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Date : Oct 13, 2020
Table 80: State-wise Estimates of Yield - Raw Jute & Mesta
(Kg. Per Hectare)
State/Union Territory 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Andhra Pradesh 1555 1638 1579 1582 1435 1502 1613
Assam 1243 1733 1667 1893 1856 1883 1740
Bihar 1416 1692 1772 1710 1455 1646 1627
Chhattisgarh 360 360 373 347 360 321 360
Jharkhand 1260 1080 1080 1080 - 1080 -
Karnataka 237 231 180 180 180 180 90
Madhya Pradesh 360 360 463 463 390 420 113
Maharashtra 265 270 297 270 260 260 280
Meghalaya 860 1194 1181 1176 1170 1182 1182
Nagaland 603 900 425 384 94 277 329
Odisha 872 991 893 975 918 998 1064
Tamil Nadu . . . . . . .
Telangana . . . . . . .
Tripura 1446 1498 1328 1260 1424 1358 1487
West Bengal 2473 2566 2528 2419 2422 2730 2573
ALL INDIA 2019 2173 2170 2101 2071 2349 2192

(Kg. Per Hectare)
State/Union Territory 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Andhra Pradesh 1398 1524 1660 1286 1584 1620 1700 1820
Assam 1605 1509 1810 1904 2106 1885 2114 2036
Bihar 2099 2198 2594 2651 2658 2626 2211 2293
Chhattisgarh 386 334 330 344 345 311 347 349
Jharkhand - - - - - - - -
Karnataka 180 - - 180 - 180 - -
Madhya Pradesh 86 112 132 193 135 158 248 -
Maharashtra 228 279 286 - - - - -
Meghalaya 1197 1194 1493 1504 1529 1531 1532 1532
Nagaland 332 289 289 289 289 289 1600 1597
Odisha 1003 976 1008 958 1033 826 1105 1560
Tamil Nadu . . . . . . . .
Telangana . - - - - - - -
Tripura 1515 1453 1494 1496 1583 1585 1642 1560
West Bengal 2568 2564 2781 2641 2526 2803 2616 2644
ALL INDIA 2268 2281 2512 2473 2421 2585 2435 2508
.: Not Applicable -: Not Available.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
