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Date : Jan 24, 2020
Minutes of Pre-bid meeting - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of X-Ray Baggage Scanner System for Bank’s Office Building at RBI, Bhubaneswar

Extension of time of Bid Submission

NIT - RBI/Bhubaneswar/ESTATE/128/19-20/ET/272

Pre-bid meeting for the captioned e-tender was held on January 24, 2020 at 11:00 AM in the Conference Room, RBI, Bhubaneswar to clarify the queries of the bidders. The meeting was attended by the following persons:

Bank’s Representatives Firm’s representative
1. N C Panda, AGM, Estate 1. M/s. Nuctech India Pvt. Ltd.
2. SP Sahu, Manager (T-E),  
3. Amol R Wadhonkar, Asst Manager  

Further to the discussions held with the tenderer, clarifications arrived thereof are indicated as under.

S. No. Queries raised by firm’s representative Clarification given by the Bank
1. M/s Nuctech requested to accept Client Certificate issued by their clients in their own format. Client certificate as per the format given in Part I of the tender document will only be accepted
2. M/s Nuctech India Pvt. Ltd. raised query whether experience of Nuctech China Limited, which its parent company can be considered for the eligibility of 5 years experience as M/s Nuctech India Pvt. Ltd.was established in 2017. The experience of 5 years of carrying out similar nature work is mandatory for participating bidders as per tender terms and conditions. Experience of parent company will not be accepted.
3. M/s Nuctech India Pvt. Ltd. submitted that since it was established in 2017, the condition of submitting CA audited balance sheet, turnover certificate and Income Tax return for last 03 years may be relaxed for the returns of 2017. Submission of CA audited Financial Statement of 2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-19 of participating firms are mandatory as per tender terms and conditions
4. As per the GFR 2017 Rule No 217 Bid Security- Bidder From MSME are exempted from the submission of EMD as defined in MSME Procurement Policy. Since we are Micro-Small Scale Industry and registered with MSME, Since RBI Guwahati, RBI Gangtok, RBI Jaipur, RBI Mumbai etc. has considered the same for Exemption of EMD and MSME Preference in earlier and latest tender, hence request you to facilitate the EMD Exemption for MSME registered companies. X-ray baggage Scanner is not included in the list of items for which benefits of EMD exemption, relaxation of prior experience and turnover criteria is given to MSMEs.
5. We assume that Laser Printer comes under the RBI scope, please clarify. Printer shall be provided by the vendor
6. Request you kindly clarify the exact period of AMC, as in page No. 22 of tender, CAMC period is mentioned 7 years (after 1 Year DLP), hence request you to kindly clarify. DLP – 01 year from handing over
CAMC – 7 years after DLP
7. As per Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 to encourage ‘Make in India’ and promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in India hence purchase preference shall be given to Indian suppliers in all procurement's undertaken by procuring entities, hence request you to kindly consider this as well. All Indian manufacturers or assemblers can participate
8. With reference to GOVERNMENT PURCHASE AND PRICE PREFERENCE POLICY FOR MICRO & SMALL ENTERPRISES (MSME’s), we hereby request you to kindly consider the same and provide the preference for Indian MSME as well. X-ray baggage Scanner is not included in the list of items for which benefits of EMD exemption, relaxation of prior experience and turnover criteria is given to MSMEs.
9. We request you to kindly consider industry standard Display Monitor/Computer and don’t restrict only few Make & model. Hence request you to kindly keep display monitor/Computer make open ended & remove DELL/HP. Dell/HP/Compaq/Lenovo make is acceptable
10. Please clarify what will be the maximum cap of penalty, since the clause seems open ended and we understand there is unlimited penalty. Request you to please mention capping of the penalty to maximum of 10% of contact value as this is a standard clause. Not acceptable. Penalty will be levied as per tender terms and conditions.
11. Regarding the old unit, we have following queries:
1. Year of Manufacture.
2. Date of Issuance of Purchase Order.
3. Date of Installation.
4. Are entry and exit SS rollers available? If yes, kindly mention the length of each.
5. Are Computer and monitor in working condition?
6. Is UPS available? If yes, please mention the power in KVA.
7. Any other component of this machine which is part of Buy back (if any), kindly mention.
Installation date:
Rapiscan – 01/06/2005(operational)
Smith - 18/06/2007 (non-functional)
UPS is not available
Roller is available for Rapiscan only
Computer & monitor of Rapiscan is functional & smith is non-functional, however bidders may visit the site to assess the exact condition of old machines before quoting buyback price.

• All above points are noted and agreed by the firm.

  1. These minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form the part of bid document/Agreement

  2. Rest of the terms and conditions and specifications of the bid document shall continue to remain same

  3. The above amendments/ clarifications are issued for the information for all the intending bidders.

  4. The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the bid document and amendments/ clarifications given above

Regional Director
RBI, Bhubaneswar
January 24, 2020
