RBI/Thiruvananthapuram/DIT/13/22-23/ET/589 The Pre-bid meeting for the captioned tender was held on January 30, 2023 at 3.00 PM in the Video Conference room, Third floor, Main Office Building, Reserve Bank of India, Bakery Junction, Thiruvananthapuram. The meeting was chaired by Shri Kural Pozhilan N, Manager, DIT Cell. Shri. Vijay Lakshman R, Assistant Manager, DIT Cell and representatives from empaneled vendors (List attached – Annexure I) participated in the meeting. Manager, DIT Cell welcomed representatives from empaneled vendors to the meeting and invited queries from the prospective bidders regarding the captioned tender. Details of other queries raised by representatives and clarifications/comments of the Bank are tabulated below: Sl. No. | Query | Remarks / Comments | 1 | Whether EMD exemption is eligible for companies registered under MSME? | No. EMD exemption for companies registered under MSME is applicable only for all the procurements (goods, services, work contracts) having an estimated cost of up to Rs. 10 lakh. For e-Tender no. RBI/Thiruvananthapuram/DIT/13/22-23/ET/589, the estimated cost of work inclusive of GST at 18% is Rs. 15.81 lakh, so EMD exemption for MSME is not applicable. | 2 | Whether Tender fee is exempted for Companies registered under MSME? | Yes. Bank is not charging any specific amount as Tender fee. | 3 | Whether monthly payment to the personnel is made in adherence to minimum wages of State Government? | No, The Successful bidder shall pay wages to it’s employees not less than the minimum wages as specified in the extant Central Minimum Wages notification issued by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (C), under Category ‘Industrial Workers employed in Building Operations’ – Skilled/Clerical – Area B. | 4 | Whether the successful bidder has to make arrangements to engage resident engineers at staff quarters of the Bank located at KOQ, TSQ, PSQ, NSQ | Three Engineers should be deputed at Main Office Building, Bakery Junction, Thiruvananthapuram. No additional RE’s are required to be posted at KOQ, TSQ, PSQ and NSQ | The Meeting came to an end at 3.30 PM.
ANNEXURE I List of Participants for the Pre-bid meeting List of Bank’s Officials who attended the meeting: Sl. No. | Name | Designation | 1 | Shri Kural Pozhilan N | Manager, DIT Cell | 2 | Shri Vijay Lakshman R | Assistant Manager, DIT Cell | List of Representative of Company / Individual / Firm: Sl. No. | Name of the firm | Name of the Representative | Mode of participation | 1 | M/s Infolink | Shri. Saju Mathew | Offline | 2 | Shri. Dileepkumar M | Offline | 3 | M/s Aforeserve.com Ltd | Shri. Anish | Online | | |