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24. Treasury Bills – Ownership Pattern
Date : Aug 18, 2022
(₹ Crore)
Item 2021-22 2021 2022
Jun. 25 May 20 May 27 Jun. 3 Jun. 10 Jun. 17 Jun. 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 91-day                
1.1 Banks 5310 10543 9773 9431 8622 8628 8945 9455
1.2 Primary Dealers 16705 34544 38528 36013 33408 32845 30712 34041
1.3 State Governments 31320 41982 48200 53400 53900 62400 72000 70800
1.4 Others 72109 160981 91923 102756 111858 118498 126433 128325
2 182-day                
2.1 Banks 70130 127372 91859 92683 95822 101204 103936 102032
2.2 Primary Dealers 63669 58473 97841 101768 100629 104040 110256 111392
2.3 State Governments 15763 11839 22311 23811 25311 25311 27246 28246
2.4 Others 69259 99532 91222 95293 102229 102268 102314 110496
3 364-day                
3.1 Banks 112386 134123 113652 112051 114852 119511 116331 113968
3.2 Primary Dealers 160461 135126 174768 179691 172875 174020 183022 181683
3.3 State Governments 22836 17983 26369 26369 26296 26296 26296 26686
3.4 Others 118392 97843 125139 123857 129309 123631 119573 125126
4 14-day Intermediate                
4.1 Banks                
4.2 Primary Dealers                
4.3 State Governments 289362 124998 147252 141999 165019 167030 159057 155906
4.4 Others 659 685 1025 862 1647 1320 341 934
Total Treasury Bills (Excluding 14 day Intermediate T Bills) # 758339 930341 931585 957123 975111 998652 1027066 1042250
# 14D intermediate T-Bills are non-marketable unlike 91D, 182D and 364D T-Bills. These bills are ‘intermediate’ by nature as these are liquidated to replenish shortfall in the daily minimum cash balances of State Governments
Note: Primary Dealers (PDs) include banks undertaking PD business.
