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Date : Nov 22, 2023
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (DSITC) of Multi Vane Type Electric Actuator operated Smoke Exhaust Damper for Bank’s Central Office Bldg. at Fort, Mumbai

Extension of Last Date of Submission

Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting


1. e-Tender No. RBI/PD-Central Office Departments/Others/9/23-24/ET/225
2. Mode of Tender: e-Procurement System / physical submission (Part I – Techno-Commercial Bid and Part II - Financial Bid) through MSTC website
3. Estimated cost of the work: ₹49,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Nine Lakh only)
4. Date of NIT available in MSTC portal for viewing of e-Tender 22.11.2023 from 15.00 hrs.
5. Date and Time of the Pre-Bid Meeting (Online) 19.12.2023 at 11:30 hrs.
Venue: Conference Room, 5th floor, Central Office Building, Fort, Mumbai.
(Participants who are willing to attend the Pre-Bid meeting are requested to remain present at the Venue, Date & time)
6. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ₹98,000/- (Rupees Ninety Eight Thousand only)
The EMD may be submitted in favour of the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai in the demand draft of the scheduled bank or in the proforma given in the enclosure therewith in the office of the tendering authority or through NEFT on or before 01.01.2024 upto 14:00 hrs. The account details for NEFT transfer are as follows:
Name of beneficiary - Reserve Bank of India
IFS code – RBIS0COD0001
Account No. – 41861403873
Any such bid received without EMD shall be treated as non bona fide and shall be rejected from participating in the tender process.
7. Bidding start date of Techno-commercial Bid and Financial Bid at or submission in physical form in two parts in separate sealed envelopes. Part I contains all commercial terms and conditions and technical particulars and Part II contains only the price bid in the Bank's proforma at 5th floor, Premises Department, Central Office Building, Fort, Mumbai. 21.12.2023 from 10:00 hrs. onwards
8. Date of closing of online e-Tender for submission of Techno-commercial Bid and Financial Bid or submission of bid in physical form in two part in separate sealed envelopes 01.01.2024 upto 15:00 hrs.
9. Date & Time of opening of Part-I (i.e. Techno-Commercial Bid) 01.01.2024 from 16:00 hrs.
10. Date & Time of opening of Part-II (i.e. Financial Bid) Will be intimated to the eligible bidders.

Note: Firms will have to pay the mandatory transfer fee to the MSTC payment gateway in favour of MSTC Limited.

Tenders Awarded
