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Date : Oct 13, 2020
Table 144: State-wise Revenue Deficit
(₹ Crore)
State/Union Territory 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Andhra Pradesh 2558 64 -2807 -159 -1004 -1230 -2462 -3138
Arunachal Pradesh 8 -182 -695 -743 -984 -596 -1678 -1081
Assam 292 -1509 -2210 -2581 -3834 1348 -53 -927
Bihar -1076 -81 -2498 -4645 -4469 -2943 -6316 -4821
Chhattisgarh -146 -1381 -2647 -3039 -1869 -888 -3364 -3239
Goa 123 22 -141 -166 -103 127 -658 -297
Gujarat 4037 399 -1770 -2150 66 6966 5076 -3215
Haryana 258 -1213 -1590 -2224 2082 4265 2747 1457
Himachal Pradesh 1158 -92 -191 -850 130 805 535 -645
Jammu and Kashmir -1577 -1816 -1914 -2216 -3364 -4453 -3767 -2102
Jharkhand 1111 1553 1090 1484 -628 -2614 141 -1428
Karnataka -1638 -2311 -4152 -3776 -1631 -1619 -4172 -4691
Kerala 3669 3129 2638 3785 3712 5023 3674 8034
Madhya Pradesh -1717 -33 -3332 -5088 -4063 -5498 -6843 -9910
Maharashtra 10033 3842 -810 -14803 -5577 8006 592 2268
Manipur -92 -404 -448 -1216 -1250 -859 -1352 -648
Meghalaya 50 -72 -235 -188 -128 -265 -248 180
Mizoram -107 -66 -252 -131 -339 -261 26 -288
Nagaland -155 -207 -550 -424 -511 -467 -812 -711
Odisha 522 -481 -2261 -4244 -3420 -1139 -3908 -5607
Punjab 3391 1242 1749 3823 3856 5251 5289 6810
Rajasthan 2143 660 -638 -1653 827 4747 -1055 -3357
Sikkim -169 -197 -229 -351 -378 -516 -140 -442
Tamil Nadu 703 -1951 -2648 -4545 -1452 3531 2729 -1364
Telangana - - - - - - - -
Tripura -394 -633 -851 -904 -947 -1406 -809 -1668
Uttar Pradesh 6993 1268 -4901 -3449 -1862 -7047 -3508 -6985
Uttarakhand 950 74 -896 -637 -240 1171 13 -716
West Bengal 8228 7391 8333 8147 14709 21578 17274 14571
NCT Delhi -2735 -4328 -4438 -5142 -4590 -6550 -10642 -4428
Puducherry - -7 43 65 112 242 340 451
All States and UTs 36423 2677 -29252 -48020 -17150 24709 -13353 -27938

(₹ Crore)
State/Union Territory 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 (RE) 2019-20 (BE)
Andhra Pradesh -1128 -344 24193 7302 17194 16152 11655 1779
Arunachal Pradesh -975 -89 -1979 -2190 -2385 -2874 -6266 -7451
Assam -1554 -241 897 -5446 143 1350 -7849 -3406
Bihar -5101 -6441 -5848 -12507 -10820 -14823 -9355 -21517
Chhattisgarh -2606 809 1564 -2367 -5521 -3417 6342 -1151
Goa 216 354 -278 -133 -699 -511 -145 -455
Gujarat -5570 -4717 -5326 -1704 -5947 -5232 -1379 -2874
Haryana 4438 3875 8319 11679 15907 10562 8507 12022
Himachal Pradesh 576 1641 1944 -1138 -920 -314 2219 2342
Jammu and Kashmir -1100 -70 390 640 -2166 -7595 -7945 -13454
Jharkhand -1372 -2705 230 -4086 -1968 -1806 -7065 -8555
Karnataka -1883 -353 -528 -1789 -1293 -4517 -194 -258
Kerala 9351 11309 13796 9657 15485 16928 13027 8770
Madhya Pradesh -7459 -5879 -6268 -5740 -3769 -4629 -137 -733
Maharashtra -4211 5081 12138 5338 8536 -2082 14960 19784
Manipur -1503 -1564 -731 -898 -944 -1084 -8 -377
Meghalaya -537 -715 -176 -695 -602 -851 -495 -738
Mizoram -28 152 141 -1106 -1168 -1699 -531 -1443
Nagaland -603 -748 -889 -462 -778 -828 -526 -507
Odisha -5699 -3329 -5862 -10136 -9259 -13367 -10555 -6528
Punjab 7407 6537 7591 8550 7311 9455 11919 11687
Rajasthan -3451 1039 3215 5954 18114 18534 24825 27015
Sikkim -781 -868 -731 -140 -822 -1061 -896 -268
Tamil Nadu -1760 1788 6408 11985 12964 21594 19319 14315
Telangana - - -369 -238 -1386 -3459 -72 -2044
Tripura -1837 -1701 -1797 -1558 -898 289 -1840 -1037
Uttar Pradesh -5180 -10067 -22394 -14340 -20283 -12552 -47248 -27777
Uttarakhand -1787 -1104 917 1852 383 1978 -27 -23
West Bengal 13815 18915 17137 9095 16085 9807 7524 0
NCT Delhi -4902 -5614 -6075 -8656 -5044 -4913 -4931 -5236
Puducherry -95 175 42 197 75 -196 -35 0
All States and UTs -25319 5124 39671 -3077 35523 18839 12797 -8118
-: Not Available. RE: Revised Estimates. BE: Budget Estimates.
Notes: 1. Minus sign (-) indicates surplus in deficit indicator.
2. Figures in respect of Jammu and Kashmir relate to revised estimates from 2004-05 to 2009-10.
3. Figures in respect of Manipur relate to revised estimates from 2004-05 to 2008-09.
4. Figures in respect of Jharkhand relate to revised estimates from 2004-05 to 2010-11.
Source: ‘Handbook of Statistics on State Government Finances-2010’ and ‘State Finances: A Study of Budgets’, Reserve Bank of India, various issues.
