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Date : Dec 16, 2022
Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Audio and Video system at 25th floor in Central Office Building at Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Mumbai

Cancellation of Tender

A Pre-bid meeting (through WebEx) was conducted at 3.00 pm on December 15, 2022, with respect to the captioned tender no. RBI/Central Office/Premises Department/14/22-23/ET/374. Shri Metta Venkata Soma Sundar, GM (Tech) led the proceedings of the meeting in presence of Shri V. Giriraj, Independent External Monitor (IEM).

2. (a) List of Bank’s Officials who attended the meeting

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Shri Metta Venkata Soma Sundar General Manager (Tech), PDCO
2 Shri. Gaurav Verma AGM (DIT)
3 Shri Vivek Prabhakar Jumle Manager (Tech), PDCO
4 Shri Yogesh Prajapati JE (Elect) PDCO

(b) List of Representative of project architect or their consultants

Sr. No. Architect/Consultant Name of the Representative
1 M/s SNK Consultants Ms. Sunisha Jalvi
2 M/s Munro Shri Kapil Thirvani
Shri. Utkarsh Naidu

(c) List of Representative of Company / Individual / Firm / Contractor

Sr. No. Name of Company/firm Name of the Representative
1 M/s Sigma Avit Tech. Sol. Pvt. Ltd Sh. Harish M.
Sh. Suresh D.
2 M/s Black Box limited Sh. Mohsin Shaikh
Sh. Chandra Mani
Sh. Tomi Thomas
Sh. Nitin Trehon
3 M/s Progility Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Sh. Santosh Singh
Sh. Aniruddha Desai
Sh. Vikas Newase

GM has informed all the bidders that separate tenders were floated for Civil and Interiors (CI) work and AV System. UTP and speaker cable item are part of CI Work. The AV system firm should co-ordinate with CI Work Contractor in laying of cables with all related works as final responsibility of ensuring performance of AV system will be with AV system firm only.

3. The work has to be carried out within timelines mentioned in the tender.

4. Base on the Queries raised by the firms vis-à-vis our clarifications given are as under :

Sn Query raised by Vendor Clarification of queries
1 As per the Technical specifications the specs are not generic and are pertaining to single OEM/ Model only other approved Makes cannot comply the same so request you for generic specifications so that all the makes can comply to the same. It is clarified that the specification mentioned are generally generic only. Specifications are generally generic only. Specific items were also discussed, and clarifications have been given.
2 Page no 65 in approved makes point no 1.7 mentioned Make is mentioned but there is no specifications in the unpriced BOQ of Page no 110. It is clarified that approved makes have been revised accordingly. Also, firms are advised to consider BOQ only.
3 Page no 116 point no 4.14, we request you change the 14”x16” beam splitter mirror size to 11”x11”. No changes from the tender specifications.
4 Teleprompter monitor brightness to be confirmed. Variable brightness to be considered as lighting levels vary based on type of event.
5 For Teleprompter we request you to add M/S Comcon Software Solution which has 70% Make In India product in the name of Samvad Teleprompter. No changes in the approved makes.
6 Page no – 66 Host Universal Matrix Switcher clarification required make mentioned is Poly/ Cisco As per tender approved makes only as the system to be integrated with existing Bank’s VC system
7 Majority of products are from overseas suppliers in this tender. Getting pricing & MAF from these OEM during vacation period on account of Christmas & New Year is very difficult for all bidders. Hence, we request you to extend the bid submission date to 10th January 2023. No change in time schedule acceptable.
8 In Payment term, there is 60% clause against delivery pro rata basis. Please clarify whether delivery payment will be released for supplied material or after total delivery scope? Payment terms for delivery of materials will be considered only with minimum invoice value of delivered items ₹2 Cr. No other changes in terms of payment.
9 In payment terms there is clause of 20% against submission of PBG for 5 Years. (1 year warranty 4 Years CAMC). Please allow us to submit PBG of 20% value separately for warranty & AMC period Firm has to submit valid BG 10% of Contract value for minimum 5 years (1 year warranty 4 Years CAMC) towards DLP and AMC period.
10 For buyback material, we require Tax invoice details. Required invoice will be issued.
11 It would be helpful, if we can get the scaled dimension drawings for us to consider the appropriate cable lengths Required drawings are attached.
12 It would be helpful, if we can get the line diagram (Schematics) to validate the design and consider the appropriate cables & connectors. Required drawings are attached.
13 There are no floor boxes considered for the Auditorium stage. We would need to provide the audio connectivity to the stage monitors as well we would need to connect the Lectern. Please advise. Floor boxes to be provided as clarified and as per tender condition.
14 Request to please provide the details of network switching connectivity, Rack locations for each area and network switch locations. Individual racks will be at one location i.e. console room.
15 Please let us know, whose scope will be the cabling from the network switches to individual locations. UTP and speaker cables will be in the scope of CI work.
16 The quantity of ceiling speakers for Zone 1,3 and 4 is mentioned as 25 no’s in the unpriced BOQ (Page No.135). However, the drawings indicates 23 No’s. Please confirm. Quote according to BOQ.
17 Would request to extend the end date by another couple of weeks in order for us to gather all the required documents and arrange the required EMD Clarified. No change in schedule timelines.
18 Would request you to please extend the delivery timeline to 20 weeks as we have multiple components and would need time to gather these component from different OEMs.
19 Would request you to please revise the Implementation timeline to 4 weeks as integration of multiple products to work simultaneously and get the desired result would take some designated time
20 Would request you to please consider 80% instead of 60% as this would help us with paying the Hardware cost B2B to Vendors
21 Would request you to consider 80% as the initial payment and 10% on of the quoted rate pro-rata against erection, testing, commissioning and handing over.
22 Would request you to consider 10% quoted rate of the work will be released after handing over of the entire system subject to submission of BG for valid up to five years. Would also request you to please consider 3% PBG instead of 20% mentioned aside in the tender No change in terms of payment. PBG of 10% to be submitted as stated in Sr. no. 9
23 As per the scope and solution, 2 weeks won't be sufficient- it may require 4 -6 weeks to complete the installation and testing, so kindly accept it. No change in tender terms and conditions.
24 When can we schedule the site visit and who do we contact for the same Firms may visit site by giving one day prior notice on any working day during office hours.
25 Hope Civil/ Electrical / carpenter work is in not in AV SI scope please confirm Civil/ Electrical / carpenter work is not in AV SI scope
26 Can the vendor works weekends and late evenings during the AV installation and testing? Yes. Allowed but Firm has to submit police verification of the persons who wish to work during weekends and late evening.

The Vendors are advised to

  • submit the bid after considering the clarifications given in the above minutes and the same will form part of the tender.

  • submit the documents as applicable in the format prescribed in the tender.

  • Verify the dimensions indicated in the drawings.

The meeting was concluded by Vote of thanks.
