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07 Dec 1999
List of Abbreviations 3 kb
Executive Summary 38 kb
Introduction 29 kb
Genesis and Architecture of Urban Cooperative Banks 34 kb
Licensing Policy of New Urban Cooperative Banks 37 kb
Branch Licensing Policy and Area of Operation of Urban Cooperative Banks 28 kb
Policy on Unlicensed and Weak Urban Cooperative Banks 33 kb
Application of Capital Adequacy Norms to Urban
Cooperative Banks
15 kb
Conversion of Cooperative Credit Societies Into Urban Cooperative Banks 12 kb
Legislative Reforms in Statutes 41 kb
Other Related Issues 153 kb
I. Questionnaire on Terms of Reference to the Committee 36 kb
II. List of persons, banks, other institutions, who interacted with the Committee 36 kb
III. List of Government Officials, Banks, Institutions, Individuals etc. who responded to the questionnaire 15 kb
IV. Key Financial Indicators of UCBs during the period 1967-1999 4 kb
V. State-wise position of UCBs and their branches/ offices, as on 31 March, 1999 395 kb
VI. NPAs of UCBs as on 31 March, 1998 4 kb
VII. Performance of UCBs in deployment of Credit to priority sector, segment-wise disbursement 4 kb
VIII. Entry Point Norms / Viability Norms prescribed by RBI in May, 1993 5 kb
IX. Entry Point Norms prescribed by RBI in April, 1998 4 kb
X. Entry Point Norms suggested by Dr. S.S. Sisodia, Member, H.P.C. 3 kb
XI. Status of Banks organised by Mahilas, SCs/STs and those organised in less/least developed areas 4 kb
XII. Position of unlicensed UCBs a on 30 September, 1999 4 kb
XIII. Position of Weak UCBs as on 31 March, 1998 4 kb
XIV. Note of dissent recorded by Dr. M.L. Abhyankar, Member, H.P.C. 9 kb
XV. Suggested format of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c. of UCBs 28 kb
XVI. Legislative amendments suggested in Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (AACS) 14 kb
XVII. References 3 kb
