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Date : Sep 15, 2023
Table 233 : Select Fiscal Indicators of the State Governments (As Percentage of GDP)
Year Revenue Deficit Gross Fiscal Deficit Primary Deficit Primary Revenue Deficit Conventional Deficit Aggregate Disbursements Revenue Receipts Tax Receipts Non Tax Receipts Aggregate Receipts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1978-79 -0.99 2.31 1.47 -1.82 -0.88 13.68 10.16 6.04 4.12 14.57
1979-80 -1.23 2.29 1.54 -1.98 0.15 14.25 10.84 7.22 3.62 14.10
1980-81 -0.99 2.48 1.66 -1.81 0.60 15.15 10.89 6.95 3.93 14.55
1981-82 -0.78 2.31 1.49 -1.60 0.58 14.32 10.50 7.11 3.39 13.74
1982-83 -0.45 2.54 1.67 -1.32 0.42 14.62 10.74 7.18 3.56 14.20
1983-84 -0.09 2.78 1.92 -0.95 0.24 14.64 10.49 6.88 3.60 14.40
1984-85 0.36 3.20 2.23 -0.60 0.56 15.53 10.69 7.06 3.63 14.97
1985-86 -0.23 2.60 1.58 -1.24 -0.58 15.50 11.54 7.53 4.01 16.08
1986-87 -0.05 2.86 1.60 -1.32 0.21 15.99 11.80 7.75 4.05 15.78
1987-88 0.30 3.05 1.72 -1.03 0.02 16.26 11.95 7.87 4.08 16.24
1988-89 0.41 2.67 1.31 -0.94 -0.09 15.35 11.54 7.58 3.96 15.44
1989-90 0.73 3.07 1.64 -0.70 0.03 15.30 11.26 7.79 3.48 15.27
1990-91 0.91 3.20 1.73 -0.57 -0.01 15.54 11.34 7.61 3.73 15.55
1991-92 0.84 2.80 1.18 -0.79 0.02 16.02 11.95 7.81 4.14 15.99
1992-93 0.66 2.70 0.99 -1.05 -0.24 15.41 11.76 7.80 3.96 15.64
1993-94 0.43 2.28 0.51 -1.34 0.04 15.02 11.78 7.66 4.12 14.98
1994-95 0.64 2.61 0.76 -1.22 -0.42 15.22 11.51 7.54 3.97 15.64
1995-96 0.70 2.52 0.74 -1.08 -0.22 14.24 10.96 7.40 3.56 14.45
1996-97 1.19 2.58 0.79 -0.60 0.51 14.04 10.57 7.30 3.27 13.53
1997-98 1.11 2.76 0.87 -0.78 -0.11 14.24 10.61 7.55 3.06 14.36
1998-99 2.47 4.06 2.10 0.50 0.18 14.50 9.58 6.95 2.63 14.31
1999-00 2.70 4.45 2.25 0.49 0.15 15.22 10.03 7.08 2.95 15.07
2000-01 2.54 4.04 1.70 0.20 -0.11 15.61 10.68 7.55 3.13 15.72
2001-02 2.56 4.00 1.39 -0.05 0.15 15.65 10.59 7.45 3.14 15.50
2002-03 2.25 3.93 1.21 -0.47 -0.17 16.17 10.79 7.63 3.16 16.34
2003-04 2.23 4.25 1.42 -0.60 -0.02 18.10 10.88 7.78 3.10 18.12
2004-05 1.21 3.32 0.66 -1.46 -0.32 17.07 11.21 8.04 3.17 17.39
2005-06 0.19 2.44 0.16 -2.09 -0.92 15.21 11.67 8.29 3.38 16.13
2006-07 -0.58 1.80 -0.36 -2.75 -0.38 15.30 12.35 8.68 3.67 15.68
2007-08 -0.86 1.51 -0.49 -2.86 -0.27 15.09 12.51 8.78 3.73 15.35
2008-09 -0.23 2.39 0.56 -2.05 -0.16 15.67 12.34 8.58 3.76 15.83
2009-10 0.48 2.91 1.17 -1.26 0.12 15.67 11.86 8.15 3.71 15.56
2010-11 -0.04 2.07 0.47 -1.64 -0.19 14.86 12.00 8.73 3.27 15.05
2011-12 -0.27 1.93 0.36 -1.84 -0.19 15.47 12.57 9.31 3.27 15.66
2012-13 -0.20 1.97 0.45 -1.72 -0.23 15.43 12.59 9.51 3.08 15.66
2013-14 0.09 2.21 0.70 -1.41 0.16 15.19 12.19 9.18 3.01 15.03
2014-15 0.37 2.62 1.10 -1.16 0.14 16.25 12.77 8.96 3.81 16.11
2015-16 0.04 3.05 1.50 -1.52 -0.22 17.14 13.31 9.83 3.48 17.36
2016-17 0.26 3.47 1.84 -1.37 -0.09 17.60 13.30 9.88 3.42 17.68
2017-18 0.11 2.40 0.69 -1.60 -0.10 17.11 13.58 10.16 3.43 17.21
2018-19 0.09 2.45 0.76 -1.60 0.10 17.67 13.87 10.39 3.49 17.57
2019-20 0.60 2.61 0.85 -1.15 -1.61 17.17 13.30 9.33 3.96 19.04
2020-21 1.87 4.06 2.10 -0.08 0.20 18.67 13.06 8.92 4.13 18.85
2021-22 RE 0.91 3.73 1.90 -0.92 0.36 19.42 14.16 9.55 4.61 19.05
2022-23 BE 0.33 3.42 1.59 -1.50 0.25 19.90 14.94 10.14 4.80 19.65
Notes : 1. Data for 2021-22 relate to Revised Estimates while 2022-23 are Budget Estimates.
2. Data from 2017-18 onwards pertains to all the States and UTs with legislatures.
3. Negative (-) sign indicates surplus in deficit indicators.
4. Up to 2003-04, the percentages are calculated based on the data for GDP at current market prices with base year 1999-2000; 2004-05 to 2010-11 is based on GDP at current market prices with base year 2004-2005; and thereafter the ratios are based on GDP at current market prices with base year 2011-12.
5. Also see footnotes as given for Tables 99, 100, 102 and 111.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the State Governments.
