No. RPCD. LBS. BC. No.50/02.01.01/2005-06
December 06, 2005
The Chairman/Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer
(All Indian Private Sector Banks)
Dear Sir,
Participation in various fora under Lead Bank
Please refer to our Circular letter No.RPCD.LBS.BC.76/02.01.01/2004-05
dated 28th January, 2005 on the captioned subject through which
private sector banks were requested to take active part in various for a under
Lead Bank Scheme and Government sponsored schemes and cooperate with the Lead
Bank concerned in the district and take appropriate steps to improve the flow
of credit to the priority sector/weaker sections so that comprehensive credit
planning and monitoring can be done at various levels.
2. In this connection, we observe : -
a. Non-participation/low level participation
by banks in district/block level meetings,
b. Participants attending the meetings having
no feed back on the progress of their bank branches in the district;
c. Participants attending the meeting often
not having decision making powers;
d. Non acceptance of targets by new generation
banks, approved by District Level Consultative Committee.
In view of the above, you are once again advised
to ensure that your bank actively participates in these fora and increases the
flow of credit to agriculture, priority sector and weaker sections of the society.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy General Manager