July 28, 2014
The Chairmen
All Regional Rural Banks
Dear Sir/Madam,
Additional Disclosures by Regional Rural Banks in Notes to Accounts
A reference is invited to paragraph 18 of the First Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement 2014-15 announced on April 1, 2014 wherein it was proposed to prescribe certain additional disclosure requirements as per the recommendations of the Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households (Chairman: Dr. Nachiket Mor) to encourage banks to actively manage their exposures to various sectors, including priority sector.
2. In this regard, banks are advised to disclose sector-wise advances in the ‘Notes to Accounts’ to the financial statements as per the format given in the Annex from the financial year 2014-15 onwards.
Concentration of Deposits, Advances, Exposures and NPAs
Sector-wise NPAs
Movement of NPAs
The prescribed formats are furnished in Annex.
Yours faithfully,
General Manager
I. Concentration of Deposits, Advances, Exposures and NPAs
Concentration of Deposits |
(Amount in Rupees Crores) |
Total Deposits of twenty largest depositors |
Percentage of Deposits of twenty largest depositors to Total Deposits of the bank |
Concentration of Advances * |
(Amount in Rupees Crores) |
Total Advances to twenty largest borrowers |
Percentage of Advances to twenty largest borrowers to Total Advances
of the bank |
*Advances should be computed as prescribed in our Circular on Strengthening of Prudential Norms – Provisioning Asset classification and Exposure Limit RPCD.RRB.BC.97/03.05.34/2000-01 dated June 11, 2001as per circular RPCD.RRB.BC.97/03.05.34/2000-01 dated June 11, 2001 |
Concentration of Exposures ** |
(Amount in Rupees Crores) |
Total Exposures of twenty largest borrowers/customers |
Percentage of Exposures to twenty largest borrowers/customers to
Total Exposure of the bank on borrowers/customers |
** Exposures should be computed based on credit and investment exposure as prescribed in our Circular on Strengthening of Prudential Norms – Provisioning Asset classification and Exposure Limit RPCD.RRB.BC.97/03.05.34/2000-01 dated June 11, 2001 |
Concentration of NPAs |
(Amount in Rupees Crores) |
Total Exposure to top four NPA accounts |
II. Sector-wise NPAs
(Amount in Rupees Crores) |
Sl No. |
Sector * |
Current Year |
Previous Year |
Total Advances |
Gross NPAs |
Percentage of Gross NPAs to Total Advances in that sector |
Total Advances |
Gross NPAs |
Percentage of Gross NPAs to Total Advances in that sector |
A |
Priority Sector |
1 |
Agriculture and allied activities |
2 |
Advances to industries sector eligible as priority sector lending |
3 |
Services |
4 |
Personal loans |
Sub-total (A) |
B |
Non-Priority Sector |
1 |
Agriculture and allied activities |
2 |
Industry |
3 |
Services |
4 |
Personal loans |
Sub-total (B) |
Total (A+B) |
*Regional Rural Banks may also disclose in the format above, sub sectors where the outstanding advances exceeds 10 percent of the outstanding total advances to that sector. For instance, if a bank’s outstanding advances to the Khadi and Village industry (KVI) exceed 10 percent of the outstanding total advances to ‘Industry’ sector it should disclose details of its outstanding advances to KVI separately in the format above under the ‘Industry’ sector. |
II. Movement of NPAs
Particulars |
(Amount in Rupees Crores) |
Gross NPAs as on 1st April of particular year (Opening balance) |
Additions (Fresh NPAs) during the year |
Sub-total (A) |
Less: |
(i) |
Upgradations |
(ii) |
Recoveries (excluding recoveries made from upgraded accounts) |
(iii) |
Write-offs |
Sub-total (B) |
Gross NPAs as on 31st March of following year (closing balance)(A-B) |