Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh invites applications from eligible candidates to fill up 01(one) unreserved post of Technical Attendant (Liftman-cum-Wireman). Persons residing in the state of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Union Territory of Chandigarh are eligible to apply. Intending candidates satisfying the eligibility norms such as educational qualification, age limit, experience etc., may send their applications in the prescribed format along with photocopies of their certificates /testimonials to the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Human Resource Management Department, Recruitment Section, Central Vista, Sector 17, Chandigarh-160017 on or before April 18, 2015. For full details such as eligibility criteria and downloading prescribed form please visit our website or may contact at the above address or may refer to Employment News dated April 04, 2015.
RECRUITMENT OF TECHNICAL ATTENDANT (LIFTMAN-CUM-WIREMAN) IN RESERVE BANK OF INDIA, CHANDIGARH Applications are hereby invited from Indian citizens who fulfill the eligibility criteria and are residing in states of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Union Territory of Chandigarh for enlistment in the Wait List to the post (01) of Technical Attendant(Liftman-cum-Wireman)in Class-IV cadre at Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh. 1. Zone of Recruitment:-Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Union Territory of Chandigarh 2. Post and Eligibility criteria Unreserved Vacancies | Educational Qualifications | Minimum | Maximum | 01 | 10th Pass | Undergraduate |
Note: The Bank reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies. 3. Job Requirements:Operation of Lifts and to attend to other electrical works in the Bank premises. The applicants must fulfill the following conditions:- a) Educational/Technical Qualifications: Minimum Std 10th pass. Maximum Undergraduate (pass from an educational institute recognised by the State Government). Candidate should possess 2nd Class Wireman’s licence and should have some experience in operation of lifts and some knowledge of electrical work connected with lifts. Lift Attendant’s authorization/licence/certificate from a competent authority as per requirement stipulated by the State Government/Union Territory.
The candidates are requested to produce original certificates/testimonials etc. for verification at the time of interview and under no circumstances laminated certificate/s will be accepted by the Bank. b) Age limit The lower and upper age limit for the post is 18 and 25 years respectively as on 01.03.2015. However, the upper age limit is be relaxable for: (i) SC & ST candidates by 5 years, OBC by 3 years, (ii) Ex-serviceman candidate to the extent of number of years of service in the armed forces plus additional 3 years, subject to maximum upper age limit of 45 years, (iii) Displaced persons from Jammu and Kashmir between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989 by 5 years. Persons claiming relaxation in age should submit a certificate from the designated authorities in this regard. 4. Pay & Allowances: Initial starting pay of ` 6350/- per month, in the scale of `6350-220-7230-260-8010-300-8910-400-9710-500-11710-680-13750(20years)+ allowances as admissible from time-to-time. The total emoluments at the starting scale at the time of issue of advertisement works out to be `16,215/- per month (approximately). 5. General Important Instructions: a) Experience: candidate should have experience of handling work relating to operation of lift and knowledge of electrical work connected with lifts etc. b) Graduate / Degree holders are not eligible and need not apply. c) Date of Birth as recorded in School Leaving Certificate / Transfer Certificate / Certificate of Domicile / Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Corporation will only be accepted as a proof of age. d) Employees appointed in the Bank on or after January 01, 2012 will be governed by the defined contribution “New Pension Scheme”. 6. Selection Process: 1. Selection will be made through written test and/ or interview of eligible candidates. The candidates found suitable will be placed in the waiting list to be prepared subject to vacancy and reservation requirements. 2. Mere fulfilling the eligibility criteria does not entitle the candidates to be called for written test/interview. The Bank reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards etc., in order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test / interview commensurate with the number of vacancies. The decision of the Bank in this regard will be final. 7. How to apply: i) Candidates must apply in the prescribed format of application published herewith. Application in any other format is liable to be rejected. ii) The format of the application form published herewith should not itself be used as Application. A4 sheet (29.7 cm x 21 cm) should be used for Application. Application may be preferably typewritten or neatly handwritten in Hindi / English (Block/Capital) / Punjabi. iii) Application should be supported by the following documents: Attested copies of all relevant documents/certificates regarding age and educational qualifications. (No originals should be sent with the application). Latest passport size signed photograph (3 cm x 2.5 cm) should be affixed on the right hand top corner of the application.
iv) The application must be sent by ordinary post only or may be deposited in the box kept at the Reception Counter Reserve Bank of India, Central Vista, Sector- 17, Chandigarh-160017 on any day between 10.00 am to 04.00 pm on week days except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays in a cover super scribed “Application for the post of Technical Attendant (Liftman-cum-Wireman)”. Applications should be addressed to the Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Human Resource Management Department, Recruitment Section, Central Vista, Sector- 17, Chandigarh-160017. v) One envelope should contain application of one candidate only. vi) No application will be received in person or any acknowledgement given thereof. 8. Ineligibility: Orthopedically handicapped (Both Legs) and Blind who will not perform the duties described properly, will not be eligible. Before applying for the post of Technical Attendant (Liftman-cum-Wireman), the candidates should ensure that they satisfy the eligibility norms in all respects as mentioned in the advertisement as on the date specified. Applications incomplete in any respect and/or not accompanied by relevant documents/certificates and/or received late shall be rejected. Bank’s decision in this regard shall be final. The Bank reserves the right to reject any application/candidature at any stage of the recruitment process without assigning any reason/s.
9. Closing Date: Applications complete in all respects must reach the Bank’s office on the aforesaid address latest by April 18, 2015. 10. Warning: i) No correspondence will be entered into, with candidates not found eligible /not considered for Interview. ii) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.Any attempt on the part of the candidate to obtain support for his candidature by any means such as submitting fabricated documents, making statements which are incorrect / false, suppressing material information, resorting to irregular or improper means in connection with the candidature using unfair means etc. shall be a disqualifying factor. If any unscrupulous person pretends to provide assistance by resorting to unfair means, a complaint may be lodged with any of the following. Complaint Redressal Cell, Reserve Bank of India, Human Resource Management Department, Central Vista, Sector- 17, Chandigarh Central Vigilance Commission, Satarkata Bhavan, Block ‘A’, GPO Complex, INA New Delhi-110023