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Entity-wise TReDS Statistics

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Entity-wise Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) statistics for the month of November 2023
Sr. No. Entity Number of MSME sellers registered as at the end of the month
(in actuals)
Number of buyers (corporates/other buyers including Govt. Depts./PSUs) registered as at the end of month
(in actuals)
Number of financiers registered as at the end of month
(in actuals)
Factoring Units (FUs) uploaded during the month Factoring Units (FUs) financed during the month
Banks NBFC Factors and other Fis No. of FUs
(in actuals)
(in Rs'000)
No. of FUs
(in actuals)
(in Rs'000)
1 A.TREDS Limited 25200 1572 54 7 20578 44396320 18762 41614721
2 Mynd Solutions Private Limited 23315 1422 49 6 15817 39082445 13996 35205746
3 Receivables Exchange of India Limited 20930 1308 53 9 28325 45514961 20997 42230141
  Total 64720 128993726 53755 119050608
