2008/197 DBOD No. BP. BC.52/ 21.04.048/2007- 08 November
30, 2007 All
Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs and LABs) and Select All India Financial Institutions
Sir, Financing
of Infrastructure by the banks and Financial Institutions – Definition
of 'infrastructure lending' Please
refer to our Circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.92/21.04.048/2003-04
dated June 16,2004, defining the scope of 'infrastructure lending'. 2.
It has been decided to expand, with immediate effect, the scope of the definition
of 'infrastructure lending', to include the credit facilities sanctioned by the
banks and the select (AIFIs) for projects involving laying down and/or maintenance
of gas/crude oil/petroleum pipelines, in view of the importance of pipelines in
the industrial development of the country. 3.
The revised definition of 'infrastructure lending' is furnished in the Annex. Yours
faithfully, (Prashant
Saran) Chief General Manager-in-Charge
Annex Infrastructure
lending and the list of items included under infrastructure sector Any
credit facility in whatever form extended by lenders (i.e. banks, FIs or NBFCs)
to an infrastructure facility as specified below falls within the definition of
'infrastructure lending'. In other words, a credit facility provided to a borrower
company engaged in: *
developing or *
operating and maintaining, or *
developing, operating and maintaining any infrastructure facility that is a project
among others specified in the annexure would also inclde
i. a road, including
toll road, a bridge or a rail system; ii. a
highway project including other activities being an integral part of the highway
project; iii. a
port, airport, inland waterway or inland port; iv. a
water supply project, irrigation project, water treatment system, sanitation and
sewerage system or solid waste management system; v. telecommunication
services whether basic or cellular, including radio paging, domestic satellite
service (i.e., a satellite owned and operated by an Indian company for providing
telecommunication service), network of trunking, broadband network and internet
services; vi. an
industrial park or special economic zone; vii. generation
or generation and distribution of power viii. transmission
or distribution of power by laying a network of new transmission or distribution
lines. ix. construction
relating to projects involving agro-processing and supply of inputs to agriculture; x. construction
for preservation and storage of processed agro-products, perishable goods such
as fruits, vegetables and flowers including testing facilities for quality; xi construction
of educational institutions and hospitals. xii.
laying down and/or maintenance of gas, crude oil and petroleum pipelines xiii.
any other infrastructure facility of similar nature. |