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Payment System Indicators

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Payment System Indicators - March 2023
PART I - Payment System Indicators - Payment & Settlement System Statistics
  Volume (lakh) Value (₹ crore)
FY 2022-23 2022
2023 2023 FY 2022-23 2022
2023 2023
February March February March
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
A. Settlement Systems                
Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)                
1 CCIL Operated Systems 41.44 3.25 3.51 3.66 258797336 20588727 22281370 22458408
1.1 Govt. Securities Clearing 15.00 1.04 1.27 1.25 172251292 13682354 14888685 14269424
1.1.1 Outright 7.99 0.46 0.68 0.65 10090700 660443 895740 952079
1.1.2 Repo 4.07 0.30 0.38 0.40 68032487 5341282 6436404 6682508
1.1.3 Tri-party Repo 2.94 0.27 0.21 0.20 94128105 7680629 7556541 6634836
1.2 Forex Clearing 25.16 2.11 2.11 2.28 78932050 6232193 6602897 7329087
1.3 Rupee Derivatives @ 1.27 0.11 0.13 0.13 7613994 674180 789788 859897
B. Payment Systems                
I Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)                
1 Credit Transfers - RTGS 2425.62 230.04 200.50 248.01 149946286 14458955 12053579 16122902
1.1 Customer Transactions 2411.19 228.68 199.35 246.66 131667176 13069669 10566198 14416322
1.2 Interbank Transactions 14.43 1.36 1.14 1.35 18279111 1389286 1487381 1706580
II Retail                
2 Credit Transfers - Retail 983694.78 66517.82 88613.03 100851.12 55012192 5062466 4650034 5906936
2.1 AePS (Fund Transfers) @ 5.90 0.56 0.31 0.36 356 35 22 24
2.2 APBS $ 17898.09 1400.66 2584.03 1932.07 247580 15565 35514 26400
2.3 IMPS 56532.64 4920.01 4478.13 4970.56 5585441 462279 468647 546235
2.4 NACH Cr $ 19267.00 1825.88 1527.38 1962.73 1544342 131428 134032 178757
2.5 NEFT 52847.43 4314.20 4675.61 5469.06 33719541 3492578 2775972 3750569
2.6 UPI @ 837143.73 54056.51 75347.57 86516.34 13914932 960582 1235847 1404951
2.6.1 of which USSD @ 17.21 0.91 1.51 1.50 197 12 17 18
3 Debit Transfers and Direct Debits 15343.22 1136.67 1360.85 1403.39 1289393 98645 115315 126113
3.1 BHIM Aadhaar Pay @ 214.22 19.47 11.50 12.92 6791 640 454 492
3.2 NACH Dr $ 13502.69 979.27 1210.19 1246.53 1280001 97801 114630 125376
3.3 NETC (linked to bank account) @ 1626.31 137.93 139.16 143.94 2601 204 231 246
4 Card Payments 63344.50 5512.70 4588.51 5016.79 2152425 171159 168378 191035
4.1 Credit Cards 29145.25 2237.51 2323.20 2634.29 1432255 107107 118684 137311
4.1.1 PoS based $ 15598.70 1134.33 1255.88 1404.60 541944 38777 44611 50920
4.1.2 Others $ 13546.54 1103.18 1067.32 1229.69 890311 68330 74073 86391
4.2 Debit Cards 34199.25 3275.19 2265.31 2382.50 720169 64052 49693 53724
4.2.1 PoS based $ 22917.38 2078.45 1581.95 1652.35 476693 40770 33432 35222
4.2.2 Others $ 11281.87 1196.73 683.36 730.15 243477 23282 16261 18502
5 Prepaid Payment Instruments 74667.44 6469.96 6050.89 6225.98 287111 25615 22399 22988
5.1 Wallets 59112.76 5016.86 4929.04 5036.24 221896 20054 18356 18801
5.2 Cards 15554.69 1453.10 1121.85 1189.74 65215 5561 4043 4188
5.2.1 PoS based $ 1013.09 164.77 63.07 64.17 14777 2860 792 825
5.2.2 Others $ 14541.60 1288.34 1058.78 1125.57 50438 2701 3251 3363
6 Paper-based Instruments 7087.81 702.93 538.79 642.40 7162537 694335 554113 701109
6.1 CTS (NPCI Managed) 7087.81 702.93 538.79 642.40 7162537 694335 554113 701109
6.2 Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Retail Payments (2+3+4+5+6) 1144137.76 80340.08 101152.07 114139.67 65903658 6052221 5510239 6948181
Total Payments (1+2+3+4+5+6) 1146563.37 80570.12 101352.56 114387.68 215849944 20511176 17563818 23071084
Total Digital Payments (1+2+3+4+5) 1139475.57 79867.19 100813.78 113745.28 208687407 19816841 17009704 22369974

PART II - Payment Modes and Channels
  Volume (lakh) Value (₹ crore)
FY 2022-23 2022
2023 2023 FY 2022-23 2022
2023 2023
February March February March
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
A. Other Payment Channels                
1 Mobile Payments (mobile app based) 806541.16 51636.26 72770.21 81915.13 22031617 1573995 1930127 2250091
1.1 Intra-bank $ 62306.61 4218.03 5107.77 5868.83 4191430 298559 353815 436885
1.2 Inter-bank $ 744234.54 47418.22 67662.44 76046.30 17840187 1275436 1576312 1813207
2 Internet Payments (Netbanking / internet browser based) @ 42630.71 3924.86 3319.10 3879.51 91539303 8850603 7380911 8981727
2.1 Intra-bank @ 10703.79 962.84 834.56 987.21 53506133 5341587 4172938 4769894
2.2 Inter-bank @ 31926.92 2962.02 2484.54 2892.30 38033170 3509016 3207973 4211833
B. ATMs                
3. Cash Withdrawal at ATMs $ 69465.15 5966.82 5471.86 5921.72 3305007 287373 263673 286762
3.1 Using Credit Cards $ 88.37 6.80 7.39 8.26 4296 344 358 402
3.2 Using Debit Cards $ 68971.46 5927.87 5433.00 5878.89 3286748 285893 262090 284949
3.3 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 405.32 32.15 31.47 34.56 13963 1137 1225 1411
4. Cash Withdrawal at PoS $ 27.80 2.30 2.18 2.32 284 22 22 23
4.1 Using Debit Cards $ 27.47 2.21 2.17 2.31 282 21 22 23
4.2 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 0.33 0.09 0.01 0.02 2 0 0 0
5. Cash Withdrawal at Micro ATMs @ 12375.16 1032.68 918.44 1083.61 333966 28479 25483 30015
5.1 AePS @ 12375.16 1032.68 918.44 1083.61 333966 28479 25483 30015

PART III - Payment Infrastructures (lakh)
  As on March 2023 2022
2023 2023
February March
1 2 3 4
Payment System Infrastructures        
1 Number of Cards 10465.62 9912.93 10374.87 10465.62
1.1 Credit Cards 853.03 736.27 833.66 853.03
1.2 Debit Cards 9612.59 9176.66 9541.22 9612.59
2 Number of PPIs @ 16185.26 15553.69 16109.65 16185.26
2.1 Wallets @ 13384.68 12787.93 13335.10 13384.68
2.2 Cards @ 2800.58 2765.76 2774.55 2800.58
3 Number of ATMs and CRMs 2.59 2.52 2.57 2.59
3.1 Bank owned ATMs$ and CRMs# 2.23 2.20 2.21 2.23
3.2 White Label ATMs $ 0.36 0.31 0.36 0.36
4 Number of Micro ATMs @ 16.11 9.16 15.59 16.11
5 Number of PoS Terminals 77.90 60.70 77.58 77.90
6 Bharat QR @ 53.82 49.72 52.22 53.82
7 UPI QR * 2563.77 1727.34 2500.89 2563.77

PART IV - Payment Modes and Channels (International)
  Details of International transactions done using cards (credit, debit and PPI) issued in India
  Volume (lakh) Value (₹ crore)
2023 2023 2023 2023
February March February March
1. Card Payments 70.69 80.48 5721 6701
1.1 Credit Cards 40.70 47.69 4098 4845
1.1.1 PoS based 13.74 16.56 1117 1339
1.1.2 Online 26.96 31.14 2981 3506
1.2 Debit Cards 29.99 32.79 1623 1855
1.2.1 PoS based 12.58 13.16 545 582
1.2.2 Online 17.42 19.63 1077 1274
2. Prepaid Payment Instruments 21.63 24.26 833 921
2.1 PoS based 18.79 21.12 641 722
2.2 Online 2.85 3.13 192 199
3. Cash Withdrawal at ATMs 6.26 6.85 1507 1519
3.1 Using Credit Cards 0.22 0.28 36 43
3.2 Using Debit Cards 4.36 4.74 868 849
3.3 Using PPIs 1.68 1.84 602 627
Total International Payments 98.58 111.59 8060 9141

PART V - Domestic Payment Frauds
  Volume (Lakh) Value (Crore) One in every X payment transaction fraudulent FTS (Fraud / Payment Value * 10000)
September 2022 1.71 249 58177.41 0.127 bps
October 2022 1.79 220 59533.35 0.127 bps
November 2022 2.06 257 50620.69 0.143 bps
December 2022 1.54 204 72426.75 0.103 bps
January 2023 1.57 195 71681.44 0.106 bps
February 2023 2.29 317 47018.00 0.177 bps
March 2023 2.25 333 53907.48 0.142 bps
Note : 1. Data is provisional.
2. ECS (Debit and Credit) has been merged with NACH with effect from January 31, 2020.
3. The data from November 2019 onwards for card payments (Debit/Credit cards) and Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) may not be comparable with earlier months/ periods, as more granular data is being published along with revision in data definitions.
4. Only domestic financial transactions are considered. The new format captures e-commerce transactions; transactions using FASTags, digital bill payments and card-to-card transfer through ATMs, etc.. Also, failed transactions, chargebacks, reversals, expired cards/ wallets, are excluded.
5. Data on domestic payment fraud statistics as reported by Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs), Non-bank PPI issuers and Non-bank Credit Card issuers in CPFIR (Central Payments Fraud Information Registry).
6. Data does not include attempts to perpetrate frauds.
