G V Nadhanael and Sitikantha Pattanaik*
Ambiguity in inflation assessment resulting from deficiencies in data on
prices could pose significant challenges for the conduct of monetary policy. In
India, in view of the large divergence between CPI and WPI inflation trends in
the past, wide dispersion in inflation across commodity groups within WPI,
and significant volatility in headline WPI inflation under the influence of supply
shocks, the statistical limitations of prices data have received increasing
attention in the policy debates. This paper presents the key issues in the current
context, while also explaining how policy analyses relevant for the conduct of
monetary policy could yield ambiguous results if inflation data used in such
analyses have serious limitations. A comparison of the WPI inflation against
the GDP deflator suggests that both track each other almost perfectly, which
may lead one to draw the wrong inference that the usual arguments against
WPI in terms of non-inclusion of services and non-revision of the index to
capture the structural changes in the economy are not very relevant. This paper
highlights the scope for possible misleading inferences due to data deficiencies
and also suggests the areas where improvements in data collection and
dissemination may serve the monetary policy needs of India better in future.
Key Words : Inflation Measurement, Monetary policy and Inflation
A representative measure of inflation is the most important component
of the information set that a central bank could use to design and conduct its
policies aimed at ensuring “low inflation and stable prices”. Even with a robust anti-inflationary policy framework and commitment, in the absence of
appropriately measured data on inflation, what monetary policy may actually
achieve could become difficult to assess.
In the Indian context, the extent of past divergence between WPI and CPI
inflation as well as the large volatility in WPI inflation because of sharp swings
in oil and food prices have raised significant curiosity about the measure of
inflation that the Reserve Bank uses for the conduct of its policies and the
relevance of the Reserve Bank’s approach, when there is so much uncertainty
about the goal variable itself. If information on the ultimate goal variable of
monetary policy leaves ambiguity, then addressing the statistical issues assumes
critical policy significance. Most of the economic analyses that are used in the
process of the making of monetary policy could also remain suboptimal and
even turn misleading if the price data create confusion, adding to uncertainty.
Such analyses include forward looking assessment of inflation outlook with
reference to past trends in the actual inflation data, estimation of policy rule
co-efficients, estimation of money demand in relation to inflation and growth,
the analysis of pass-through to domestic prices from changes in exchange rates,
international oil prices and global inflation, and even computing the data relating
to Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) for assessment of external
Against this background, Section II of the paper documents the usual
deficiencies in inflation data which have been experienced in other countries,
both advanced and developing. The data limitations in the India specific context
are discussed in Section III, while also explaining which measures of inflation
the Reserve Bank uses for the conduct of its policies, given the data constraints.
Some of the recent initiatives and plans for addressing the data limitations in
the near to medium-term are discussed in Section IV. The available data on
inflation have been examined in relation to suggestions for improvement in
Section V, with an emphasis on how the suggestion could enhance the usefulness
of the prices data for the purposes of monetary analysis. The final section
presents the concluding observations.
Section I
Inflation Measurement Challenges and the Price Stability
Goal of Central Banks
Measurement of inflation for the conduct of monetary policy has been a
challenge in almost every country, which is also one of the reasons behind the
ambiguity prevailing about the “price stability” objective pursued by the central
banks. Highlighting the measurement related issues in the US, Bernanke (2008)
had noted that “... inflation itself can pose real-time measurement challenges.
We have multiple measures of inflation, each of which reflects different
coverage, methods of construction, and seasonality and each of which is subject
to statistical noise arising from sampling, imputation of certain prices and
temporary or special factors affecting certain markets. From these measures
and other information, policy makers attempt to infer the true underlying rate
of inflation.” The complexity for the conduct of monetary policy may not
arise only from the availability of an appropriate price index. As noted by
Meyer (1998), “... the data trickles in with a lag, often involves considerable
noise, and is subject to revision, even after which it may remain less precise
than we would prefer. Because of the noise in economic measures, considerable
effort is needed to extract the meaningful signal from the data.” Highlighting
similar challenges in India, particularly in the context of high and growing
divergence between WPI and CPI inflation rates in 2009, Subbarao (2009)
noted that “...Such divergences in alternative inflation measures complicate
the conduct of monetary policy in India. Accordingly, the Reserve Bank looks
at all the measures of inflation, both overall and disaggregated components, in
conjunction with other economic and financial indicators, to assess the
underlying inflationary pressures.”
Besides the challenges arising from measurement of inflation, the other
important ambiguity has been the precise definition of “price stability” for the
conduct of monetary policy. While several central banks like the Federal
Reserve of the US and the Reserve Bank of India do not define price stability
in terms of a point estimate of inflation rate, several inflation targeting countries and also the ECB define price stability as a precise rate of inflation, which
though is not free from interpretations of analysts about their appropriateness
(Cecchetti and Wayne, 2003). According to Greenspan (2001) “... For all these
conceptual uncertainties and measurement problems, a specific numerical
inflation target would represent an unhelpful and false precision. Rather, price
stability is best thought of as an environment in which inflation is so low and
stable over time that it does not materially enter into the decisions of households
and firms.” The ECB Governing Council, in turn, adopted a quantitative
definition of price stability i.e., “... price stability is defined as a year on year
increase in the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) for the Euro
Area of below 2 per cent”. (The ECB aims at maintaining inflation rates below
but close to 2 per cent over the medium-term). In India as stated by Subbarao
(2009), “price stability, defined as low and stable inflation, is a key objective
of our monetary policy.” Even though the Reserve Bank’s monetary policy
statement of October 2009 noted that the “the conduct of monetary policy will
continue to condition and contain perception of inflation in the range of 4.0-
4.5 per cent... in line with the medium-term objective of 3.0 per cent”, the
concept of price stability remains qualitative. The qualitative interpretation of
price stability, generally refers to a low and stable inflation “that ceases to be
a factor in the decision of households and businesses” (Cecchetti and Wayne,
2003). Any inflation rate, that is higher than the rate consistent with the concept
of price stability, thus, could entail costs, which would increase with spikes in
both inflation rate and volatility.
Price stability is one of the key objectives of every central bank, whether
stated explicitly and targeted through inflation targeting or stated implicitly
and pursued through alternative monetary policy frameworks. In the literature,
one could come across different reasons cited as to why a central bank should
focus on price stability as its key objective. A stable and low inflation could
keep the nominal interest rates at lower levels without much volatility. This, in
turn, could keep the real interest rate stable, thereby promoting investment
and economic growth. Thus, pursuing the objective of price stability in itself
can lead to economic growth. Another major reason why a central bank should focus on inflation control is that inflation distorts scarcity signals in relative
price movements (Hill 2004). Microeconomic factors like the presence of menu
costs may induce the agents not to adjust prices, which could lead to greater
relative price variability along with high inflation levels. This, in turn, may
send incorrect signals about relative scarcity and can in turn lead to
misallocation of resources in investments.
Current inflation levels have an impact on the inflation expectations of
the agents, as expectations are partly formed on the basis of adaptive behaviour.
It has been acknowledged that high levels of inflation are usually associated
with higher inflation expectations (Bernanke and Mishkin 1997, Akerlof et al
1996). As inflation expectations influence wage bargaining, a high current
level of inflation usually entails the possibility of a wage-price spiral. When
inflation is driven by supply side factors, because of the risks to inflation
expectations, central banks at times may be guided by the need to firmly anchor
inflation expectations rather than by the well known apprehensions about the
effectiveness of monetary policy to address the supply side sources of inflation.
Therefore, having a low and stable inflation at the current period becomes all
the more important for the conduct of monetary policy. Moreover, the strong
redistributive effects of high inflation in a developing country cannot be ignored
while balancing the weights between supporting growth and containing
inflation. It has been argued that in countries where high growth accentuates
inequality and does not lead to corresponding fall in poverty, the emphasis of
monetary policy should be primarily on containment of inflation, even at the
cost of sacrificing some growth.
Why Right Measurement is the First Step to an Appropriate Policy Response?
Inflation is a source of uncertainty that complicates long range investment
planning and it often encourages speculative investment as opposed to
productive investment. Inflation could also alter inflation perceptions and
thereby affect real consumption and investment decisions. As pointed out by
Frale and Mortenson (2008), despite a measured increase of household purchasing power by 3.5 per cent in France in 2007, more than two third of the
French citizens felt their purchasing power to have declined. Fully anticipated
inflation could have two clear costs; i.e., the “shoe-leather” costs and the “menu
costs”. The first type of costs are on account of the need for downsizing money
balances (whose values erode because of inflation), and the second one relates
to the need for relabeling of prices by the suppliers. The more significant cost
of inflation, however, results from the institutional and contractual arrangements
(which could be disturbed by even moderate inflation). The four such costs, as
pointed out by Edey (1994) could be: (a) interactions between inflation and
taxation i.e., non-indexation of income tax scales which could increase the tax
burden at higher inflation, (b) price uncertainty caused by inflation and the
tendency to disrupt long-term contracts (most of which are non-indexed) also
distort relative price changes (i.e., the practical difficulty faced in distinguishing
relative price changes from absolute price changes), (c) adverse effect on growth
through decline in capital accumulation, and (d) others, such as distributional
effects in emerging market economies with large population; one of the major
risks of inflation (particularly food inflation) could be in terms of worsening
the poverty and inequality scenario.
Economic Analysis of Monetary Policy with Limitations in Prices Data
The making of monetary policy has to often use analyses of macroeconomic
and macro-financial linkages as important inputs for designing the
actual policy stance. Measurement problems and other limitations in prices
data could yield biased and misleading empirical estimates. Some of the very
standard and often debated relationships are highlighted here to stress the risk
to policy from weak inflation data.
1. Money Demand : Money, Output and Prices Relationship.
Despite the growing de-emphasis on money on account of the instability
in the money demand functions in response to financial innovations, the
relationship between money, output and prices continues to be a critical input for the formulation of monetary policy. After the global financial crisis, money
and credit growth and the underlying factors driving their growth have received
greater policy focus, because of the realisation that low inflation and high
growth -the preferred outcome for monetary policy- should not be a source of
comfort in the assessment and management of money. Money and credit growth,
despite low inflation, could entail risks to financial stability and also contribute
to asset price bubbles. Money demand analysis, therefore, may still be useful
for policy purposes, notwithstanding the challenge of instability in the
relationship. The starting point for any conventional money demand function
could typically be the following representation of the relationship:
It may be noted that inadequately measured inflation data in such estimates
could not only distort assessment of monetary policy actions in relation to
policy goals, but also complicate conduct of monetary policy in terms of
assigning policy rates to containment of inflation in relation to threshold/
targeted inflation objective.
3. Transmission of Monetary Policy
While a large part of the current debate in India has centred around
transmission of policy rates into lending rate, the key empirical input for policy
purposes relates to transmission from policy action to ultimate policy goals in
the form of impact on inflation and output. While use of any price series in a
structural VAR could show the transmission lag and the extent of impact on
inflation in response to a policy shock, depending on the price data used the
results could vary. In structural models studying the transmission process
through simulations in response to policy shocks could also yield varied results
depending upon the price data used for estimation.
4. Expectations Augmented Philips Curve
As per this relationship, which is commonly monitored for policy
making, inflation is studied as a function of output gap and expected
5. Pass-through of Exchange Rate Changes to Domestic Prices and the
Assessment of Real Undervaluation/ overvaluation of the Exchange Rate
In the assessment of inflation, central banks may often see exchange rate as
one of the key determinants of the inflation process, since the prices of imported
goods and services sold in the domestic market could change with movements in
the level of the exchange rate. Moreover, the authorities may also monitor the
trends in Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) to assess the changing external
competitiveness of the country arising from the dual effects of changes in the
exchange rate and domestic inflation (in relation to inflation of trading partners).
If the domestic inflation data used for such analyses/estimates have limitations,
that would spillover to the estimates of pass-through effects and REER.
Inflation Measurement Challenges :
An ideal price index used for the conduct of monetary policy may be
expected to satisfy two major criteria. First, it should track the purchasing power
of the average consumer in the economy (Diewert, 1998). Second, it should
broadly capture the movement of general prices in the economy with significant
level of accuracy and should also be internationally comparable. The issue of
comparability of inflation indicators across countries has gained importance in
recent years on account of the increased integration of economies. The great
moderation in global inflation before the surge in oil prices in 2007-08 had a
salubrious impact on inflation in most of the countries. Most central banks in
the developed as well as developing world make use of Consumer Price Index
(CPI) as the target for their monetary policy even though some of the central
banks do monitor other price indices viz., producer price index (PPI) and gross
domestic product (GDP) deflator. The major reasons why CPI is used by most
countries are that CPIs directly represent the consumption basket of the public
at large and usually CPIs are also used in many countries as the measure for
indexing public sector wages and pensions and as the standard benchmark for
wage negotiations in the private sector. Since maximisation of consumer welfare
is the primary goal of low inflation objective, CPI has been used as the reference
index by most central banks around the world for their policies.
Measurement Issues
The measurement related issues in inflation could be broadly two fold :
First, measurement of inflation using a particular index (the issues in this
category include the representativeness of the index of overall price movements,
ability to capture the changing dynamics of the economy in terms of structural
transformation and so on). The second set of issues relates to how the central
bank should measure/target inflation, given a set of constructed price indices.
These include issues like what measure of inflation should be used (annual or
month over month), how to deal with seasonality in prices and volatility. While
the first set of issues mostly relates to the measurement of price index the
second set of issues broadly addresses the question of inflation measurement.
In this paper these issues are discussed separately.
Measurement Issues in Price Indices
A price index is a measure of the proportionate or percentage changes in
a set of prices over time (ILO, 2004). Economic literature on price indices is
concerned with three basic questions viz., what set of prices should be covered
in the index; what is the most appropriate way in which to average their
movements; and how accurately any given price index captures the movements
in general price level? The major measurement issues in price indices on account
of the above questions are discussed below.
The first major issue with regard to a price index is the coverage. There
are two major approaches to determine the coverage of a price index. The first
approach follows the procedure of defining a geographical area for which the
prices are measured. The area could be either based on geographical boundary
(nation or state) or a region (rural/urban). Here, the price index reflects the
movement of prices in an area without reference to any target population. The
second approach is to define a target population along with the area for
measuring the price index. In this case, the target area along with the target population is defined. For wholesale prices, usually the first approach is
followed, whereas for consumer prices the second approach is followed.
Assigning Weights
Aggregation of prices for constructing an index is the next major issue.
The weights for constructing any index have to be derived from the relative
shares of the products. The changes in the composition of consumption as well
as the structure of the economy over time make it difficult to have fixed weights
for different products over time. This issue, in turn, leads to other issues in the
construction of the overall index from the collected price data. Most countries
use the Laspeyers formula for constructing price indices, which uses the weights
based on the respective shares in the base year. Recognising the need for
incorporating the changes in the relative importance of different products in
the price index, many countries have shifted to chain based index calculation
or adopted a practice of regular periodic changes of the base year.
Accuracy of the Price Index
How accurately the price index captures the movements in general price
level is the next key issue in the measurement of price indices. Edey (1994),
Diewert (1998) and Hill (2004) identified the major sources of bias that could
enter into measurement of any price indices, with special reference to consumer
price index. These are:
Product substitution bias
Most price indices are based on a fixed weight (Laspeyers Index with
base period weights or Pasche Index with current period weights) and do not
take into account the impact of product substitution within the production/
consumption basket. Consumers may substitute some products whose relative
prices have increased over time with some other goods whose relative prices
have fallen, in order to maintain the same level of utility. Therefore, fixed
weight based price indices tend to either overestimate or underestimate the
true cost of living.
Quality bias
Quality change arises when a firm produces/provides a new improved
version of a product/service. Frequently there is no overlap between the two
versions. That is, the old version is discontinued as soon as the new version
appears. Nevertheless, statistical agencies try to splice the two price series
together, often without making any adjustment for improved quality which leads
to a bias. To avoid this, hedonic estimation methods are used by many countries
to account for changes in quality. Boskin (1996) report estimated that in the US
the inflation is upwardly biased by 60 basis points on account of the quality
changes in products.
New goods bias
New goods introduce an upward bias into the measurement of inflation
for two reasons. First, when a new good appears in the market, it would take
some time for the good to be represented in the basket of commodities in the
price index. Second, introduction of a new good in itself represents a price
fall. Hicks (1940) argued that we should view the price in the period before a
new good is introduced as the minimum price at which demand is zero. This
price is referred to as the reservation price. Therefore, when a new good first
appears, we can interpret its price as falling from the reservation price to its
initial selling price. This reservation price can be estimated econometrically.
Outlet substitution bias
If there are substantial price differences between different outlets, consumers
tend to substitute those outlets with higher price by lower price outlets. If the
collection of price data is based on fixed number of outlets, which is not changed
frequently, the consumer price index thus constructed may overestimate/
underestimate inflation. For estimating the outlet substitution bias the difference
in quality across different outlets need to be controlled.
The other major issue with regard to the measurement of price indices is
how to account for seasonality of different products. Certain products enter the market only in a few seasons/months and are absent for the rest of the year. This
could make the comparison of prices across different months difficult. Annex I
illustrates how the measurement issues are addressed in different countries.
Section II
Inflation Measurement in India : An Overview
In India, there are five major national indices for measuring price levels.
The Wholesale Price Index (base 1993-94) is usually considered as the headline
inflation indicator in India. Apart from WPI, four different consumer price indices
covering different sections of the labour force viz., industrial workers (IW) (base
2001), urban non-manual employees (UNME) (base 1984-85), agricultural
labourer (AL) (base 1986-87) and rural labourer (RL) (base 1986-87) are also
available. Also, the GDP deflator as an indicator of inflation is available for
the economy as a whole and its different sectors, on a quarterly basis.
Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
The Wholesale Price Index is the most widely used inflation indicator in
India. This is published by the Office of Economic Adviser, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry. The current series of Wholesale Price Index has
1993-94 as the base year and 435 commodities (98 primary articles, 19 articles
under the fuel group and 318 articles under the manufacturing products).
Presently, two indices (monthly and weekly) are released regularly. On a weekly
basis, the price indices for primary articles and fuel group are published. On a
monthly basis, overall index including the manufacturing products are released1.
The index is available with a time lag of 2 weeks and the provisional figures get
revised after 8 weeks.
A major limitation of the WPI is that the concept of wholesale price is
not clearly defined. As noted by the National Statistical Commission (2001), “…owing to the wide variety of sources, centres, and specifications and due to
the practical compulsion of collecting data by the voluntary method, it is
difficult to maintain uniformity in the concept of wholesale price in the
collection of price data. In many cases, these prices correspond to farm-gate,
factory-gate or mine-head prices; and in many other cases they refer to prices
at the level of primary markets, secondary markets or other wholesale or retail
markets”. Again, the current WPI does not include services which now form
the majority share of national income (i.e., 64.9 per cent in 2009-10). The
current base year (1993-94) for WPI is outdated and does not capture the
structural transformation that has occurred in the economy over more than 15
years. The provisional figures released initially undergo substantial revision
subsequently, which makes it all the more complex for use in the conduct of
monetary policy. The recent experience, however, shows that the extent of
divergence has not been significant, reaching a maximum of 1.1 percentage
points during the period April 2007 to February 2010 (Chart 1).
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs)
At present, there are four major consumer price indices available in India.
These relate to four different segments of workers viz., Industrial workers (IW), agricultural labourers (AL), rural labourers (RL) and urban non- manual
employees (UNME). The salient features of the major consumer price indices
are given in Table 1.
The four different consumer price indices cater to different sections of
the working class and, hence, they cannot be considered as the representative
measures of nation-wide inflation. As it could be seen from Table-1, the base
years for different consumer prices are different and except for the industrial
workers, the base years are quite outdated. Also, there exists considerable time
lag in the publication of price information (minimum of 21 days).
GDP Deflator Based Inflation
GDP deflator, which is measured as the ratio of GDP at current prices to
GDP at constant prices also provides information on the trends in the general
price level. At present, the GDP deflator is available for the economy as a
whole and the major sub-sectors. GDP deflator is considered as one of the
most representative indicators of economy-wide inflation as it includes all
transactions within the economy. The information on GDP deflator, however,
is available with a time lag of more than two months, making it less useful for
monetary policy purposes.
Table 1 : Salient features of Consumer Price Indices |
Item |
Weights allocated on the basis of Consumer Expenditure Survey |
Latest: 1982-83 |
Latest: 2001 |
Latest: 1983 |
Latest: 1983 |
Base year of the current series |
1984-85 |
2001 |
1986-87 |
1986-87 |
No. of items/ commodities in basket |
146-365 |
120-160 |
260 |
260 |
No. of centres/ villages |
59 |
76 |
600 |
600 |
Time lag of the index |
8 Weeks |
1 month |
3 weeks |
3 weeks |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Monthly |
Monthly |
Monthly |
* Price collection for CPI-UNME was discontinued with effect from April 2008 and CPI-UNME is now compiled based on ratio method after aggregating the subgroup level indices of CPI-IW using CPI-UNME weights at group/sub-group level for all India.
Source : Reserve Bank of India, 2009. |
Section III
Initiatives on Improving the Quality of Price Statistics in India
Recognising the need for revising the methodology of prices data in India,
a number of initiatives have been undertaken to address the inflation
measurement concerns. Different committees/working groups have been set
up to suggest improvements in the existing system of data collection and
dissemination of price statistics.
National Statistical Commission, 2001
The National Statistical Commission set up under the chairmanship of
Dr. C Rangarajan was entrusted with the task of reviewing the entire statistical
system of the country, of which price statistics formed an important part. The
committee had a detailed review of all the major price indices available and
pointed out a number of deficiencies in the existing system of price collection.
The major deficiencies that were pointed out by the Commission in the case of
WPI are divergent connotations of the concept of wholesale price, inability to
capture the changes in quality of products, and shifts in the structure of the
economy, non-inclusion of Services Sector, and weak price data collection
mechanism; accordingly the WPI was viewed as an inadequate measure of
inflation. In the case of CPIs, the major lacunae identified by the Commission
are no uniformity in the base year, lags in updation, non-coverage of the entire
population, non-representation of certain geographical areas, besides issues
relating to sample selection. The Commission had also raised the issue of nonavailability
of regional price data.
The major recommendations of the Commission were the following :
As the current CPI data do not provide changes in the prices for the
entire rural and urban population (since they are designed to measure the
changes in the prices of goods and services consumed by specific segments of
the population), it was proposed that there is a need to compile the CPI separately for the entire rural and urban populations. It was recommended that
it should be mandatory on the Labour Bureau and the CSO to revise their price
series preferably every five years, but not later than ten years, using the
quinquennial NSS Consumer Expenditure Survey data. It was also
recommended that there is a need to bring uniformity of methodology in the
computation of price indices compiled by the States and UTs so that meaningful
analysis of regional price variations could be made.
To capture the changes in the economic structure, it was recommended
to have periodic revisions of WPI numbers, preferably every five years but
not later than ten years. The committee suggested that a separate Services
Sector Index should be developed, initially as a complement to the WPI and
should be merged with the WPI, once it stabilises and after conducting
appropriate tests of robustness. Overall, the Commission concluded that WPI
is an inadequate measure of inflation; there is a need for a separate index for
measurement of inflation in the economy. The proposed CPI for the rural and
urban areas could be used for this purpose.
In line with the recommendations of the Commission, the Central
Statistical Organisation (CSO) has taken up the work for generating data on
CPI (Urban) and CPI (Rural). The weighting diagram for CPI (U) and CPI (R)
has been derived using the results of the 61st round Consumer Expenditure
Survey conducted during 2004-05 and the Technical Advisory Committee
(TAC) on SPCL (Statistics on Prices and Cost of Living) has proposed to fix
2009 as the base year for both CPI (Urban) and CPI (Rural). The Government
has also constituted an Expert Group under the chairmanship of Prof. C.P.
Chandrasekhar to look into the possibility of constructing a Service Price Index.
Working Group for Revision of Wholesale Price Index Numbers (Base 1993-94)
A Working Group for the revision of the current series of the Wholesale
Price Index Numbers (Base: 1993-94=100) was constituted under the
Chairmanship of Prof. Abhijit Sen, in December, 2003. The Working Group examined the current status of WPI compilation in India and made a number
of recommendations to improve the compilation of WPI. The Working Group
submitted its report to the Government in May 2008.
The Major recommendations of the Working Group are:
• Shifting the base year for the new series of WPI from 1993-94 to 2004-05.
• Changing the frequency of WPI series to monthly from the weekly system,
as it would enhance the quality and reliability of estimates. However,
there is a scope for generating a weekly commodity index for primary
commodities and fuel group for monitoring the prices, without adversely
affecting the integrity of price data. Internally, to generate a preliminary
weekly WPI for the manufacturing sector for price level monitoring
purposes of the Reserve Bank and the Ministry of Finance.
• The universe of WPI will now be defined as all transactions at first point
of sale in domestic market, instead of the erstwhile definition of all
transactions carried out by the residents of the country in the domestic
• The use of PDS prices for rice and wheat would be discontinued in the
revised series, as PDS prices are relevant only at the retail level.
• Instead of following the method of selecting all products with a traded
value of Rs 120 crore and above (for the basket), the new series will
include all products, which together cover at least 80 per cent of the
traded value at NIC 2-digit group level.
• The coverage of products has been increased with the number of
commodities covered increasing from 435 to 1224. The number of primary
articles would increase from 98 to 105 and manufacturing items from
318 to 1,100, while the number of products in “fuel and power” category
would remain unchanged at 19. The committee also noted that the actual
number of commodities included in the new series would depend on the
availability of price data.
• Since the unorganised sector accounts for about 35 per cent of the
manufacturing sector output, 309 products produced by the unorganised
sector would also be covered in the new series subject to data availability.
• In the case of manufacturing products, the price data would be obtained
separately for basic price and the central excise duty.
• Setting up of separate committees for monitoring the flow of price data
from manufacturing units, construction of Producer Price Index,
integration of Service Price Index numbers with the proposed Producer
Price Index and framing a permanent institutional mechanism for
collection of price data for WPI.
The recommendations of the Working Group have already been started
to be implemented. From the month of October 2009, WPI data are released
on a monthly basis along with the weekly release of price indices for primary
articles and the fuel group. The recommendation on collection of weekly data
on manufacturing inflation for internal use of the Reserve Bank, however, is
yet to be implemented. Data collection for the new series of WPI with base
year 2004-05 is already underway and this series would include items from
the unorganised sector.
Section IV :
An Assessment of the Inflation Trends in India in Relation to
Apparent Limitations of Prices Data
Impact of Non-updation of Base Year on Inflation Measurement in India
In order to assess the extent to which the non-updation of the base year
of WPI could alter the measurement of inflation, this paper estimated the
inflation path based on the weights of the new series (Base 2004-05) as proposed
by the Technical Report. The methodology adopted is as follows. In essence,
for the purpose of estimation, weights from the recommendations of the working
group have been applied to the index available for the current series on prices
at the sub group levels. The comparative weightage pattern shows that the
weights of primary articles would decline while that of manufactured products
and fuel group would increase (Table 2).
Table 2 : Weighting Pattern of WPI for existing and proposed series |
Weights in
1993-94 |
Weights in
2004-05 |
points) |
All commodities |
100.0 |
100.0 |
I. Primary Article |
22.0 |
20.1 |
-1.9 |
(A) Food Articles |
15.4 |
14.3 |
-1.1 |
(B) Non-Food Articles |
6.1 |
4.3 |
-1.9 |
(C) Minerals |
0.5 |
1.5 |
1.0 |
II. Fuel Power Light & Lubricants |
14.2 |
14.9 |
0.7 |
A. Coal Mining |
1.8 |
2.1 |
0.3 |
B. Minerals Oils |
7.0 |
9.4 |
2.4 |
C. Electricity |
5.5 |
3.5 |
-2.0 |
C. Manufactured Products |
63.7 |
65.0 |
1.2 |
(A) Food Products |
11.5 |
10.0 |
-1.6 |
(B) Beverages Tobacco & Tobacco Products |
1.3 |
1.8 |
0.4 |
(C) Textiles |
9.8 |
7.3 |
-2.5 |
(D) Wood & Wood Products |
0.2 |
0.6 |
0.4 |
(E) Paper & Paper Products |
2.0 |
2.0 |
0.0 |
(F) Leather & Leather Products |
1.0 |
0.8 |
-0.2 |
(G) Rubber & Plastic Products |
2.4 |
3.0 |
0.6 |
(H) Chemicals & Chemical Products |
11.9 |
12.0 |
0.1 |
(I) Non-Metallic Mineral Products |
2.5 |
2.6 |
0.0 |
(J) Basic Metals Alloys & Metals Products |
8.3 |
10.7 |
2.4 |
(K) Machinery & Machine Tools |
8.4 |
8.9 |
0.6 |
(L) Transport Equipment & Parts |
4.3 |
5.2 |
0.9 |
Source: Government of India, 2008 |
Using the new weights, the inflation rates based on WPI have been worked
out as presented in Chart 2.
It could be observed that the change of weight from 1993-94 to 2004-05
does not significantly alter the trends in overall inflation. It may, however, be
noted that inflation based on the new weights exhibit greater volatility than
the existing series. This could be on account of the fact that during the first
half of 2008-09 fuel and metal prices (which have higher weights in the
constructed index) increased substantially on account of the sharp increases in
global prices and declined sharply during the second half. Minerals oils and
metals together account for an increase in weight of 4.8 per cent in the new series (Table 2). Thus, the two broad groups, which have shown greater
volatility, explain the higher inflation as per the new weights. In recent months,
the inflation as measured by the existing series is higher than the new
(constructed) series based inflation, which could be attributed to higher prices
of primary food articles that have higher weights in the existing series.
Comparative Movement of Different Inflation Indicators in India
As the trends in general price level over time should be captured by any
representative index, one may expect the different measures of inflation to
converge to similar trends over a reasonably long period of time. The analysis
presented here uses quarterly GDP deflator data and the WPI inflation since
1997, primarly on account of non- availability of quarterly data on GDP for
the previous period. The trends in overall WPI based inflation along with GDP
deflator based inflation are given in Chart-3.
The trends in WPI inflation and GDP deflator based inflation indicate
that the two measures co-move most of the time, with occasional divergence
though, which is also corroborated by a strong correlation co-efficient between
the two (0.69). It is also important to note that the co-movement of both the
measures is much stronger during the high volatility period of inflation being witnessed since the second half of 2007-08. For better insight into the inflation
process at sub-sectoral levels, the inflation in primary articles of WPI against
the GDP deflator from agriculture and allied activities as well as manufactured
products inflation in WPI against the GDP deflator from manufactured products
have been compared (Chart 4 and 5).
Both the sub sectors exhibit significant co-movement. The correlation,
however, was found to be much stronger in the case of manufactured products
One of the often highlighted limitations of WPI as a measure of the general
level of inflation is that is does not include services. A comparison of the
overall WPI inflation in relation to the GDP deflator for services sector could
provide some indication as to whether WPI captures some movement of
inflation in services (Chart-6).
As is evident from the chart, the services inflation as measured by the
GDP deflator tend to co-move with the overall WPI inflation. It could be seen
that since 2001 both the series have almost moved in identical manner.
The above findings, to a large extent, may seem to support the use of
WPI as the representative and appropriate measure of inflation, because: (a)
WPI inflation exhibits similar trends as the GDP deflator, (b) the extent of
divergence in recent years could be viewed as insignificant in relation to the
large divergence between CPI and WPI inflation, and (c) the WPI inflation
even approximates the deflator for services sector GDP. Most importantly,
these trends suggests that the perceived limitations of the WPI, particularly
non-inclusion of services in the basket and no periodic adjustments to capture
the structural changes in the economy, are not very serious. Hence, use of
WPI inflation as the headline inflation for policy purposes could be
appropriate. It is possible, however, that for certain services (particularly in
the unorganised sectors) WPI itself is used for generating GDP data at current
prices. Hence, the initiatives for improving the price data, both in terms of
covering services and capturing changes in economic structure, assume critical
Large Dispersion in Inflation within WPI
While the overall index of WPI could suggest the headline inflation at
any point of time, when the distribution of inflation across commodities within
the overall WPI basket shows large dispersion, an assessment about the
generalised inflation conditions becomes difficult. At times, few items with
low aggregate weights could explain a major part of the headline inflation
(Chart 7). The distribution of inflation in India across commodities suggests
that besides the overall inflation as per the index, it may be necessary to examine
inflation trends in specific components to be able to explain the role of demand
versus supply side and domestic versus external sources of pressures on the
headline inflation.
Which Measure of Inflation for Monetary Policy?
For the purpose of explicit/implicit targeting of the inflation objective
there is a debate on which measure of inflation to use and the broad options include, “year on year changes in price indices”, “seasonally adjusted month
over month changes”, or targeting the “core component” of inflation i.e.,
eliminating the volatile components from headline inflation. This paper
examines which of these measures could be appropriate for monetary policy
purposes in India.
Year-on-year Inflation versus Month-over-month (m-o-m) Seasonally Adjusted
It has been argued that the year-on-year inflation does not give a clear
picture of the price pressures present in the economy at any particular point of
time as changes in inflation rates can also be affected by the changes in price
in the previous year (commonly referred to as the base effect). Alternatively,
suggestions have been made (Bhattacharya et al 2008) that monetary policy
should look at the month-over-month changes in de-seasonalised index as the
early warnings of emergence of inflationary pressures or abating of inflation
from a high inflation period. The estimated annualised month-over-month
seasonally adjusted (using the X-12 ARIMA method suggested by US Census
Bureau) inflation have been plotted against year on year inflation figures in
Chart 8.
It is quite evident that the annualised month-over-month seasonally
adjusted WPI inflation is much more volatile than the year-on year measure of
inflation. The coefficient of variation of m-o-m seasonally adjusted inflation
is 132.2 for the period January 2001 to November 2009 whereas it is 51.0 for
the year-on-year inflation. This sharp volatility in m-o-m seasonally adjusted
inflation makes it less useful for the conduct of monetary policy as a key
target variable. It may, however, have to be noted that the levels of m-o-m
seasonally adjusted inflation could give useful indication on the inflation/
disinflation momentum, as it is free from the base effect.
Core Inflation
In the context of repeated and significant supply side pressures on Indian
headline inflation in last two years (2008-10), there has been a perception that
with the use of core inflation, monetary policy could be better communicated
in terms of what it could do to contain inflation. The paper estimated the
different contextual measures of core inflation based on WPI (excluding food,
excluding fuel and excluding food and fuel) as presented in Chart 9.
It is evident that the contextual core inflation measures do not significantly
reduce the overall volatility in inflation. Moreover, in the India specific context, food and fuel inflation affects the common man, and in reality, any measure of
inflation targeted for policy purposes must be relevant to the consumers at
large. Use of a core concept of inflation to explain the effectiveness of monetary
policy could not serve the purpose of attaining the policy goals relating to
inflation, which must include both food and fuel in view of the large percentage
of disposable income of the population at large being spent on these two items.
Section V
In India, statistical challenges relating to prices data for the conduct of
monetary policy have come to the forefront of policy debate in view of the
record levels of divergence between CPI and WPI inflation and spikes in inflation
in essential commodities within the WPI. Recognising the challenge, while the
Reserve Bank has used all array of available information on prices for its overall
assessment of the inflation conditions, it continues to present its inflation outlook
in terms of WPI. This paper shows that WPI inflation perfectly tracks GDP
deflator, both at the aggregate level and sectoral levels. One may wrongly
conclude from this that the obvious limitations of WPI, i.e., non-inclusion of
services and non-revision of the index in alignment with the changing structure of the economy, are not very important. Taking into account the major
recommendations of various committees on improving prices statistics in India,
and the initiatives already undertaken to address the limitations in the current
data, it could be possible over time to switch over to use of a representative
measure of CPI as the reference index for policy purposes. Given the general
practice adopted in other countries, and also the usual emphasis of price stability
objective in enhancing consumer welfare, availability of data on CPI-Urban and
CPI-Rural, and some form of aggregation of the two that could yield a
representative CPI for the country as a whole over time, would address a major
data gap in India from the standpoint of use of relevant inputs for the conduct of
monetary policy. Limitations in prices data entail the risk of adding noise to
economic analysis and econometric estimates, which in turn, could complicate
policy making.
This paper highlights that the Indian inflation path has been significantly
conditioned by two major supply shocks, i.e., oil and food. Even the exclusion
of these two items, representing the most conventional measure of core inflation,
does not impart greater stability to the inflation path. Also, such exclusion
makes the core measure much less representative, since the common man is
primarily affected by food and fuel inflation. In this context, addressing the
statistical issues relating to weights and coverage consistent with the changing
economic structure assumes importance. This paper also shows that year-onyear
inflation has been much less volatile than sequential month over month
(seasonally adjusted) inflation, suggesting the relevance of the former for
conduct of monetary policy. The distribution of inflation across commodities
at any point of time shows large dispersion, and the assessment of generalised
inflation, given the large dispersion, could also complicate decision making
relating to use of monetary policy actions to contain overall inflation. While
different prices data covering specific segments of the population/regions of
the country are necessary to assess their economic conditions in relation to
developments taking place at the aggregate level in the economy, for the conduct
of monetary policy, however, a single representative measure of inflation that
could be available with limited time lag may have to be aimed at over time.
Current initiatives like updating the base in WPI and collection of new data on
CPI-Urban and CPI-Rural as well suggestions for constructing services price
series are steps that could be expected to facilitate convergence to a single
measure of inflation over time that would be more suitable for use in the conduct
of monetary policy.
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Annex : Methodology of Computing Headline Inflation :
Select Countries |
Country |
Index |
Coverage |
Weights/Method |
Other Major
Modifications |
Brazil |
Each month,
500,000 price
quotations are
observed for
512 goods and
services from
27,500 establishments. Prices are
collected from
11 locations which covers
40 percent of the urban
population and close to 30
percent of the entire national
population. |
The index is
calculated using
the Laspeyres
formula with
fixed weights
derived through
the Consumer
Expenditure Survey. |
• Extended Consumer
Price Index (IPCA) is
calculated from the
results of regional
indices, using the
weighted arithmetic
• In the first stage of calculation, for each
product the unweighted
ratio between the prices of the current and
previous months is calculated, and in the
second stage the product ratios are aggregated
using the unweighted geometric mean.
• The expenditure of
owner-occupied housing
is not computed. |
China |
There are about
600 'national
items' used for
calculating the
all-China CPI.
Monthly, prices are collected in 80 counties and
146 cities. |
The CPI is an
Laspeyres price
index, which is
compiled and disseminated since 2001. |
• Items that are no longer
available are replaced by
similar items. |
India |
The series has
435 items for
which there are
1918 quotations.
The major
groups are
articles' (Food Articles, Non-food Articles, and Minerals) with 98 items, 'Fuel, Power, Light and
Lubricants' with
19 items, and 'Manufactured products' with 318 items. |
Index Number
of wholesale
prices is
calculated on
the principle of
mean, according to the Lasperyre's formula (fixed base weights 1993-94=100). Weights are
derived from
estimates of gross value of transactions. |
• When a seasonal item
disappears from the
market, the weights of
such item are imputed
amongst the other items
on pro rata basis within
the sub-group.
• Replacement of outdated items is done by locate and fix another representative source producing item with matching specification.
• In case no suitable
substitute is available, the weight of the item is imputed to similar other item or among other
items of the sub-group/
group. In case item with
different specifications
need to be taken in the
basket as a substitute then
the new price and old
price is linked by splicing. |
Korea |
About 75,000
prices are
collected from
21,000 outlets each month. The CPI index
covers 38 cities
selected to
represent the
urban areas in
Korea. |
The basic price
index is
computed as a
ratio of the simple mean of the collected
prices for each
item in each city
compared to the
average price
for the item in
the base period.
Index formula:
A standard
L a s p e y r e s
aggregation is
The main source
of weights is the
Family Income
and Expenditure
Survey. |
• The index includes a
measure of rentals for
• For minor quality differences a direct adjustment for the price
difference is applied. For
significant quality
differences, the splicing
(overlap) method is used.
• New items are
introduced at the time
weights are updated
(once every five years).
• When a specific variety is
permanently unavailable
in an outlet, another
product in the same outlet
that most closely meets
the specifications of the
previous variety is
selected as a replacement.
• For items such as fresh
fish, fruit, and vegetables
that are not available on
the market during the offseason,
the last available
prices are used to
calculate the index until
new prices are available.
• Indices for All-items and
agricultural and marine
products aggregates are
seasonally adjusted. |
Australia |
There are
1 0 , 3 0 0
r e s p o n d e n t s
and around
1 0 0 , 0 0 0
separate price
quotations are
collected every
quarter. |
Lowest level
indices are
m a i n l y
a g g r e g a t e d
using geometric
means but in
case where this
is not
appropriate, the
ratio of
arithmetic mean
is used.
The calculation
of the index
follows a
m o d i f i e d
Laspeyres price
index formula
with a fixed
Weights for
published items
are updated at
5 - y e a r l y
intervals and are
generally linked
to the
availability of
H o u s e h o l d
E x p e n d i t u r e
Survey data. |
• The index includes a
measure of rented
housing and a measure of
owner-occupied housing
• Missing values are
imputed using price
movements of similar
products, price
movements of the
product at other outlets
or other available
external data.
• Prices are adjusted to
remove the effect of
quality changes. The
method used vary
according to the nature of
the change and relies
largely on external
industry data.
• Replacement of items are
selected after
consultation with retail
outlet managers, product
distributors or
manufacturers and
analysing industry data
for the items affected.
New products are
included between weights updates via
linking or splicing
• Items showing distinct
seasonal behavior are
adjusted via repeating the
same price in the out of
season periods
(education fees) and
prices for out of season
products are imputed
from other items in the
same group or
expenditure class (food
and clothing).
• The indexes are not
seasonally adjusted. |
Japan |
Each month,
584 representative
items are
priced in about
34000 goods
and service outlets
resulting in
about 233000
monthly price
q u o t a t i o n s .
Prices for fresh
food items are
collected three times per
month. Rents
are surveyed
m o n t h l y
through a
sample covering
both the
public and private
sectors. |
The price
relative for an
item is its
a v e r a g e
( a r i t h m e t i c
mean) price in
the current
month divided
by its average
( a r i t h m e t i c
mean) price in
the base year.
The elementary aggregate index
is a ratio of
averages or
Dutot index. A
Laspeyres index
using relative
e x p e n d i t u r e
shares as weights
is used at the
higher level of
The weights are
calculated on the
basis of average
household living
expenditures by
derived from the
Family Income
and Expenditure
Surveys in the
base year of the
CPI. |
• The index includes a
measure of rented housing.
• Owner-occupied housing
is incorporated in the
index through the
imputed rent approach.
• For temporarily
unavailable, seasonal,
perishable items, such as
fresh fruit and fish, the
overall weight is held
fixed at the annual level. The missing prices are
excluded from long-run
price comparisons
between the 2005 mean
reference price and the
price in the current
period. There is an
implied imputation for
the price change of the
missing items-one based
on the long-run price
change of existing items.
• Explicit quality
adjustments are made,
when applicable. The
option cost method is
applied to automobiles
and hedonic indices are
used for digital cameras
and personal computers.
• For fresh fish and
shellfish, fresh vegetables
and fresh fruits the
monthly variable weights
are used for compiling the
index. For seasonal goods
excluding fresh foods, the
average prices of the
month when the survey is
conducted are substituted
for the prices of the month
when the survey is not
conducted. |
Kingdom |
About 120,000
prices are
collected each
month from
20,000 outlets
in around 150
r a n d o m l y
selected areas
throughout the
U n i t e d
Kingdom. |
Within each
year the CPI is a
fixed quantity
(base weights)
price index, i.e.
a Laspeyrestype
index; over
periods of more
than one year, it
is a chained
index. The CPI
is chained twice
a year: January
are chained onto
the previous
D e c e m b e r ' s
because of the
change to class
(and higher
a g g r e g a t e )
weights (with
item weights
r e s c a l e d
and indices
from February
onwards in the
year are chained
on to January's
because of the
change to item
weights and item coverage
from February. |
• The CPI includes a
measure of rented housing
but does not include a
measure of Owner-
Occupied Housing.
• Treatment of missing
prices: If it is temporarily
unavailable, the base
price is temporarily
removed from index
calculation so that weight
for that product is
redistributed among
other products in item
index; if permanently
unavailable, a replacement
is then selected.
• Selection of replacement
items: Price collectors
select products with
significant market share
and, where possible, of
the same quality. Quality
is defined in terms of
characteristics listed in
product description in
hand-held computer;
however collectors
consult retailers on
these issues.
• Treatment of quality
changes: The estimation
of the price change is calculated using the
price change for similar
products in most cases
where adjustment is
required, but a direct
adjustment is used when
pack sizes change
permanently. Hedonic
regression which relates
the price of an item to its
m e a s u r a b l e
characteristics through
Ordinary Least Squares
(OLS) is used in quality
adjustment for Personal
Computers, laptops,
mobile phone handsets
and digital cameras,
with option costing used
for the quality
adjustment of new cars.
• For introduction of new
products the list of items
is reviewed mid-year and
new products are added
or obsolete products are
removed for the
following January.
• Seasonal clothing prices
collected for prespecified
months and
last available price
carried forward for
months with no collection; weights held
constant throughout
year. Similar applies to
seasonal fruit and
vegetables, but item
weights vary from
month to month within
fixed class weights. |
States |
Each month
78,500 price
quotations are
obtained from
25,500 outlets.
About 48,000
housing units
are contacted to
collected data
on rents. |
For most item
categories, basic
indexes are
compiled using a
geometric mean
formula. For the
remaining item
categories, basis
indexes are
computed using
a modified
L a s p e y r e s
the price relative
is computed as
the ratio of two
s t a n d a r d
Laspeyres indexes
( w e i g h t e d
average of price
S t a n d a r d
L a s p e y r e s
aggregation is
used for construction of
overall index.
Each basic
index for the
month is
multiplied by its
r e l a t i v e
importance in
base reference
The weights for
the CPI are
derived from
the Consumer
E x p e n d i t u r e
(CE) Survey
conducted by
the Census |
• The index includes a
measure of rented
• O w n e r - o c c u p i e d
housing is included
using the rental
equivalence approach.
• When a price observation
is temporarily
unavailable in a given
month, its price is
imputed based upon the
price movement of
similar products in the
same item category in the
same geographic area.
• When qualitative
difference between the
old and new variety is
observed, adjustments
are made using several
techniques. The most
frequently used
technique is an
imputation procedure. Direct estimates of the
quality differences are
sometimes made using
information supplied by
manufacturers or through
the use of hedonic
regression models.
• New products that fit
within the consumption
classification system are
eligible to be introduced
as new samples are
selected. About 20 per
cent of the sample of
products is updated each
• For seasonal items,
mainly in food and
apparel, the year is
divided into two
seasons, and the sample
size is doubled. Price
initiation procedures are
designed to select the
paired price quotations
during different seasons.
When the specific
product selected is
unavailable, its prices
are imputed until it is
• Seasonally adjusted
indexes are published for
those item categories that
exhibit stable and
significant seasonal
patterns. |
* The authors are Research Officer and Director, respectively, in the Department of Economic Analysis and
Policy, Reserve Bank of India. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Conference of Indian
Association for Research in National Income and Wealth (IARNIW) at the Centre for Development Studies
(CDS), Thiruvananthapuram, January 8-9, 2010. The paper reflects the personal views of the authors.
1 The WPI index for all commodities was available on a weekly basis and was discontinued from
October 2009. This has increased the information gap for monetary policy, since the overall inflation data
are available on a monthly basis as opposed to weekly earlier. |