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Date : Sep 15, 2019
Table 135 : Key Components of India’s Balance of Payments - US Dollars
(US $ million)
Item/ Year 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
I. Merchandise                    
A) Exports, f.o.b. 16955 18477 18266 18869 22683 26855 32310 34133 35680 34298
B) Imports, c.i.f. 24411 27914 21064 24316 26739 35904 43670 48948 51187 47544
Trade balance (A-B) -7456 -9437 -2798 -5447 -4056 -9049 -11360 -14815 -15507 -13246
II. Invisibles, net 615 -242 1620 1921 2897 5680 5447 10196 10008 9208
III. Current account (I+II) -6841 -9680 -1178 -3526 -1159 -3369 -5912 -4619 -5499 -4038
IV. Capital account (A to F) 6977 7188 3777 2936 9694 9156 4690 11412 10010 8260
A) Foreign Investment 410 103 133 557 4233 4922 4803 6154 5390 2412
B) External assistance, net 1856 2210 3039 1859 1901 1526 884 1109 907 820
C) Commercial borrowings, net 1777 2248 1456 -358 608 1030 1275 2848 3999 4362
D) Rupee debt service - -1193 -1240 -878 -1054 -983 -952 -727 -767 -802
E) NRI deposits, net 2403 1536 290 2001 1207 172 1104 3350 1125 961
F) Other capital 531 2284 101 -245 2800 2489 -2425 -1321 -643 508
V. Overall balance (III+IV) 136 -2492 2599 -590 8535 5787 -1222 6793 4511 4222
VI. Monetary movements (VII+VIII+IX) -136 2492 -2599 590 -8535 -5787 1222 -6793 -4511 -4222
VII. Reserves (increase -/ decrease +) 740 1278 -3384 -698 -8723 -4644 2937 -5818 -3893 -3829
VIII. IMF, net -876 1214 785 1288 188 -1143 -1715 -975 -618 -393
IX. SDR allocation - - - - - - - - - -

Item/ Year 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
I. Merchandise                    
A) Exports, f.o.b. 37542 45452 44703 53774 66285 85206 105152 128888 166163 189001
B) Imports, c.i.f. 55383 57912 56277 64464 80003 118908 157056 190670 257630 308520
Trade balance (A-B) -17841 -12460 -11574 -10690 -13718 -33702 -51904 -61782 -91468 -119520
II. Invisibles, net 13143 9794 14974 17035 27801 31232 42002 52217 75730 91604
III. Current account (I+II) -4698 -2666 3400 6345 14083 -2470 -9902 -9565 -15738 -27915
IV. Capital account (A to F) 11100 8534 8357 10640 17338 28629 24954 46171 107902 7835
A) Foreign Investment 5191 6791 8146 6015 15678 15298 21395 29743 62000 27884
B) External assistance, net 901 427 1204 -3096 -2754 2027 1766 1787 2118 2785
C) Commercial borrowings, net 313 4308 -1588 -1701 -2928 5426 2759 16443 22641 6647
D) Rupee debt service -711 -617 -519 -474 -376 -417 -572 -162 -121 -100
E) NRI deposits, net 1540 2316 2754 2978 3642 -964 2789 4321 179 4290
F) Other capital 3866 -4691 -1640 6918 4076 7259 -3183 -5961 21088 -33672
V. Overall balance (III+IV) 6402 5868 11757 16985 31421 26159 15052 36606 92164 -20080
VI. Monetary movements (VII+VIII+IX) -6402 -5868 -11757 -16985 -31421 -26159 -15052 -36606 -92164 20080
VII. Reserves (increase -/ decrease +) -6142 -5842 -11757 -16985 -31421 -26159 -15052 -36606 -92164 20080
VIII. IMF, net -260 -26 - - - - - - - -
IX. SDR allocation - - - - - - - - - -

Item/ Year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
I. Merchandise                    
A) Exports, f.o.b. 182442 256159 309774 306581 318607 316545 266365 280138 308970 337237
B) Imports, c.i.f. 300644 383481 499533 502237 466216 461484 396444 392580 469006 517519
Trade balance (A-B) -118203 -127322 -189759 -195656 -147609 -144940 -130079 -112442 -160036 -180283
II. Invisibles, net 80022 79269 111604 107493 115313 118081 107928 98026 111319 123026
III. Current account (I+II) -38181 -48053 -78155 -88163 -32296 -26859 -22151 -14417 -48717 -57256
IV. Capital account (A to F) 51622 61103 65324 91989 47804 88265 40055 35967 92292 53917
A) Foreign Investment 65485 60500 50362 54723 35792 77476 41264 49981 61595 42898
B) External assistance, net 3261 4967 2452 1268 1231 2053 1966 2186 3013 3487
C) Commercial borrowings, net 2531 11832 9140 8582 10716 232 -5856 -7590 -799 9769
D) Rupee debt service -97 -68 -79 -58 -52 -81 -73 -99 -75 -31
E) NRI deposits, net 2922 3238 11918 14842 38892 14057 16052 -12367 9676 10387
F) Other capital -22480 -19366 -8468 12632 -38775 -5472 -13297 3857 18881 -12592
V. Overall balance (III+IV) 13441 13050 -12831 3826 15508 61406 17905 21550 43574 -3339
VI. Monetary movements (VII+VIII+IX) -13441 -13050 12831 -3826 -15508 -61406 -17905 -21550 -43574 3339
VII. Reserves (increase -/ decrease +) -13441 -13050 12831 -3826 -15508 -61406 -17905 -21550 -43574 3339
VIII. IMF, net - - - - - - - - - -
IX. SDR allocation -5160 - - - - - - - - -
Notes : 1. Data for 2018-19 are preliminary estimates.
2. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.
Also see Notes on Tables.
