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Date : Sep 15, 2023
Table 82 : DICGC - Insurance Premium Received
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Year Commercial Banks Co-operative Banks All Banks
1 2 3 4
2000-01 448 67 515
2001-02 556 79 635
2002-03 623 84 707
2003-04 684 86 771
2004-05 1212 143 1355
2005-06 1784 190 1974
2006-07 2116 205 2321
2007-08 2622 222 2844
2008-09 3166 287 3453
2009-10 3857 298 4155
2010-11 4488 356 4844
2011-12 5259 381 5640
2012-13 5302 416 5718
2013-14 6803 510 7313
2014-15 7647 582 8229
2015-16 8551 648 9200
2016-17 9390 730 10122
2017-18 10350 780 11128
2018-19 11192 851 12043
2019-20 12311 923 13234
2020-21 16341 1176 17517
2021-22 18248 1243 19491
2022-23 20104 1277 21381
Note : See Notes on Tables.
Source : Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation.
