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ALM - Annexures I, II & III

Annexure I

Name of the FI :

Statement of Structural Liquidity as on :

(Amt. in crore of rupees)

A. Outflows

1 to 14 days

15 t0 28 days

29 days to 3 mths

Over 3 to 6 mths

Over 6 mths to 1 year

Over 1 year to 3 years

Over 3 to 5 years

Over 5 to 7 years

Over 7 to 10 years

Over 10 years


1. Capital
a) Equity and perpetual preference shares


b) Non-perpetual preference shares


2. Reserves & surplus


3. Gifts, grants, donations & benefactions


4. Notes, bonds & debentures
a) Plain vanilla bonds/deben-tures


b)Bonds/debe-ntures with embedded options


c) Fixed rate notes


5. Deposits
a) Term deposits from public


b) ICDs


c) CDs


a) Term money borrowings


b) From RBI,Govt, & others


7. Current Liabilities & provisions:
a) Sundry creditors


b) Expenses payable


c) Advance income received


d) Interest payable on bonds/


e) Provisions (other than for NPAs)


8. Contingent Liabilities


a) Letters of credit/guarantees


b) Loan commitments pending disbursal (outflows)


c) Lines of credit committed to other institutions (outflows)


d) Outflows on account of forward exchange contracts, rupee/dollar swap & bills rediscounted


9. Others (specify)




B. Inflows


1. Cash


2. Remittance in transit


3. Balances with RBI


4. Balances with other banks
a)Current account
b)Deposit /short-term deposits
c) Money at call & short notice


5. Investments (net of provisions)
(under various categories as enumerated in Appendix I)


6. Advances (performing)
a)Bills of exchange and promissory notes discounted & rediscounted
b) Term loans (only rupee loans)
c) Corporate
loans/short term loans


7. Non-performing loans
(net of provisions and ECGC claims received)
(under various categories enumerated in Appendix I)


8. Inflows from assets on lease


9. fixed assets (excluding assets on lease)


10. Other assets :

  1. Intangible assets & other non-cash flow items
  2. Interest and other income receivable
  3. Others

11. Lines of credit committed by other institutions (inflows)


12. Bills rediscounted (inflow)


13. Inflows on account of forward exchange contracts, dollar/rupee swaps (sell/buy)


14. Others




C. Mismatch
(B - A)


D. Cumulative mismatch


E. C as percentage
Of A


Annexure II

Name of the FI :

Statement of Interest Rate Sensitivity as on :

(Amt. in crore of rupees)

A. Outflows

1 to 28 days

29 days & upto 3 mths

Over 3 mths & upto 6 mths

Over 6 mths & upto 1 year

Over 1 year & upto 3 years

Over 3 years and upto 5 years

Over 5 years & upto 7 years

Over 7 years & upto 10 years

Over 10 years



1. Capital
a) Equity and perpetual preference shares


b) Non-perpetual preference shares


2. Reserves & surplus


3. Gifts, grants, donations & benefactions


4. Notes, bonds & debentures
a) Plain vanilla bonds/deben-tures


b)Bonds/debe-ntures with embedded options


c) Fixed rate notes


5. Deposits
a) Term deposits from public


b) ICDs


c) CDs


a) Term money borrowings


b) From RBI,Govt, & others


7. Current Liabilities & provisions:
a) Sundry creditors


b) Expenses payable


c) Advance income received


d) Interest payable on bonds/deposits


e) Provisions (other than for NPAs)


8. Contingent Liabilities


a) Letters of credit/guarantees


b) Loan commitments pending disbursal (outflows)


c) Lines of credit committed to other institutions (outflows)


d) Outflows on account of forward exchange contracts, rupee/dollar swap & bills rediscounted


9. Others (specify)




B. Inflows


1. Cash


2. Remittance in transit


3. Balances with RBI


4. Balances with other banks
a)Current account
b)Deposit /short-term deposits
c) Money at call & short notice


5. Investments (net of provisions)
(under various categories as enumerated in Appendix I)


6. Advances (performing)
a)Bills of exchange and promissory notes discounted & rediscounted
b) Term loans (only rupee loans)
c) Corporate
loans/short term loans


7. Non-performing loans
(net of provisions and ECGC claims received)
(under various categories enumerated in Appendix I)


8. Inflows from assets on lease


9. fixed assets (excluding assets on lease)


10. Other assets :

  1. Intangible assets & other non-cash flow items
  2. Interest and other income receivable
  3. Others

11. Lines of credit committed by other institutions (inflows)


12. Bills rediscounted (inflow)


13. Inflows on account of forward exchange contracts, dollar/rupee swaps (sell/buy)


14. Others




C. Mismatch
( B - A)


D. Cumulative mismatch


E. C as percentage
Of A


Annexure III

Name of the FI

Statement of short-term Dynamic Liquidity as on



(Rs. in crore)


1 - 14

15 days to
28 days

29 days to
3 months

3 - 6


  1. Increase in loans & Advances
  2. Net increase in investments

  1. Govt./approved securities
  2. Bonds/debentures/shares
  3. Others

  1. Net decrease in public deposits,
    CDs & ICDs
  2. Net decrease in borrowings from
    various sources/net increase in
    market lending
  3. Outflow on account of
    off-balance sheet items
  4. Other outflows


  1. Inflows

  1. Net cash position
  2. Net increase in deposits
  3. Interest inflow on investments
  4. Interest inflow on performing
  5. Advances

  6. Net increase in borrowings
    from various sources
  7. Inflow on account of off-
    balance sheet items
  8. Other inflows


C. Mismatch (B - A)

D. Cumulative mismatch

E. C as percentage to
Total Outflows

