AAC | Academic Advisory Council |
AACS | As Applicable to Cooperative Societies |
ACU | Asian Clearing Union |
AD | Authorised Dealer |
ADF | Asset Development Fund |
ADs | Aggregate Deposits |
AD Cat-I | Authorised Dealer Category-I |
ADSCR | Average Debt Service Coverage Ratio |
AEs | Advanced Economies |
AePS | Aadhaar Enabled Payment System |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AID | All-Inclusive Directions |
AIDC | Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess |
AIFs | Alternative Investment Funds |
AIFIs | All India Financial Institutions |
AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
ANBC | Adjusted Net Bank Credit |
AP | Authorised Person |
APBS | Aadhaar Payment Bridge System |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APLMA | Asia Pacific Loan Markets Association |
ARCs | Asset Reconstruction Companies |
AREAER | Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions |
ARMS | Audit and Risk Management Sub-Committee |
ARR | Alternative Reference Rate |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
ASISO | Automated Sweep-In and Sweep-Out |
ASM | Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor |
ATBs | Auction Treasury Bills |
ATM | Automated Teller Machines |
AUM | Assets Under Management |
BBPOUs | Bharat Bill Payment Operating Units |
BBPS | Bharat Bill Payment System |
BCs | Business Correspondents |
BCBS | Basel Committee of Banking Supervision |
BC-ICT | Business Correspondents - Information and Communication Technology |
BCM | Business Continuity Management |
BCP | Business Continuity Plan |
BD | Banking Department |
BE | Budget Estimates |
BFS | Board for Financial Supervision |
BFSI | Banking, Financial Services and Insurance |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BoJ | Bank of Japan |
bps | Basis Points |
BPSS | Board for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems |
BQR | Bharat Quick Response |
BRBNMPL | Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited |
BRICS | Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa |
B-SC | Building Sub-Committee |
BTFP | BRICS Task Force on Payments |
BUs | Business Units |
CA | Concurrent Audit |
CAFRAL | Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning |
CAGR | Compound Annual Growth Rate |
CBDC | Central Bank Digital Currency |
CBDT | Central Board of Direct Taxes |
CBIC | Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs |
CC | Cash Credit |
CCB | Committee of the Central Board |
CCBs | Central Cooperative Banks |
CCIL | Clearing Corporation of India Limited |
CCO | Chief Compliance Officer |
CCP | Central Counterparty |
CDES | Currency Distribution and Exchange Scheme |
CDs | Certificates of Deposit |
CDS | Credit Default Swaps |
CEOBE | Credit Equivalent of Off-Balance Sheet Exposure |
CEPCs | Consumer Education and Protection Cells |
CEPD | Consumer Education and Protection Department |
CF | Contingency Fund |
CFLs | Centres for Financial Literacy |
CFR | Central Fraud Registry |
CFSL | Centrum Financial Services Limited |
CGA | Controller General of Accounts |
CGD | Comprehensive Guidelines on Derivatives |
CGFS | Committee on the Global Financial System |
CGRA | Currency and Gold Revaluation Account |
CICs | Credit Information Companies |
CiC | Currency in Circulation |
CIMS | Centralised Information Management System |
CIRP | Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process |
CIT | Cash in Transit |
CLS | Continuous Linked Settlement |
CMBs | Cash Management Bills |
CMGs | Crisis Management Groups |
CMIE | Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy |
CMS | Complaint Management System |
CMT | Crisis Management Team |
CO | Central Office |
CoC | Committee of Creditors |
CODs | Central Office Departments |
CoFT | Card-on-File Tokenisation |
ConPI | Customer Protection Index |
CoS | College of Supervisors |
CP | Consumer Pyramid |
CPFIR | Central Payments Fraud Information Registry |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPI-AL | CPI for Agricultural Labourers |
CPI-IW | CPI for Industrial Workers |
CPI-RL | CPI for Rural Labourers |
CPMI-IOSCO | Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures-International Organisation of Securities Commissions |
CPs | Commercial Papers |
CPS | Centralised Payment System |
CPWD | Central Public Works Department |
CP-NBFCs | Commercial Paper Issuances by Non-Banking Financial Companies |
CRILC | Central Repository of Information on Large Credits |
CRM | Credit Risk Mitigation |
CRPC | Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CSAA | Control Self-Assessment Audit |
CSBD | Corporate Strategy and Budget Department |
CSF | Consolidated Sinking Fund |
CSGL | Centralised Subsidiary General Ledger |
CSII | Colour Shift Intaglio Ink |
CwP | Currency with the Public |
DAP | Di Ammonium Phosphate |
DBIE | Database on Indian Economy |
DBT | Direct Benefit Transfer |
DCCBs | District Central Cooperative Banks |
DDs | Demand Drafts |
DEA | Depositor Education and Awareness |
DEIO | Department of External Investments and Operations |
DEPR | Department of Economic and Policy Research |
DGBA | Department of Government and Bank Accounts |
DHFL | Dewan Housing Finance Ltd. |
DICGC | Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation |
DIF | Deposit Insurance Fund |
DIT | Department of Information Technology |
DMS | Document Management Software |
DoC | Department of Communication |
DoR | Department of Regulation |
DoS | Department of Supervision |
DoT | Department of Telecommunications |
DPI | Digital Payments Index |
DPSS | Department of Payment and Settlement Systems |
DR | Disaster Recovery |
DSCR | Debt Service Coverage Ratio |
DSIM | Department of Statistics and Information Management |
e-BAAT | Electronic Banking Awareness and Training |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation |
EBR | Element-Based Repository |
ECB | External Commercial Borrowings |
ECCS | Express Cheque Clearing System |
ECLGS | Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme |
ECS | Electronic Clearing Service |
EDC | Executive Directors’ Committee |
EDSP | Electronic Data Submission Portal |
EFD | Enforcement Department |
EFI | External Funded Institutions |
EIAD | Employee Interface and Analytics Division |
EMDEs | Emerging Market and Developing Economies |
EMEs | Emerging Market Economies |
eNWRs | Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipts |
EoI | Expression of Interest |
EPFO | Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation |
ERM | Enterprise-wide Risk Management |
ESIC | Employees’ State Insurance Corporation |
ETCD | Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives |
ETR | Effective Corporate Tax Rate |
EWI | Early Warning Indicator |
EWS | Early Warning Signals |
EXIM | Export Import Bank of India |
FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAR | Fully Accessible Route |
FASAL | Forecasting Agricultural Output using Space, Agro-Meteorology and Land-based Observations |
FATF | Financial Action Task Force |
FBIL | Financial Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd |
FCA | Foreign Currency Asset |
FCBD | Finance and Central Bank Deputies |
FCBs | Foreign Central Bank |
FCNR(B) | Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account (Bank) |
FCS-OIS | Foreign Currency Settled Overnight Indexed Swap |
FCVA | Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts Valuation Account |
FC-XV | 15th Finance Commission |
FCY ECB | Foreign Currency External Commercial Borrowings |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FE | Final Estimate |
FED | Foreign Exchange Department |
FEMA | Foreign Exchange Management Act |
FFMCs | Full-Fledged Money Changers |
FER | Foreign Exchange Reserves |
FETERS | Foreign Exchange Transactions Electronic Reporting System |
FIs | Financial Institutions |
FICNs | Fake Indian Currency Notes |
FIDD | Financial Inclusion and Development Department |
FIF | Financial Inclusion Fund |
FI-Index | Financial Inclusion Index |
FinTech | Financial Technology |
FIPs | Financial Inclusion Plans |
FLA | Foreign Liabilities and Assets |
FLCs | Financial Literacy Centres |
FLW | Financial Literacy Week |
FMCBG | Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors |
FMCG | Fast Moving Consumer Goods |
FMOD | Financial Markets Operations Department |
FMRD | Financial Markets Regulation Department |
FPI | Foreign Portfolio Investment |
FPOs | Follow-on Public Offers |
FRB | Floating Rate Bonds |
FRSB | Floating Rate Savings Bonds |
FSB | Financial Stability Board |
FSDC | Financial Stability and Development Council |
FSDC-SC | Financial Stability and Development Council - Sub-Committee |
FSR | Financial Stability Report |
FSU | Financial Stability Unit |
G-20 | Group of Twenty |
GC | Governing Council |
GCCs | General Credit Cards |
GCF | Gross Capital Formation |
GDAL | Granular Data Access Lab |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GFC | Global Financial Crisis |
GFCF | Gross Fixed Capital Formation |
GFD | Gross Fiscal Deficit |
GFSN | Global Financial Safety Net |
GML | Gold (Metal) Loans |
GMS | Gold Monetisation Scheme |
GNDI | Gross National Disposable Income |
GNPA | Gross Non-Performing Asset |
GoI | Government of India |
GRF | Guarantee Redemption Fund |
GRIHA | Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment |
GRQ | General Review of Quotas |
G-SAP | G-sec Acquisition Programme |
GSCDCI | Global Supply Chain Disruption Cost Index |
GSDP | Gross State Domestic Product |
G-sec | Government Securities |
GSLBM | Government Security Lending and Borrowing Mechanism |
GST | Goods and Services Taxes |
GUARD | Governance Oversight, Utile Technology Investment, Appropriate Regulation and Supervision, Robust Collaboration, and Developing necessary IT, cyber security skills set |
GVA | Gross Value Added |
GVCs | Global Value Chains |
HFCs | Housing Finance Companies |
HO | Head Office |
HRMD | Human Resource Management Department |
HRM-SC | Human Resource Management Sub-Committee |
IADI | International Association of Deposit Insurers |
IAMs | Integrated Assessment Models |
IBA | Indian Banks’ Association |
IBS | International Banking Statistics |
ICAI | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
ICEGATE | Indian Customs Electronic Gateway |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
ID | International Department |
IDMD | Internal Debt Management Department |
IEO | Independent Evaluation Office |
IESH | Inflation Expectation Survey of Households |
IFA | International Financial Architecture |
IFA WG | International Financial Architecture Working Group |
IFSC | Indian Financial System Code |
IFSCs | International Financial Services Centres |
IFTAS | Indian Financial Technologies and Allied Services |
IGBC | Indian Green Building Council |
IGIDR | Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research |
IIASA | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis |
IIBM | Indian Institute of Bank Management |
IIFC | India Infrastructure Finance Company |
IIP | Index of Industrial Production |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMFC | International Monetary and Financial Committee |
IMPS | Immediate Payment Service |
Ind-AS | Indian Accounting Standards |
InvITS | Infrastructure Investment Trusts |
IO | Internal Ombudsman |
IOS | Industrial Outlook Survey |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IPL | Indian Premier League |
IPO | Initial Public Offering |
IPP | Intellectual Property Products |
IRA | Investment Revaluation Accounts |
IRACP | Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning |
IRA-FS | Investment Revaluation Account-Foreign Securities |
IRA-RS | Investment Revaluation Account-Rupee Securities |
IRD | Interest Rate Derivatives |
IRIS | Integrated Risk Monitoring and Incident Reporting System |
IRRS | Integrated Rajbhasha Reporting System |
ISDA | International Swaps and Derivatives Association |
IT | Information Technology |
ITES | Information Technology-Enabled Services |
IT-SC | Information Technology Sub-Committee |
ITBs | Intermediate Treasury Bills |
IVR | Inter-active Voice Response |
IWG | Infrastructure Working Group |
IWG | Internal Working Group |
JTCC | Joint Technical Coordination Committee |
KBC | Kaun Banega Crorepati |
KLEMS | Capital(K), Labour(L), Energy(E), Material(M) and Services(S) |
KCC | Kisan Credit Card |
KPI | Key Performance Indicators |
KRIs | Key Risk Indicators |
kWp | Kilowatts Peak |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
LAB | Local Area Banks |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LAI | Leaf Area Index |
LBMA | London Bullion Market Association |
LEF | Large Exposure Framework |
LEI | Legal Entity Identifier |
LEIL | Legal Entity Identifier India Ltd. |
LEs | Legal Entities |
LIBOR | London Inter-Bank Offered Rate |
LMS | Learning Management System |
LPA | Long Period Average |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LRS | Liberalised Remittance Scheme |
M3 | Money Supply |
MAF | Medical Assistance Fund |
MANI | Mobile Aided Note Identifier |
MAS | Monetary Authority of Singapore |
MA-SAAR | Moving Average of Seasonally Adjusted Annualised Growth Rate |
MCLR | Marginal Cost of Funds-based Lending Rate |
MD | Managing Director |
MEM | Marginal Effect at Means |
MFIs | Microfinance Institutions |
MI | Market Intelligence |
MIFOR | Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate |
MIS | Management Information System |
ML | Machine Learning |
MLTGD | Medium- and Long-Term Government Deposit |
MoE | Memorandum of Error |
MoF | Ministry of Finance |
MoSPI | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPC | Monetary Policy Committee |
MPOR | Margin Period of Risk |
MSEs | Micro and Small Enterprises |
MSF | Marginal Standing Facility |
MSPs | Minimum Support Prices |
MTDS | Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy |
MTF | Medium Term Framework |
MTSS | Money Transfer Service Schemes |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NACH | National Automated Clearing House |
NAFCUB | National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies Ltd. |
NARCL | National Asset Reconstruction Company |
NBFC | Non-Banking Financial Company |
NBFC-D | Deposit taking NBFCs |
NBFC-MFIs | Non-Banking Financial Company-Microfinance Institutions |
NBFC-ND | Non-Deposit taking NBFCs |
NBFI | Non-Banking Financial Institutions |
NCCDs | Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives |
NCDs | Non-Convertible Debentures |
NCFE | National Centre for Financial Education |
NCLT | National Company Law Tribunal |
NDA | Net Domestic Assets |
NDCs | Nationally Determined Contributions |
NDF | Non-Deliverable Forward |
NDI | Non-Debt Instrument |
NDTL | Net Demand and Time Liabilities |
NDS-OM | Negotiated Dealing System-Order Matching |
NDVI | Normalised Difference Vegetation Index |
NEER | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate |
NEFT | National Electronic Funds Transfer |
NEM | North-east Monsoon |
NeTC | National Electronic Toll Collection |
NETS | Network for Electronic Transfers |
NFA | Net Foreign Assets |
NFC | Non-Food Credit |
NFC | Near Field Communication |
NFS | National Financial Switch |
NFSA | National Food Security Act |
NGFS | Network for Greening of the Financial System |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NIBM | National Institute of Bank Management |
NIM | Net Interest Margin |
NIPL | NPCI International Private Limited |
NOF | Net Owned Funds |
NPA | Note Purchase Agreement |
NPA | Non-Performing Assets |
NPCI | National Payments Corporation of India |
NPS | National Pension Scheme |
NSFE | National Strategy for Financial Education |
NSFI | National Strategy for Financial Inclusion |
NSSF | National Small Savings Fund |
NSO | National Statistical Office |
NWRs | Negotiable Warehouse Receipts |
OBC | Other Backward Classes |
OBICUS | Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey |
OD | Overdraft |
ODI | Overseas Direct Investment |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OFC | Optical Fibre Cable |
OLIC | Official Language Implementation Committee |
OLS | Ordinary Least Squares |
OMBs | Open Market Borrowings |
OMOs | Open Market Operations |
OPEC | Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPEC+ | Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies |
ORBIOs | Offices of the Reserve Bank of India Ombudsmen |
OT | Operation Twist |
OTC | Over the Counter |
PA | Provisional Accounts |
PADO | Public Administration, Defence and Other Services |
PAT | Profit After Tax |
PBs | Payments Banks |
PBDIT | Profit Before Depreciation, Interest and Tax |
PCA | Prompt Corrective Action |
PDs | Primary Dealers |
PDL | Polynomial Distributed Lag |
PDS | Public Distribution System |
PFCE | Private Final Consumption Expenditure |
PFCVA | Provision for Forward Contracts Valuation Account |
PFMIs | Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure |
PFMS | Public Financial Management System |
PIDF | Payments Infrastructure Development Fund |
PIRP | Pre-Packaged Insolvency Resolution Process |
PLFS | Periodic Labour Force Survey |
PLI | Production-Linked Incentive |
PMC | Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative Bank |
PMGKAY | Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana |
PMI | Purchasing Managers’ Index |
PML | Prevention of Money Laundering |
PM SVANidhi | Prime Minister Street Vendor’s AatmaNirbhar Nidhi |
PPAC | Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell |
PO | Project Office |
POs | Payment Orders |
POS | Point of Sale |
PPIs | Prepaid Payment Instruments |
PRAKALP | Pratayaksh Kar Lekhankan Pranali |
PSBs | Public Sector Banks |
PSL | Priority Sector Lending |
PSLCs | Priority Sector Lending Certificates |
PSOs | Payment System Operators |
PSPs | Payment Service Providers |
PSS | Payment and Settlement Systems |
PSUs | Public Sector Undertakings |
PWBD | Persons with Benchmark Disabilities |
QAD | Quality Assurance Division |
QIP | Qualified Institutional Placement |
QPM | Quarterly Projection Model |
QR | Quick Response |
RAM-OR | Risk Assessment Methodology for Operational Risk |
RBA | Risk-Based Approach |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
RBIA | Risk Based Internal Audit |
RBIEPF | Reserve Bank of India Employees Provident Fund |
RBIH | Reserve Bank Innovation Hub |
RB-IOS | Reserve Bank-Integrated Ombudsman Scheme |
RBI-RD | Reserve Bank of India-Retail Direct |
RBP | Risk Based Premium |
RBR | Return-Based Repository |
RBS | Risk-Based Supervision |
RCA | Root Cause Analysis |
RCG-Asia | Regional Consultative Group, Asia |
RCL | Reliance Capital Ltd |
RDG | Retail Direct Gilt |
RE | Revised Estimates |
ReBIT | Reserve Bank Information Technology Private Limited |
RECO | Revenue Expenditure to Capital Outlay |
REER | Real Effective Exchange Rate |
REIT | Real Estate Investment Trusts |
REs | Regulated Entities |
RFCA | Revaluation of Forward Contracts Account |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
RIDF | Rural Infrastructure Development Fund |
RM | Reserve Money |
RMC | Risk Monitoring Committee |
RMD | Risk Monitoring Department |
ROs | Regional Offices |
RPA | Robotic Process Automation |
RRBs | Regional Rural Banks |
RTGS | Real Time Gross Settlement |
RTI | Right to Information |
RTL | Risk Tolerance Limits |
RTO | Recovery Time Objective |
RTP | Reserve Tranche Position |
RT-PCR | Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction |
SAA | Swap Amortisation Account |
SAP | Systems Applications and Products |
SAs | Statutory Auditors |
SAAR | Seasonally Adjusted Annualised Growth Rate |
SAARC | South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation |
SARFAESI Act | Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act |
SARTTAC | South Asian Regional Training and Technical Assistance Centre |
SBR | Scale-Based Regulation |
SBS | Shredding and Briquetting Systems |
SCAs | Statutory Central Auditors |
SCBs | Scheduled Commercial Banks |
SDF | Special Drawing Facility |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goals |
SDLs | State Development Loans |
SDMX | Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange |
SDRs | Special Drawing Rights |
SEs | Supervised Entities |
SEACEN | South East Asian Central Banks |
SEBI | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
SEFL | SREI Equipment Finance Limited |
SEZ | Special Economic Zone |
SFBs | Small Finance Banks |
SFG | Sustainable Finance Group |
SFMS | Structured Financial Messaging System |
SGB | Sovereign Gold Bond |
SGL | Subsidiary General Ledger |
SHGs | Self-Help Groups |
SIDBI | Small Industries Development Bank of India |
SIFL | SREI Infrastructure Finance Limited |
SIOS | Services and Infrastructure Outlook Survey |
SIP | Systematic Investment Plan |
SLBC | State Level Bankers Committee |
SLCCs | State Level Coordination Committees |
SLD | Senior Level Dialogue |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SLTRO | Special Long Term Repo Operation |
SMA | Special Mention Account |
SMEs | Small and Medium Enterprises |
SOFR | Secured Overnight Financing Rate |
SONIA | Sterling Overnight Index Average |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SPARSH | System of Pension Administration (Raksha) |
SPDs | Standalone Primary Dealers |
SPECTRA | Software Platform for External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits Reporting and Approval |
SPMCIL | Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited |
SRO | Self-Regulatory Organisation |
SRS | System Requirement Study |
S-SC | Strategy Sub-Committee |
SSCI | Services Sector Composite Index |
StCBs | State Cooperative Banks |
STRIPS | Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities |
SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication |
SWM | South-West Monsoon |
TACS | Technical Advisory Committee in Surveys |
T-Bills | Treasury Bills |
TCs | Trade Credits |
TEs | Training Establishments |
TIN | Tax Information System |
TLTROs | Targeted Long Term Repo Operations |
TOL/ATNW | Total Outside Liabilities-Adjusted |
Ratio | Tangible Net Worth Ratio |
TOP | Tomatoes, Onions and Potatoes |
TReDS | Trade Receivables Discounting System |
TSA | Treasury Single Account |
TSCAs | Time-Sensitive Critical Activities |
UAM | Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
UCBs | Urban Cooperative Banks |
UDAY | Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana |
UN | United Nations |
UO | Umbrella Organisation |
UPI | Unified Payment Interface |
USFB | Unity Small Finance Bank Limited |
UTs | Union Territories |
UTI | Unique Transaction Identifier |
VaR/ES | Value at Risk/Expected Shortfall |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
V-CIP | Video-based Customer Identification Process |
VFT | Value Free Transfer |
VIR | Visually Impaired Respondents |
VM | Variation Margin |
VRR | Voluntary Retention Route |
VRRR | Variable Rate Reverse Repo |
VTAs | Voluntary Trading Arrangements |
WACR | Weighted Average Call Rate |
WAM | Weighted Average Maturity |
WAS | Weighted Average Spread |
WAY | Weighted Average Yield |
WLA | White Label ATM |
WMA | Ways and Means Advances |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
WTD | Whole-Time Director |
WTO | World Trade Organisation |
WWF | World-Wide Fund for Nature |
XBRL | eXtensible Business Reporting Language |
ZCYC | Zero Coupon Yield Curve |
ZTCs | Zonal Training Centres |