Inflation declined significantly in December 2013, both in terms of the CPI and WPI, driven
by falling food prices which had firmed up considerably during April-November. Despite the
moderation, CPI inflation continued to remain high near 10 per cent with inflation excluding
food and fuel components also persistent at 8.0 per cent. Going forward, inflation is expected to
moderate gradually but stay above the Reserve Bank’s comfort level. Upside risks to inflation in
2014-15 arise from likely upward revisions in domestic energy prices and growth acceleration.
However, global commodity prices, especially for metals, are expected to remain soft and partially
counter-balance these pressures.
Inflation continued to be benign in AEs
while there were pressures in EMDEs,
including in India
VI.1 Inflation remained low in advanced
economies (AEs) aided by high unemployment
and large spare capacity (Table VI.1). Annual
CPI inflation in the OECD countries remained low at 1.5 per cent in November 2013. Negative
output gaps and muted commodity price
movements imparted a softening bias to
inflation even as it remained range-bound,
except in Japan. After a year of deflation,
inflation in Japan picked up since June to reach
a five-year high of 1.5 per cent in November 2013, aided by concerted policy efforts to
stimulate demand that included the Bank of
Japan setting a target of 2.0 per cent inflation
in two years in January 2013. In contrast,
inflation in some Emerging Market and
Developing Economies (EMDEs) was high,
driven largely by weaker exchange rates and
supply disruptions.
Table VI.1: AEs continue an accommodative stance while EMDEs hike policy rates |
Global inflation and policy rates |
Country/ Region |
Key Policy Rate |
Policy Rate (as on January 27, 2014) |
Changes in Policy Rates (basis points) |
CPI Inflation (Y-o-Y, per cent) |
Sep 2009 to Dec 2011 |
Jan 2012 to Nov 2013 |
Dec 2012 |
Dec 2013 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Advanced Economies |
Australia |
Cash Rate |
2.50 (Aug 7, 2013) |
125 |
(-) 175 |
2.2# |
2.7# |
Canada |
Overnight Rate |
1.00 (Sep 8, 2010) |
75 |
0 |
0.8 |
1.2 |
Euro area |
Interest Rate on Main Refinancing Operations |
0.25 (Nov 13, 2013) |
0 |
(-) 75 |
2.2 |
0.8 |
Israel |
Key Rate |
1.00 (Oct 1, 2013) |
225 |
(-) 175 |
1.6 |
1.8 |
Japan |
Uncollateralised Overnight Call Rate |
0.0 to 0.10@ (Oct 5, 2010) |
(-) 10 |
0 |
-0.2* |
1.5* |
Korea |
Base Rate |
2.50 (May 9, 2013) |
125 |
(-) 75 |
1.4 |
1.1 |
UK |
Official Bank Rate |
0.50 (Mar 5, 2009) |
0 |
0 |
2.7 |
2.0 |
US |
Federal Funds Rate |
0.0 to 0.25 (Dec 16, 2008) |
0 |
0 |
1.7 |
1.5 |
Emerging and Developing Economies |
Brazil |
Selic Rate |
10.50 (Jan 15, 2014) |
225 |
(-) 50 |
5.8 |
5.9 |
China |
Benchmark 1-year Deposit Rate |
3.00 (Jul 6, 2012) |
125 |
(-) 50 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
Benchmark 1-year Lending Rate |
6.00 (Jul 6, 2012) |
125 (600) |
(-) 56 (-150) |
India |
Repo Rate |
7.75 (Oct 29, 2013) |
375 (100) |
(-) 75 (-200) |
10.6 |
9.9 |
Indonesia |
BI Rate |
7.5 (Nov.12, 2013) |
(-) 50 |
175 |
4.3 |
8.4 |
Philippines |
Reverse Repurchase Rate |
3.50 (Oct 25, 2012) |
50 |
(-) 100 |
3.0 |
4.1 |
Repurchase Rate |
5.50 (Oct 25, 2012) |
50 |
(-) 100 |
Russia |
Refinancing Rate |
8.25 (Sep 14, 2012) |
(-) 275 |
25 |
6.5 |
6.5 |
South Africa |
Repo Rate |
5.00 (Jul 20, 2012) |
(-) 150 |
(-) 50 |
5.7 |
5.4 |
Thailand |
1-day Repurchase Rate |
2.25 (Nov 27, 2013) |
200 |
(-) 100 |
3.6 |
1.7 |
@: Change is worked out from the minimum point of target range. #: Q4 (Oct-Dec). *: Nov.
Note: Figures in parentheses in Column (3) indicate the effective dates when the policy rates were last revised. Figures in parentheses in columns (4) and (5) indicate the variation in the cash reserve ratio during the period. For India, data on inflation pertain to new CPI (Combined; rural + urban).
Source: Websites of respective central banks/statistical agencies. |
VI.2 Most of the central banks in the AEs
continued with unconventional monetary
measures to support a fragile economic recovery
amid low inflation and well anchored inflation
expectations. The European Central Bank, faced
with the likelihood of a prolonged period of
weak economic activity and low inflation, cut
its main refinancing rate by 25 basis points to
0.25 per cent in November 2013. Among the
emerging economies, monetary policy was
tightened further in Indonesia, India and Brazil
as they confronted high inflation. Going
forward, inflation risks for EMDEs are likely to
remain firm in the near-term conditioned by
structural factors and demand pressures in select
countries emanating from narrowing output
Global commodity prices remain rangebound
even as US taper begins
VI.3 Global commodity prices in terms of
the IMF Primary Commodity Price Index
remained largely range-bound during Q4 of
2013 with marginal increase in December as
food and energy prices edged up (Chart V1.1).
Global food prices declined up to November
2013, led by a downtrend in cereal prices,
particularly the prices of wheat following rising
supplies from Canada and Australia. Metals
prices declined marginally in tandem with weak
demand from the EMDEs. Average crude oil
prices remained range-bound during November
at around US$ 102 per barrel. Brent oil prices,
however, rebounded to US$ 112 a barrel in
December 2013 on the back of supply disruptions
from Libya and South Sudan, while increased
oil inventories in the US kept WTI prices range bound. Oil prices have moderated somewhat
again in recent days. The immediate impact of
the unwinding of the US stimulus taper on
commodity prices remains limited as weak
demand and improved supply prospects have
kept commodity prices largely stable. Favourable
outlook on supply and modest demand could
keep commodity prices range-bound in 2014 as

Inflation in India declined in December
2013 driven by food price moderation
VI.4 Inflation in terms of the all India
Consumer Price Index (CPI)-Combined (Rural
+ Urban) declined to 9.87 per cent in December
2013 from a high of 11.16 per cent in November
2013 induced by a fall in vegetable prices (Chart
VI.2a). Despite the moderation, inflation
remained persistent with the average CPI
inflation at 9.9 per cent during first nine months
of 2013-14. Excluding food and fuel components,
CPI inflation stood at 8.0 per cent in December
2013 with significant contributions from
housing, transport & communications and
miscellaneous group, which includes services.
VI.5 Wholesale Price Index (WPI) inflation
(y-o-y) in India also moderated to 6.2 per cent
in December 2013 from 7.5 per cent in
November primarily on account of a decline in
vegetable prices. WPI inflation had steadily
increased during July-November 2013 from a
low of 4.6 per cent in May 2013. A number of supply-side factors contributed to the pickup in
inflation. Vegetable prices more than doubled
during April-November leading to y-o-y
inflation at 15-year high of 95.2 per cent in
November 2013. Fuel price inflation also edged
up to the double digit level (11.0 per cent in
December 2013) driven by prices of freely
priced fuel products and administered price
changes in diesel and electricity (Chart VI.2b).
Non-food manufactured products (NFMP)
inflation exhibited moderate increase as weak
demand conditions contained generalised
inflationary pressures to some extent, even with
exchange rate depreciation and escalation in
input costs.

VI.6 The build-up in inflation during 2013-
14 so far, has been driven by continued increase in food and fuel group inflation, which accounted
for about 70 per cent of the increase in the CPI
during April-December 2013 (Chart VI.3). The
contribution of these two groups to the increase
in the WPI was even higher at nearly 78 per
Food prices fall significantly in December
after unprecedented rise during April-
November 2013
VI.7 Supply-side shocks to inflation from
food have become frequent and price rise cycles
are getting elongated (Chart VI.4 and VI.5).
Vegetable prices exerted persistent pressures on
food inflation propelled by increasing potato
prices during April-July, ginger prices during
April-June, onion prices during June-September and tomato prices during November. Apart from
seasonal pressures, rise in vegetable prices in
the recent period also pointed to uncompetitive
intermediation structures with multi-tiering of
traders and cartelisation in APMCs, besides
reflecting a rise in input costs, including rural
wages. Among other food articles, rice price
inflation escalated to over 20 per cent in Q2 of
2013-14 on the back of output shortfalls, rising
input costs, higher procurement and an upsurge
in exports. Rice prices declined in December
2013 with the new crop arrivals.
Prices of vegetables moderated with
seasonal crop arrivals
VI.8 The spike in vegetable prices was
adjudged to be temporary by the Reserve Bank
while formulating its Mid-Quarter Review of
Monetary Policy in December 2013. In line with this assessment, vegetable prices fell sharply in
December 2013 with brinjal, onion, cabbage,
tomato and peas recording monthly fall in prices
in the range of 31-43 per cent at the wholesale
level. Data from the Reserve Bank’s regional
price monitoring indicate that there were further
corrections in vegetable prices in the first
fortnight of January 2014. Tomato prices
declined by over 15 per cent both in the
wholesale and retail markets over the previous
fortnight. Potato and onion prices also
experienced a fall of over 7 per cent in both
markets. Data on prices of essential commodities
released by the Price Monitoring Cell (PMC)
of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and
Public Distribution also corroborate this trend.
Fuel inflation remains high driven by
administered price changes
VI.9 High domestic fuel inflation amidst
range-bound global crude oil prices reflected
the impact of exchange rate pass-through and
the role of administered price changes. Revisions
in the administered prices hiked up fuel inflation
even as prices of freely priced products showed
some decline in recent months, thereby making
fuel inflation more persistent (Chart VI.6).
Retail prices of diesel were increased in a
staggered manner during September-December
2013. Furthermore, rise in electricity prices in
August and December 2013 also exerted
pressure on the fuel group inflation.
VI.10 Although the revisions in administered
fuel prices led to some decline in suppressed
inflation, the gap persists for certain subsidised
items. The under-recoveries of oil marketing
companies (OMCs) continued to remain high
at ` 600 billion during H1 of 2013-14, of which
around half was on account of diesel.
CPI ex-food and fuel inflation stays
VI.11 CPI excluding food and fuel inflation
averaged high at 8.1 per cent during 2013-14
so far. Housing and transport & communication
emerged as major contributors to non-food
non-fuel CPI inflation (Chart VI.7). Also,
persistent contribution to CPI inflation from
services such as education and medical care
was reflective of the second round impact of
increase in input costs and wages on aggregate
inflation. The CPI excluding the food and fuel
components includes transport and
communication, wherein rising fuel prices
exhibited input cost pressures.
Wage pressures continue to remain
VI.12 Wage inflation pressures remained
significant despite some reduction in the rate at
which wages increased. Staff costs for a sample of corporate firms increased at about 14 per cent
(y-o-y) in Q2 of 2013-14 despite a weaker
employment scenario. In nominal terms, rural
wage growth showed a declining trend for over
two years, but the rate of increase at 15.5
per cent in October 2013 was strong and
continued to exert pressure on overall inflation
(Chart VI.8). Real rural wage growth showed a
sharper decline in the recent period as increasing
CPI-rural labour (RL) based inflation eroded a
part of the gains from rising nominal wages.
VI.13 State-wide dispersion in rural wage
inflation was considerable (Chart VI.9). Such
wide disparities in wage inflation linkages also
point to the role of state-specific factors.