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Date : Sep 15, 2023
Table 73 : Investments by LIC
(₹ Crore)
Year (end-March) Sector-wise Instrument-wise of which Total (2 to 5)
Public Private Joint Co-operative Stock Exchange Loans
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1992 24425 4240 175 1563 19057 10942 30402
1993 28983 5397 284 1658 23083 11585 36322
1994 36247 5894 305 1716 29536 12876 44162
1995 44319 7017 350 1793 37420 14169 53480
1996 54003 8814 380 1859 47086 18086 65057
1997 65917 9589 490 1942 58851 16751 77938
1998 79236 11834 500 2030 72537 18490 93600
1999 96411 15048 549 2095 90824 26110 114103
2000 117059 19268 576 2129 114032 28926 139032
2001 141256 22780 800 2168 140106 32155 167004
2002 180574 23708 793 2129 178943 34913 207203
2003 219597 29407 685 2082 222449 27540 251770
2004 271779 51924 960 2080 297566 31800 326741
2005 322022 68485 1270 1408 355635 37530 393185
2006 378807 105148 1915 1356 450557 37135 487227
2007 433810 84294 75 3555 480427 41308 521735
2008 503388 128468 74 3818 590467 45281 635748
2009 572050 187141 72 3629 715710 47181 762892
2010 678374 236135 71 3667 872062 45855 918247
2011 799009 267518 82 3667 1026492 43784 1070276
2012 899655 300510 85 3567 1162388 41430 1203818
2013 1018781 329308 86 822 1307333 41664 1348996
2014 1194261 316024 94 754 1468886 42247 1511133
2015 1369713 337997 94 685 1668047 40442 1708489
2016 1578842 345852 96 1159 1891161 34788 1925949
2017 1797369 385729 94 986 2152592 31586 2184178
2018 2046432 395296 108 838 2415496 27178 2442674
2019 2264149 396317 102 996 2636655 24909 2661564
2020 2504578 451787 97 701 2936030 21134 2957163
2021 2769651 507172 105 682 3258567 19043 3277610
2022 2932198 622689 83 566 3539141 16395 3555536
2023 3199417 711903 40 459 3898997 12822 3911818
Notes : 1. Data for 2023 are provisional.
2. Public sector includes G-secs and State Government securities.
3. Instrument-wise loans exclude policy loans, loans to HPF, money market investments and foreign investments.
Source : Life Insurance Corporation of India.
