | 176718 | 56026 | 232680 | 240597 | 252530 | Long-term Time Deposits | 8279241 | 8039598 | 8711214 | 8779500 | 8745934 |
1.3 ‘Other’ Deposits with RBI | 58444 | 47861 | 70001 | 70828 | 70709 |
1.4 Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions | 274594 | 260325 | 548081 | 487749 | 474861 |
2 Sources | | | | | |
2.1 Domestic Credit | 20080599 | 18949988 | 21164743 | 21352798 | 21384192 |
2.1.1 Net Bank Credit to the Government | 6477629 | 6075285 | 6444604 | 6608773 | 6612762 | Net RBI credit to the Government | 1450596 | 1193964 | 1091548 | 1226986 | 1226047 | Credit to the Government by the Banking System | 5027033 | 4881321 | 5353056 | 5381787 | 5386715 |
2.1.2 Bank Credit to the Commercial Sector | 13602969 | 12874702 | 14720139 | 14744025 | 14771430 | RBI Credit to the Commercial Sector | 39581 | 26610 | 23508 | 17254 | 14661 | Credit to the Commercial Sector by the Banking System | 13563389 | 12848093 | 14696631 | 14726771 | 14756769 | Other Investments (Non-SLR Securities) | 952181 | 973791 | 1075015 | 1063305 | 1069274 |
2.2 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public | 28013 | 27441 | 29003 | 29212 | 29212 |
2.3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector | 4705191 | 4825466 | 4368793 | 4399551 | 4471445 |
2.3.1 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the RBI | 4442479 | 4586034 | 4179125 | 4213972 | 4316211 |
2.3.2 Net Foreign Currency Assets of the Banking System | 262711 | 239431 | 189668 | 185579 | 155234 |
2.4 Capital Account | 3021858 | 2994318 | 3335444 | 3331327 | 3404225 |
2.5 Other items (net) | 1157060 | 1047439 | 514476 | 648119 | 747678 |
Note: NM2 and NM3 do not include FCNR (B) deposits. 2.4: Consist of paid-up capital and reserves. 2.5: includes other demand and time liabilities of the banking system. |