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Date : Feb 14, 2024
Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting cum Corrigendum - Annual Service Contract for Providing Sniffer Dogs with Handler Services at RBI Premises in Kanpur

Cancellation of Tender

(E-Tender No: RBI/Kanpur Regional Office/Others/4/23-24/ET/443)

Pre-bid meeting for Annual Service Contract for Providing Sniffer Dogs with Handler Services at RBI Premises in Kanpur was held on February 07, 2024, in the Video Conference Room, 2nd floor, Main office building, RBI, Kanpur, to discuss some clauses of the tender and to clarify queries, if any, raised by the interested vendors/ bidders. The meeting was attended by the following persons:

Sl. No. Firm Name Representatives of Firms
1. M/s BIS (India) Ltd. Shri Naveen Singh,
Shri Ramesh Singh Yadav

Sl. No. Bank’s Officials Designation
1. Shri Rajendra Singh Bangari AGM (P&S)
2. Ms. Preeti Kumari Assistant Manager
3. Shri Vaibhav Chaurasia Assistant
4. Shri Manish Kumar Assistant

2. Following queries/ proposals were raised in the pre bid meeting:

S. No. Query/ Proposal Clarification furnished by the Bank
i. Whether the agency have to provide uniform to dog in winter season. Kindly refer to Clause 10(k) of General Terms and Conditions (Page no. 33).

As per the clause, agency have to provide uniform to dog in winter season.
ii. As version 3 of MSTC is launched and the link provided in the tender document is of version 2. Can bidding be carried out in version 2. If not, please provide the updated link. The link provided in the tender document is of version 2, where vendors can access NIT. Bidding is to be carried out in Version 3 of MSTC Portal. The same may be rectified and to be read as “”.
iii. Classification of working days/ manpower in minimum wages notification Please refer to Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Minimum Wages Notification F.No.1/8(3)/2023-LS-II dated 26/09/2023 issued by Chief Labour Commissioner (C), Govt. of India.
iv. Kindly confirm whether accommodation for Handlers and Dogs inside the bank premises is provided. Kindly refer to Clause 12 of General Terms and Conditions (Page no. 34). Bank will consider providing accommodation for the dogs and their handlers at its sole discretion.
v. Clarification regarding solvency certificate. Agency shall furnish solvency certificate issued by the Applicant’s banker, for an amount equal or greater than estimated cost of the work.

3. All the above points were noted and agreed by the firms. Firms were advised to adhere to the prequalification criteria and all terms & conditions mentioned in the tender documents.

Please note:
A This document (Minutes of the Pre-bid meeting cum corrigendum) shall form a part of the tender. Hence, it shall be signed and submitted along with the tender by the tenderers.
B Rest of the terms and conditions and specifications as mentioned in the tender documents shall continue to remain the same.
C The above amendments/ clarifications are issued for the information of all the intending bidders.
D The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the bid document and amendments/ clarifications given above.
E In case any vendors have already uploaded their bids to the MSTC portal before issuance of this Minutes of the Pre-bid meeting cum Corrigendum, they are advised to revise their bids and re upload their bids to the MSTC portal.

Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India, Kanpur

Place: Kanpur
Date: February 14, 2024
