Reserve Bank of India, Department of Currency Management, Central Office, had invited Request for Proposal (RFP) for Supply of Banknote Shredding and Briquetting Systems from select qualified entities on January 6, 2023. 2. In this context, it is notified that due to the technical glitch a new Tender-ID has been created for submission of bids. There are no changes in the terms and conditions of the RFP dated January 6, 2023. The new Tender-ID is RBI/Central Office/DCM/4/22-23/ET/809 (erstwhile Tender ID was RBI/Central Office/DCM/3/22-23/ET/534) 3. The last date and time for submission of the bids on the MSTC e-procurement portal and tender opening remains unchanged at 1500 HRS IST and 1530 HRS IST respectively on March 30, 2023. Chief General Manager-in-Charge Department of Currency Management | |