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Date : Sep 15, 2021
Table 87 : Liabilities and Assets of SFCs
(₹ Crore)
Year (end-March) Liabilities Total liabilities / assets
No. of Corporations Capital and Reserve Borrowing from Other liabilities
Paid-up capital Reserve fund Provision for bad & doubtful debts & other reserves Bonds and debentures Fixed deposits RBI IDBI SIDBI State Governments Others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1986 18 182 10 130 874 11 7 1182 - 47 6 470 2920
1987 18 217 10 135 1034 11 6 1418 - 85 15 668 3599
1988 18 283 4 162 1218 10 11 1670 - 53 10 903 4326
1989 18 726 169 34 1554 9 60 1936 - 10 8 252 4758
1990 18 816 182 37 1867 7 55 2253 - 14 5 333 5569
1991 18 929 181 72 2205 4 16 1709 915 21 42 432 6527
1992 17 1004 206 79 2568 7 57 1689 1355 36 78 511 7592
1993 17 1024 270 86 2860 6 54 3366 0 59 88 396 8209
1994 16 1063 25 462 3087 65 37 633 2748 74 55 415 8664
1995 15 1043 96 675 3350 60 32 538 2727 103 176 410 9260
1996 15 1093 115 610 3602 94 42 1033 2936 126 659 432 1069
1997 18 1157 244 834 4701 100 28 975 3707 160 1014 795 13715
1998 18 1208 578 793 5250 122 26 778 4094 262 660 805 14577
1999 18 1358 306 1667 5414 130 25 623 4189 293 447 948 15400
2000 18 1415 312 1974 5212 115 61 504 4378 331 372 1147 15821
2001 18 1480 313 2192 5850 85 80 438 4504 108 364 1208 16622
2002 18 1501 332 2948 5902 92 93 418 4577 184 540 1169 17756
2003 18 1518 340 3088 5848 116 83 355 4429 207 488 1239 17711
2004 18 1517 336 3210 5476 156 46 265 4306 216 381 1040 16949
2005 18 1653 348 3184 4345 195 0 180 4617 493 593 1174 16782
2006 18 1596 548 3033 3744 180 0 156 4488 738 655 1148 16287
2007 18 2039 740 3206 3175 112 0 111 4383 880 800 1194 16640
2008 18 2612 853 2993 2948 154 0 106 4485 938 752 1549 17390
2009 18 3021 908 2812 2769 128 0 76 5042 1041 481 1723 18000
2010 18 3218 1018 2920 2709 321 0 65 5183 1331 465 1634 18863
2011 18 3283 1085 2820 2501 408 0 65 5444 1351 972 1687 19615
2012 15 2886 1080 2115 2597 437 0 65 5077 1316 1197 2258 19028
2013 17 3410 1197 2104 3450 493 0 65 3956 1273 1634 2333 19915
2014 17 3487 1736 2079 3962 616 0 0 3635 1287 1929 2065 20796
2015 17 3649 2019 1913 4674 643 0 0 2451 1317 1875 2085 20646
2016 15 3568 1986 1733 4495 645 0 0 1663 1214 2552 1958 19814
2017 16 3835 2031 2617 2946 652 0 0 1234 2731 2296 806 19148
2018 15 3472 2171 1698 4166 576 0 7 697 1267 2408 3447 19909
2019 12 2724 2274 1532 3801 440 0 0 399 1190 2081 3903 18344
2020 11 3138 2318 1522 3440 395 0 0 329 716 2778 3819 18456

(₹ Crore)
Year (end-March) Assets
Cash in Hand and Balances Investment in Loans and Advances Guarantees and Underwritings Other Assets Profit and Loss Account
Government Securities Shares Debentures
1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1986 80 1 8 0 2539 0 291 0
1987 91 1 7 0 2927 1 572 0
1988 84 1 10 1 3476 0 754 0
1989 146 1 9 0 4442 0 160 0
1990 187 1 9 0 5196 0 176 0
1991 292 0 9 0 5969 0 256 0
1992 329 4 8 0 6924 0 326 0
1993 339 9 0 0 7340 0 521 0
1994 311 0 9 1 7526 0 397 419
1995 371 0 27 3 7745 0 482 633
1996 504 0 37 27 8984 0 676 457
1997 862 2 39 60 10728 0 873 1150
1998 806 2 50 122 11353 0 899 1345
1999 779 2 73 42 11475 64 814 2151
2000 728 2 53 45 11432 23 833 2705
2001 795 0 43 105 11535 8 874 3262
2002 661 0 58 102 11561 0 1071 4303
2003 505 68 52 0 11129 0 939 5018
2004 582 37 35 0 10272 0 812 5210
2005 741 0 36 0 9731 0 771 5503
2006 742 0 33 0 9102 0 949 5461
2007 740 0 218 0 9031 0 914 5737
2008 1219 0 432 0 8824 0 1194 5721
2009 995 0 731 0 9192 0 1343 5740
2010 825 0 988 0 9904 0 1236 5911
2011 714 0 942 0 10689 0 1343 5927
2012 829 0 890 28 10834 0 1042 5405
2013 1083 0 1087 105 11386 0 1056 5199
2014 1032 0 1074 1 11732 0 1592 5365
2015 960 0 1073 56 11635 0 1495 5427
2016 885 0 1080 29 11581 0 1564 4675
2017 984 0 1091 8 10114 0 2164 4787
2018 945 0 1126 0 10809 0 2092 4937
2019 801 0 499 0 10331 0 2098 4615
2020 1031 0 410 0 10128 0 2598 4290

Notes : 1. Data for 2020 are provisional.
2. Data for 1992 and 1993 exclude Jammu & Kashmir State Financial Corporation.
3. Data for 1994 exclude Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab State Financial Corporations.
4. Data for 1995 exclude Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir and Kerala State Financial Corporations.
5. Data for 1996 exclude Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab State Financial Corporations.
6. In the year ended March 1993, borrowings from IDBI include the figures for borrowing from SIDBI also. In the same year, data on investments in Government securities include investments in shares and debentures also.
7. In the years 1999 and 2000, data on loans and advances include loans and advances and other advances. In the same years, other assets include fixed assets, other assets and miscellaneous expenses not written off.
8. In the Years 2012 & 2016, audited balance sheets in respect of 15 SFCs out of total 18 SFCs were available. In the Years 2013, 2014 & 2015, audited balance sheets in respect of 17 SFCs out of total 18 SFCs were available.
9. In the Year 2017, audited balance sheets i.r.t. 16 SFCs out of total 18 SFCs were available. Audited accounts for FY 2017 were not submitted by Maharashtra SFC & Uttar Pradesh SFC.
10. In the FY 2018, audited balance sheets i.r.t. 15 SFCs out of total 18 SFCs were available. Audited accounts for FY 2018 were not submitted by Jammu & Kashmir SFC, Maharashtra SFC & Uttar Pradesh SFC.
11. In the FY 2019, audited balance sheets i.r.t. 12 SFCs out of total 18 SFCs were available. Audited accounts for FY 2019 were not submitted by Haryana SFC, Himachal SFC, Jammu & Kashmir SFC, Maharashtra SFC, Punjab SFC & Uttar Pradesh SFC.
12. In the FY 2020, audited balance sheets i.r.t. 11 SFCs out of total 18 SFCs were available. Audited accounts for FY 2020 were not submitted by Bihar SFC, Haryana SFC, Himachal Pradesh SFC, Jammu & Kashmir SFC, Maharashtra SFC, Punjab SFC & Uttar Pradesh SFC.
13. Audited annual accounts reports for FY 2021 have not been received yet from any SFC.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Industrial Development Bank of India up to 1998 and Small Industries Development Bank of India thereafter.
