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Annual Report

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Date : May 27, 2022
Combined Receipts and Disbursements of the Central and State Governments
(Amount in ₹ thousand crore)
Item 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 RE 2021-22 BE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Total Disbursements 4,266 4,516 5,041 5,411 6,524 7,161
1.1 Developmental 2,538 2,635 2,883 3,074 3,906 4,254
1.1.1 Revenue 1,878 2,029 2,224 2,447 3,259 3,242
1.1.2 Capital 501 519 597 588 636 923
1.1.3 Loans 158 87 62 40 11 89
1.2 Non-Developmental 1,673 1,812 2,078 2,253 2,527 2,811
1.2.1 Revenue 1,555 1,741 1,966 2,110 2,335 2,602 Interest Payments 724 815 895 956 1,082 1,244
1.2.2 Capital 116 69 111 141 189 177
1.2.3 Loans 2 2 1 2 2 31
1.3 Others 55 68 80 83 91 96
2 Total Receipts 4,288 4,528 5,023 5,734 6,490 7,039
2.1 Revenue Receipts 3,132 3,376 3,798 3,852 3,834 4,682
2.1.1 Tax Receipts 2,622 2,978 3,279 3,232 3,176 3,830 Taxes on commodities and services 1,652 1,854 2,030 2,013 2,101 2,515 Taxes on Income and Property 966 1,121 1,246 1,216 1,072 1,311 Taxes of Union Territories (Without Legislature) 4 3 3 3 3 4
2.1.2 Non-Tax Receipts 510 398 519 620 659 852 Interest Receipts 33 34 36 31 40 33
2.2 Non-debt Capital Receipts 69 142 140 110 55 201
2.2.1 Recovery of Loans & Advances 21 42 45 60 21 20
2.2.2 Disinvestment proceeds 48 100 96 51 34 182
3 Gross Fiscal Deficit [1 - ( 2.1 + 2.2 )] 1,065 997 1,103 1,449 2,635 2,278
3A Sources of Financing: Institution-wise            
3A.1 Domestic Financing 1,047 989 1,097 1,441 2,580 2,276
3A.1.1 Net Bank Credit to Government 617 145 387 572 890
3A.1.1.1 Net RBI Credit to Government 196 -145 326 190 107
3A.1.2 Non-Bank Credit to Government 430 844 710 869 1,690
3A.2 External Financing 18 8 6 9 55 2
3B Sources of Financing: Instrument-wise            
3B.1 Domestic Financing 1,047 989 1,097 1,441 2,580 2,276
3B.1.1 Market Borrowings (net) 690 795 796 971 1,778 1,621
3B.1.2 Small Savings (net) 35 71 89 209 456 368
3B.1.3 State Provident Funds (net) 46 42 51 38 47 46
3B.1.4 Reserve Funds -6 18 -18 10 -3 5
3B.1.5 Deposits and Advances 18 25 66 -14 29 29
3B.1.6 Cash Balances -22 -12 17 -323 34 122
3B.1.7 Others 287 50 96 549 240 86
3B.2 External Financing 18 8 6 9 55 2
4 Total Disbursements as per cent of GDP 27.7 26.4 26.7 27.0 32.9 32.1
5 Total Receipts as per cent of GDP 27.9 26.5 26.6 28.6 32.8 31.6
6 Revenue Receipts as per cent of GDP 20.3 19.8 20.1 19.2 19.4 21.0
7 Tax Receipts as per cent of GDP 17.0 17.4 17.3 16.1 16.0 17.2
8 Gross Fiscal Deficit as per cent of GDP 6.9 5.8 5.8 7.2 13.3 10.2
…: Not Available.      RE: Revised Estimates.     BE: Budget Estimates.
Note : 1. GDP data is based on 2011-12 base.
2. The revision of general government fiscal data will be undertaken in the month of October after all states present their final budget and they are tabulated, consolidated and disseminated by the RBI through its annual publication - 'State Finances: A Study of Budgets'.
Source : Budget Documents of the central and state governments.
