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14. Business in India – All Scheduled Banks and All Scheduled Commercial Banks
Date : May 17, 2021
(₹ Crore)
Item As on the Last Reporting Friday (in case of March)/ Last Friday
All Scheduled Banks All Scheduled Commercial Banks
2020-21 2020 2021 2020-21 2020 2021
Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Reporting Banks 209 219 209 209 133 142 133 133
1 Liabilities to the Banking System 259530 320240 254778 259530 254589 314513 249780 254589
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks 200585 239943 197528 200585 195866 234348 192925 195866
1.2 Borrowings from Banks 40886 64001 39370 40886 40880 64001 39194 40880
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 18059 16295 17881 18059 17843 16163 17661 17843
2 Liabilities to Others 16457551 14905949 16236929 16457551 16014167 14480607 15802618 16014167
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 15539931 13975551 15351268 15539931 15113529 13567492 14933580 15113529
2.1.1 Demand 1899283 1653242 1739178 1899283 1861209 1617003 1703095 1861209
2.1.2 Time 13640647 12322309 13612089 13640647 13252320 11950489 13230486 13252320
2.2 Borrowings 248168 313908 249469 248168 244025 309439 244737 244025
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 669452 616491 636193 669452 656614 603676 624301 656614
3 Borrowings from Reserve Bank 90275 285623 84686 90275 90275 285623 84651 90275
3.1 Against Usance Bills /Promissory Notes
3.2 Others 90275 285623 84686 90275 90275 285623 84651 90275
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank 650737 643038 568446 650737 633440 623446 553693 633440
4.1 Cash in Hand 92786 89671 93583 92786 90748 87260 91537 90748
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank 557951 553367 474863 557951 542693 536186 462156 542693
5 Assets with the Banking System 265396 323680 255137 265396 197706 260238 191221 197706
5.1 Balances with Other Banks 179179 181460 176207 179179 143301 155401 141756 143301
5.1.1 In Current Account 16553 17204 17429 16553 14233 14457 15043 14233
5.1.2 In Other Accounts 162626 164256 158778 162626 129068 140945 126713 129068
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice 36476 43335 31307 36476 10654 20273 8075 10654
5.3 Advances to Banks 19910 38266 20544 19910 16766 30531 17435 16766
5.4 Other Assets 29831 60619 27080 29831 26986 54032 23955 26986
6 Investment 4598841 3865544 4595331 4598841 4462526 3747349 4461323 4462526
6.1 Government Securities 4591812 3850819 4587708 4591812 4461632 3738696 4460126 4461632
6.2 Other Approved Securities 7029 14724 7624 7029 894 8653 1197 894
7 Bank Credit 11296771 10705336 11123028 11296771 10949512 10370861 10774742 10949512
7a Food Credit 91653 82172 105605 91653 61254 51764 75206 61254
7.1 Loans, Cash-credits and Overdrafts 11081425 10480934 10933135 11081425 10736493 10149509 10586842 10736493
7.2 Inland Bills-Purchased 30896 26214 26578 30896 30531 25658 26275 30531
7.3 Inland Bills-Discounted 128831 147209 113084 128831 127883 145683 112204 127883
7.4 Foreign Bills-Purchased 20762 20866 18907 20762 20394 20458 18675 20394
7.5 Foreign Bills-Discounted 34857 30114 31324 34857 34211 29554 30746 34211
Note: Data in column Nos. (4) & (8) are Provisional.
