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Entity-wise TReDS Statistics

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Entity-wise Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) statistics for the month of October 2023
Sr. No. Entity Number of MSME sellers registered as at the end of the month
(in actuals)
Number of buyers (corporates/other buyers including Govt. Depts./PSUs) registered as at the end of month
(in actuals)
Number of financiers registered as at the end of month
(in actuals)
Factoring Units (FUs) uploaded during the month Factoring Units (FUs) financed during the month
Banks NBFC Factors and other Fis No. of FUs
(in actuals)
(in Rs'000)
No. of FUs
(in actuals)
(in Rs'000)
1 A.TREDS Limited 24336 1539 53 7 19770 39878876 18034 37088844
2 Mynd Solutions Private Limited 22483 1410 49 6 16096 40519011 14405 36318773
3 Receivables Exchange of India Limited 20220 1284 53 8 34347 45038294 21182 40084504
  Total 70213 125436181 53621 113492121
