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Date : Sep 15, 2023
Table 100 : Pattern of Receipts of the State Governments
(₹ Crore)
Year Total Revenue Receipts Tax Receipts of which Share in Central Taxes of which Non-tax Receipts of which Total Capital Receipts Total Receipts (2+12)
Sales Tax State Excise Duties Income Tax Union Excise Duties Interest Receipts Grants from the Centre
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1985-86 33424 21811 8429 2052 7260 1764 5478 11613 1365 6323 13131 46555
1986-87 38226 25096 9640 2421 8384 2169 6205 13131 1688 6985 12892 51118
1987-88 44000 28982 11185 2867 9660 2520 7133 15019 1947 8275 15806 59806
1988-89 50421 33137 13122 3081 10736 2776 7960 17284 2387 9660 17037 67458
1989-90 56535 39093 15060 3864 13097 3938 9159 17442 2634 8505 20086 76621
1990-91 66467 44586 17667 4795 14242 3989 10253 21881 2403 12643 24693 91160
1991-92 80536 52604 21064 5439 16848 4985 11863 27932 5320 15226 27238 107773
1992-93 91090 60448 23349 6265 20580 6182 14398 30643 3938 17759 30073 121163
1993-94 104997 68269 27227 7009 22395 7828 14567 36728 4721 21176 28489 133486
1994-95 120303 78832 31883 7439 24885 8565 16320 41472 5345 19911 43190 163493
1995-96 134507 90802 36704 8180 29048 11204 17843 43705 5786 20874 42805 177312
1996-97 150041 103604 42112 8358 35038 13489 21549 46436 8166 22949 42011 192051
1997-98 166820 118699 46813 10756 40411 18171 22240 48121 7777 23853 58907 225727
1998-99 172787 125328 51003 12861 39421 15333 24086 47460 7339 23480 85363 258151
1999-00 202927 143272 59955 14466 44121 18219 25902 59655 8993 30177 101925 304852
2000-01 232509 164314 69976 15479 50734 - - 68195 10961 37289 109705 342214
2001-02 249422 175415 73181 16504 52215 - - 74007 8415 42602 115714 365136
2002-03 273674 193474 82155 18268 56655 - - 80200 8761 45170 140866 414539
2003-04 309187 221117 93172 18928 67080 - - 88074 7748 50836 205641 514828
2004-05 363512 260577 111554 21096 78550 - - 102935 8648 56322 200148 563660
2005-06 431021 306332 128769 25036 94024 - - 124690 9380 76750 164607 595628
2006-07 530556 372841 153573 29316 120293 22477 26182 157714 11825 94451 143049 673605
2007-08 623748 437948 173422 34127 151402 31796 28751 185799 12637 108622 141987 765735
2008-09 694657 482983 198327 40990 161052 32777 28641 211675 16356 129923 196634 891292
2009-10 768136 528075 220644 48375 165014 37274 20301 240062 15294 150972 239497 1007633
2010-11 935347 680198 278838 59169 219489 44709 30546 255149 15625 163497 238228 1173575
2011-12 1098531 812987 345063 71782 255592 51196 28726 285544 18582 186417 269385 1367917
2012-13 1252024 946081 403849 82625 291530 62840 33000 305943 24118 188682 305314 1557338
2013-14 1369187 1030692 453938 81382 318273 70651 36764 338495 27215 205952 318860 1688047
2014-15 1591583 1117113 494265 90389 337835 84431 30921 474471 24135 330847 416482 2008065
2015-16 1832885 1353336 528241 100906 506191 110933 67717 479549 18216 325896 557960 2390845
2016-17 2046401 1520773 587448 103493 607861 135800 96259 525628 24560 356091 675383 2721784
2017-18 2321241 1735646 401562 126689 605186 174207 71685 585596 27966 405958 619924 2941166
2018-19 2620353 1961739 288683 149264 746894 195051 35874 658614 31491 439869 698644 3318998
2019-20 2670138 1874679 289610 161833 650687 173639 28870 795458 26446 534567 1153115 3823252
2020-21 2586622 1767105 284902 172794 595227 184276 19969 819517 22629 643841 1147488 3734110
2021-22 RE 3352863 2261342 354156 205363 740118 216311 18493 1091521 22894 833748 1157599 4510462
2022-23 BE 3856878 2616501 403145 251314 829312 245691 18028 1240378 31181 916285 1213269 5070147
Notes : 1. Data for 2021-22 relate to Revised Estimates while 2022-23 are Budget Estimates.
2. Data from 2017-18 onwards pertains to all States and UTs with legislatures.
3. Data for capital receipts prior to 1991-92 are adjusted for remittances (net).
4. Regarding share in Central tax revenue, see Notes on Tables.
5. Capital receipts include Public Accounts on a net basis.
Also see Notes on Tables.
Source : Budget documents of the State Governments.
