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Date : Sep 15, 2023
Table 107 : Developmental and Non-Developmental Expenditure of Central and State Governments
(₹ Crore)
Year Centre States Centre and States combined
Developmental expenditure Non-developmental expenditure Total
Developmental expenditure Non-developmental expenditure Others Total
Developmental expenditure Non-developmental expenditure Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1994-95 82803 82402 165205 102629 48964 7650 161554 150367 119322 3185 272874
1995-96 84427 98632 183059 112888 54544 7385 177584 165361 135274 2947 303582
1996-97 94197 112217 206414 129364 61353 8666 202769 185368 154900 3280 343548
1997-98 110994 127820 238814 142266 70652 11099 228135 201399 178817 5086 385302
1998-99 137257 150298 287555 161200 85174 15383 266361 239720 215662 8563 463945
1999-00 129151 177928 307079 183540 108452 16386 313889 274483 257142 8798 540423
2000-01 139386 197470 336856 205671 116823 17768 347198 308546 277760 9289 595595
2001-02 159364 215456 374820 211086 113505 22536 377312 332224 307864 12879 652967
2002-03 184197 242749 426946 221799 149554 40147 420462 359329 339523 6052 704904
2003-04 195428 243298 438726 272848 166538 76196 516350 417834 371651 6899 796384
2004-05 214955 262904 477860 286473 185152 90518 572354 445354 416340 8063 869757
2005-06 229060 290677 519737 330044 190021 41617 561682 509525 440377 9953 959855
2006-07 255718 341278 596996 392165 211872 53243 657280 588028 507635 13511 1109174
2007-08 325670 400728 726398 464462 233233 54630 752325 710271 588779 16233 1315283
2008-09 471399 428145 899544 567086 254981 60265 882332 943708 637453 18516 1599677
2009-10 528242 514101 1042343 637731 307547 70052 1015330 1062808 768734 20577 1852119
2010-11 666069 551471 1217540 720355 357287 81088 1158730 1267697 852046 25402 2145145
2011-12 705321 627075 1332396 852406 401059 98147 1351612 1420938 969588 31242 2421768
2012-13 742417 692856 1435273 972256 446879 115119 1534254 1574162 1085047 35724 2694933
2013-14 784504 803070 1587574 1076452 504548 125144 1706144 1714221 1242783 43295 3000299
2014-15 813813 881159 1694972 1325989 566467 133326 2025782 1872062 1366769 46379 3285210
2015-16 835019 990172 1825191 1584006 629349 146873 2360229 2201287 1510810 48514 3760611
2016-17 899369 1075825 1975194 1831164 710365 166686 2708219 2537905 1672646 55417 4265969
2017-18 998201 1143772 2141973 1877392 825774 221433 2924599 2635110 1812455 68381 4515946
2018-19 1025979 1289134 2315113 2100802 944484 292428 3337713 2882758 2078276 79713 5040747
2019-20 1153187 1533142 2686330 2163341 1005163 326499 3495003 3074492 2253027 83368 5410887
2020-21 1808981 1700855 3509836 2264471 1063162 369859 3697492 3823423 2442941 86995 6353359
2021-22 1821603 1948397 3770000 2922423 1240854 433289 4596566 4489442 2864084 99794 7453320
2022-23 1908663 2036246 3944909 3234504 1418957 479784 5133245 4761567 3140466 106652 8008684
Notes : 1. Data for 2021-22 are Revised Estimates and data for 2022-23 are Budget Estimates.
2. Centre's Developmental, Non-development and Total Expenditure include gross expenditure of commercial departments and postal in respect of Central Government’s Revenue Account.
3. States - Other Expenditure comprise discharge of internal debt, repayment of loans to the Centre (including prepayment under debt swap scheme during 2002-03 to 2004-05) and compensation and assignments to local bodies and Panchayati Raj institutions.
4. Central & State Combined - Other Expenditure adjusted for repayment of loans by the State Governments to the Centre as given in Central Government Budget documents. Includes repayments to National Small Saving Fund (NSSF) by the Centre for the years 2002-03 to 2004-05.
5. Centre Developmental and Total Expenditure of 2007-08 include an amount of ₹35531 Crore on account of transaction relating to transfer of the Reserve Bank’s stake in SBI to the Government.
6. Data from 2017-18 onwards pertains to all states and UTs with legislatures.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Sources : Budget documents of the Government of India and the State Governments.
