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Date : Sep 18, 2020
Table 154 : Number and Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line
Year State/Union Territory Rural Urban Combined
No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons Poverty line (₹) No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons Poverty line (₹) No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2004-05 (Based on MRP Consumption) Andhra Pradesh 18,000 32.30 433.43 5,500 23.40 563.16 23,510 29.60
Arunachal Pradesh 320 33.60 547.14 60 23.50 618.45 380 31.40
Assam 8,940 36.40 478.00 830 21.80 600.03 9,770 34.40
Bihar 45,100 55.70 433.43 4,280 43.70 526.18 49,380 54.40
Chhattisgarh 9,780 55.10 398.92 1,370 28.40 513.70 11,150 49.40
Goa 180 28.10 608.76 170 22.20 671.15 340 24.90
Gujarat 12,850 39.10 501.58 4,290 20.10 659.18 17,140 31.60
Haryana 3,880 24.80 529.42 1,590 22.40 626.41 5,460 24.10
Himachal Pradesh 1,430 25.00 520.40 30 4.60 605.74 1,460 22.90
Jammu & Kashmir 1,160 14.10 522.30 290 10.40 602.89 1,450 13.10
Jharkhand 11,620 51.60 404.79 1,600 23.80 531.35 13,210 45.30
Karnataka 13,470 37.50 417.84 5,180 25.90 588.06 18,650 33.30
Kerala 4,220 20.20 537.31 1,980 18.40 584.70 6,200 19.60
Madhya Pradesh 25,440 53.60 408.41 6,130 35.10 532.26 31,570 48.60
Maharashtra 27,780 47.90 484.89 11,460 25.60 631.85 39,240 38.20
Manipur 670 39.30 578.11 230 34.50 641.13 900 37.90
Meghalaya 290 14.00 503.32 120 24.70 745.73 410 16.10
Mizoram 110 23.00 639.27 40 7.90 699.75 150 15.40
Nagaland 150 10.00 687.30 20 4.30 782.93 170 8.80
Odisha 19,880 60.80 407.78 2,280 37.60 497.31 22,160 57.20
Punjab 3,670 22.10 543.51 1,690 18.70 642.51 5,360 20.90
Rajasthan 16,640 35.80 478.00 4,350 29.70 568.15 20,980 34.40
Sikkim 150 31.80 531.50 20 25.90 741.68 170 30.90
Tamil Nadu 13,440 37.50 441.69 5,970 19.70 559.77 19,410 29.40
Tripura 1,190 44.50 450.49 150 22.50 555.79 1,340 40.00
Uttar Pradesh 60,050 42.70 435.14 13,010 34.10 532.12 73,070 40.90
Uttarakhand 2,310 35.10 486.24 660 26.20 602.39 2,970 32.70
West Bengal 22,750 38.20 445.38 6,080 24.40 572.51 28,830 34.20
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 10 4.10 . . 0.80 . 10 3.00
Chandigarh 20 34.70 . 90 10.10 . 110 11.60
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 110 63.60 . 10 17.80 . 130 49.30
Daman and Diu . 2.60 . 10 14.40 . 20 8.80
Delhi 110 15.60 541.39 1,830 12.90 642.47 1,930 13.00
Lakshwadeep . 0.40 . . 10.50 . . 6.40
Puducherry 80 22.90 385.45 70 9.90 506.17 150 14.20
All India 325,810 42.00 446.68 81,410 25.50 578.80 407,220 37.20

Year State/Union Territory Rural Urban Combined
No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons Poverty line (₹) No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons Poverty line (₹) No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2009-10 (Based on MRP Consumption) Andhra Pradesh 12,790 22.80 693.80 4870 17.70 926.40 17,660 21.10
Arunachal Pradesh 270 26.20 773.70 80 24.90 925.20 350 25.90
Assam 10,530 39.90 691.70 1120 26.10 871.00 11,640 37.90
Bihar 49,870 55.30 655.60 4480 39.40 775.30 54,350 53.50
Chhattisgarh 10,830 56.10 617.30 1360 23.80 806.70 12,190 48.70
Goa 60 11.50 931.00 60 6.90 1025.40 130 8.70
Gujarat 9,160 26.70 725.90 4460 17.90 951.40 13,620 23.00
Haryana 3,040 18.60 791.60 1960 23.00 975.40 5,000 20.10
Himachal Pradesh 560 9.10 708.00 90 12.60 888.30 640 9.50
Jammu & Kashmir 730 8.10 722.90 420 12.80 845.40 1,150 9.40
Jharkhand 10,220 41.60 616.30 2400 31.10 831.20 12,620 39.10
Karnataka 9,740 26.10 629.40 4490 19.60 908.00 14,230 23.60
Kerala 2,160 12.00 775.30 1800 12.10 830.70 3,960 12.00
Madhya Pradesh 21,690 42.00 631.90 4490 22.90 771.70 26,180 36.70
Maharashtra 17,980 29.50 743.70 9090 18.30 961.10 27,080 24.50
Manipur 880 47.40 871.00 370 46.40 955.00 1,250 47.10
Meghalaya 350 15.30 686.90 140 24.10 989.80 490 17.10
Mizoram 160 31.10 850.00 60 11.50 939.30 230 21.10
Nagaland 280 19.30 1016.80 140 25.00 1147.60 410 20.90
Odisha 13,550 39.20 567.10 1770 25.90 736.00 15,320 37.00
Punjab 2,510 14.60 830.00 1840 18.10 960.80 4,350 15.90
Rajasthan 13,380 26.40 755.00 3320 19.90 846.00 16,700 24.80
Sikkim 70 15.50 728.90 10 5.00 1035.20 80 13.10
Tamil Nadu 7,830 21.20 639.00 4350 12.80 800.80 12,180 17.10
Tripura 540 19.80 663.40 90 10.00 782.70 630 17.40
Uttar Pradesh 60,060 39.40 663.70 13730 31.70 799.90 73,790 37.70
Uttarakhand 1,030 14.90 719.50 750 25.20 898.60 1,790 18.00
West Bengal 17,780 28.80 643.20 6250 22.00 830.60 24,030 26.70
Andaman & Nicobar Islands . 0.40 . . 0.30 . . 0.40
Chandigarh . 10.30 . 90 9.20 . 100 9.20
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 100 55.90 . 30 17.70 . 130 39.10
Daman and Diu 20 34.20 . 50 33.00 . 80 33.30
Delhi 30 7.70 747.80 2290 14.40 1040.30 2,330 14.20
Lakshwadeep . 22.20 . . 1.70 . . 6.80
Puducherry . 0.20 641.00 10 1.60 777.70 10 1.20
All India 278,210 33.80 672.80 76470 20.90 859.60 354,680 29.80

Year State/Union Territory Rural Urban Combined
No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons Poverty line (₹) No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons Poverty line (₹) No. of Persons (Thousands) % of Persons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011-12 (Based on MRP Consumption) Andhra Pradesh 6,180 10.96 860.00 1,698 5.81 1009.00 7,878 9.20
Arunachal Pradesh 425 38.93 930.00 66 20.33 1060.00 491 34.67
Assam 9,206 33.89 828.00 921 20.49 1008.00 10,127 31.98
Bihar 32,040 34.06 778.00 3,775 31.23 923.00 35,815 33.74
Chhattisgarh 8,890 44.61 738.00 1,522 24.75 849.00 10,411 39.93
Goa 37 6.81 1090.00 38 4.09 1134.00 75 5.09
Gujarat 7,535 21.54 932.00 2,688 10.14 1152.00 10,223 16.63
Haryana 1,942 11.64 1015.00 941 10.28 1169.00 2,883 11.16
Himachal Pradesh 529 8.48 913.00 30 4.33 1064.00 559 8.06
Jammu & Kashmir 1,073 11.54 891.00 253 7.20 988.00 1,327 10.35
Jharkhand 10,409 40.84 748.00 2,024 24.83 974.00 12,433 36.96
Karnataka 9,280 24.53 902.00 3,696 15.25 1089.00 12,976 20.91
Kerala 1,548 9.14 1018.00 846 4.97 987.00 2,395 7.05
Madhya Pradesh 19,095 35.74 771.00 4,310 21.00 897.00 23,406 31.65
Maharashtra 15,056 24.22 967.00 4,736 9.12 1126.00 19,792 17.35
Manipur 745 38.80 1118.00 278 32.59 1170.00 1,022 36.89
Meghalaya 304 12.53 888.00 57 9.26 1154.00 361 11.87
Mizoram 191 35.43 1066.00 37 6.36 1155.00 227 20.40
Nagaland 276 19.93 1270.00 100 16.48 1302.00 376 18.88
Odisha 12,614 35.69 695.00 1,239 17.29 861.00 13,853 32.59
Punjab 1,335 7.66 1054.00 982 9.24 1155.00 2,318 8.26
Rajasthan 8,419 16.05 905.00 1,873 10.69 1002.00 10,292 14.71
Sikkim 45 9.85 930.00 6 3.66 1226.00 51 8.19
Tamil Nadu 5,923 15.83 880.00 2,340 6.54 937.00 8,263 11.28
Tripura 449 16.53 798.00 75 7.42 920.00 524 14.05
Uttar Pradesh 47,935 30.40 768.00 11,884 26.06 941.00 59,819 29.43
Uttarakhand 825 11.62 880.00 335 10.48 1082.00 1,160 11.26
West Bengal 14,114 22.52 783.00 4,383 14.66 981.00 18,498 19.98
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 4 1.57 . . . . 4 1.00
Chandigarh . 1.64 . 234 22.31 . 235 21.81
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 115 62.59 . 28 15.38 . 143 39.31
Daman and Diu 0 0.00 . 26 12.62 . 26 9.86
Delhi 50 12.92 1145.00 1,646 9.84 1134.00 1,696 9.91
Lakshwadeep 0 0.00 . 2 3.44 . 2 2.77
Puducherry 69 17.06 1301.00 55 6.30 1309.00 124 9.69
All India 216,658 25.70 816.00 53,125 13.70 1000.00 269,783 21.92
. - Not Available
Notes : 1. Population as on 1st March 2012 has been used for estimating number of persons below poverty line. (2011 Census population extrapolated)
2. Poverty line of Tamil Nadu has been used for Andaman and Nicobar Island.
3. Urban Poverty Line of Punjab has been used for both rural and urban areas of Chandigarh.
4. Poverty Line of Maharashtra has been used for Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
5. Poverty line of Goa has been used for Daman & Diu.
6. Poverty Line of Kerala has been used for Lakshadweep.
Note: Computed as per Tendulkar method on Mixed Reference Period (MRP)
