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43. Payment System Indicators
Date : Mar 11, 2020
PART I - Payment System Indicators - Payment & Settlement System Statistics
System Volume (Lakh) Value (₹ Crore)
FY 2018-19 2019 2020 FY 2018-19 2019 2020
Jan. Dec. Jan. Jan. Dec. Jan.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Settlement Systems                
Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)                
1 CCIL Operated Systems (1.1 to 1.3) 2.83 3.01 12196681 12826782
1.1 Govt. Securities Clearing (1.1.1 to 1.1.3) 1.04 1.09 8085475 8442926
1.1.1 Outright 0.61 0.66 853262 957188
1.1.2 Repo 0.21 0.21 2950776 2999019
1.1.3 Tri-party Repo 0.21 0.22 4281437 4486719
1.2 Forex Clearing 1.75 1.88 3831685 4083916
1.3 Rupee Derivatives @ 0.04 0.05 279520 299940
B. Payment Systems                
I Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)
1 Credit Transfers - RTGS (1.1 to 1.2) 136.02 137.29 10316937 9880821
1.1 Customer Transactions 133.82 135.09 8847761 8558049
1.2 Interbank Transactions 2.20 2.20 1469176 1322772
II Retail                
2 Credit Transfers - Retail (2.1 to 2.7) 20029.92 21194.27 2440803 2454422
2.1 AePS (Fund Transfers) @ 0.84 0.76 35 37
2.2 APBS $ 1369.14 1511.41 6000 9427
2.3 ECS Cr 0.10 0.09 53 43
2.4 IMPS 2564.67 2595.26 210934 216811
2.5 NACH Cr $ 674.26 1431.01 79028 82398
2.6 NEFT 2336.88 2605.55 1942231 1929464
2.7 UPI @ 13084.02 13050.19 202521 216243
2.7.1 of which USSD @ 0.80 0.78 14 14
3 Debit Transfers and Direct Debits (3.1 to 3.4) 790.71 812.33 72455 73506
3.1 BHIM Aadhaar Pay @ 7.37 9.36 112 141
3.2 ECS Dr 0.00 0.00
3.3 NACH Dr $ 769.31 777.36 72306 73316
3.4 NETC (linked to bank account) @ 14.02 25.61 37 49
4 Card Payments (4.1 to 4.2) 6615.52 6654.46 149688 151147
4.1 Credit Cards (4.1.1 to 4.1.2) 2036.64 2017.27 65736 66573
4.1.1 PoS based $ 1181.09 1160.35 35157 35124
4.1.2 Others $ 855.55 856.92 30579 31449
4.2 Debit Cards (4.2.1 to 4.2.1) 4578.88 4637.19 83953 84575
4.2.1 PoS based $ 2634.18 2587.38 39740 38907
4.2.2 Others $ 1944.70 2049.81 44213 45667
5 Prepaid Payment Instruments (5.1 to 5.2) 5073.44 5237.05 18922 18286
5.1 Wallets 3652.64 3876.23 15835 15408
5.2 Cards (5.2.1 to 5.2.2) 1420.80 1360.82 3088 2878
5.2.1 PoS based $ 121.90 128.35 1012 997
5.2.2 Others $ 1298.91 1232.47 2076 1880
6 Paper-based Instruments (6.1 to 6.2) 865.46 887.16 646583 660249
6.1 CTS (NPCI Managed) 864.44 886.38 645573 659590
6.2 Others 1.02 0.78 1010 658
Total - Retail Payments (2+3+4+5+6) 33375.05 34785.26 3328451 3357610
Total Payments (1+2+3+4+5+6) 33511.06 34922.55 13645388 13238431
Total Digital Payments (1+2+3+4+5) 32645.60 34035.39 12998805 12578182

PART II - Payment Modes and Channels
System Volume (Lakh) Value (₹ Crore)
FY 2018-19 2019 2020 FY 2018-19 2019 2020
Jan. Dec. Jan. Jan. Dec. Jan.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Other Payment Channels                
1 Mobile Payments (mobile app based) (1.1 to 1.2) 14322.15 14402.70 493342 521368
1.1 Intra-bank $ 1280.66 1304.45 101679 107648
1.2 Inter-bank $ 13041.49 13098.24 391663 413720
2 Internet Payments (Netbanking / Internet Browser Based) @ (2.1 to 2.2) 2734.52 2747.49 3034061 3155249
2.1 Intra-bank @ 626.24 612.05 1438218 1641369
2.2 Inter-bank @ 2108.29 2135.43 1595843 1513879
B. ATMs                
3 Cash Withdrawal at ATMs $ (3.1 to 3.3) 6518.97 6568.95 293087 298514
3.1 Using Credit Cards $ 8.91 8.53 422 399
3.2 Using Debit Cards $ 6481.81 6531.99 291704 297116
3.3 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 28.25 28.43 961 999
4 Cash Withdrawal at PoS $ (4.1 to 4.2) 78.52 102.47 148 177
4.1 Using Debit Cards $ 71.47 92.41 134 163
4.2 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 7.05 10.06 14 14
5 Cash Withrawal at Micro ATMs @ 326.35 400.77 9163 11109
5.1 AePS @ 326.35 400.77 9163 11109

PART III - Payment Infrastructures (Lakh)
System FY 2018-19 2019 2020
Jan. Dec. Jan.
1 2 3 4
Payment System Infrastructures        
1 Number of Cards (1.1 to 1.2) 8606.57 8728.47
1.1 Credit Cards 553.33 561.20
1.2 Debit Cards 8053.24 8167.26
2 Number of PPIs @ (2.1 to 2.2) 17625.43 17574.74
2.1 Wallets @ 16615.68 16575.31
2.2 Cards @ 1009.75 999.43
3 Number of ATMs (3.1 to 3.2) 2.32 2.33
3.1 Bank owned ATMs $ 2.10 2.10
3.2 White Label ATMs $ 0.22 0.23
4 Number of Micro ATMs @ 2.42 2.56
5 Number of PoS Terminals 49.88 49.47
6 Bharat QR @ 17.13 17.79
@: New inclusion w.e.f. November 2019
$ : Inclusion separately initiated from November 2019 - would have been part of other items hitherto.
Note : 1. Data is provisional.
2. The data for November 2019 for card payments (Debit/Credit cards) and Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) may not be comparable with earlier months/ periods, as more granular data is being published along with revision in data definitions.
3. Only domestic financial transactions are considered. The new format captures e-commerce transactions; transactions using FASTags; digtal bill payments and card-to-card transfer through ATMs, etc.. Also, failed transactions, chargebacks, reversals, expired cards/ wallets, are excluded.
Part I-A. Settlement systems
1.1.3: Tri- party Repo under the securities segment has been operationalised from November 05, 2018.
Part I-B. Payments systems
4.1.2: ‘Others’ includes e-commerce transactions and digital bill payments through ATMs, etc.
4.2.2: ‘Others’ includes e-commerce transactions, card to card transfers and digital bill payments through ATMs, etc.
5: Available from December 2010.
5.1: includes purchase of goods and services and fund transfer through wallets.
5.2.2: includes usage of PPI Cards for online transactions and other transactions.
6.1: Pertain to three grids – Mumbai, New Delhi and Chennai.
6.2: ‘Others’ comprises of Non-MICR transactions which pertains to clearing houses managed by 21 banks.
Part II-A. Other payment channels
1: Mobile Payments –
o Include transactions done through mobile apps of banks and UPI apps.
o The data from July 2017 includes only individual payments and corporate payments initiated, processed, and authorised using mobile device. Other corporate payments which are not initiated, processed, and authorised using mobile device are excluded.
2: Internet Payments – includes only e-commerce transactions through ‘netbanking’ and any financial transaction using internet banking website of the bank.
Part II-B. ATMs
3.3 and 4.2: only relates to transactions using bank issued PPIs.
Part III. Payment systems infrastructure
3: Includes ATMs deployed by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) and White Label ATM Operators (WLAOs). WLAs are included from April 2014 onwards.
