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43. Payment System Indicators
Date : Jun 10, 2020
PART I - Payment System Indicators - Payment & Settlement System Statistics
System Volume (Lakh) Value (₹ Crore)
FY 2018-19 2019 2020 FY 2018-19 2019 2020
Apr. Mar. Apr. Apr. Mar. Apr.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Settlement Systems            
Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)            
1 CCIL Operated Systems (1.1 to 1.3) 3.14 1.34 13808922 9808581
1.1 Govt. Securities Clearing (1.1.1 to 1.1.3) 1.27 0.70 8427404 6644724
1.1.1 Outright 0.86 0.38 1306083 779511
1.1.2 Repo 0.23 0.17 3096901 2517435
1.1.3 Tri-party Repo 0.19 0.16 4024420 3347778
1.2 Forex Clearing 1.82 0.63 5034489 3030887
1.3 Rupee Derivatives @ 0.04 0.01 347030 132970
B. Payment Systems                
I Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)
1 Credit Transfers - RTGS (1.1 to 1.2) 118.95 54.35 12047221 6443653
1.1 Customer Transactions 117.06 53.35 10368946 5612493
1.2 Interbank Transactions 1.89 1.00 1678274 831161
II Retail                
2 Credit Transfers - Retail (2.1 to 2.7) 19743.26 17950.56 2831185 1687713
2.1 AePS (Fund Transfers) @ 0.66 0.69 36 29
2.2 APBS $ 1247.79 2312.36 7951 18996
2.3 ECS Cr 0.00 0.00 0 0
2.4 IMPS 2168.23 1224.75 201962 121141
2.5 NACH Cr $ 1234.43 2657.23 131109 89999
2.6 NEFT 2623.70 1759.79 2283665 1306406
2.7 UPI @ 12468.45 9995.74 206462 151141
2.7.1 of which USSD @ 0.68 0.70 12 11
3 Debit Transfers and Direct Debits (3.1 to 3.4) 818.06 691.42 76126 56029
3.1 BHIM Aadhaar Pay @ 8.88 20.66 141 217
3.2 ECS Dr 0.00 0.00 0 0
3.3 NACH Dr $ 791.30 667.06 75952 55805
3.4 NETC (linked to bank account) @ 17.88 3.70 33 7
4 Card Payments (4.1 to 4.2) 5354.85 2863.83 115877 49807
4.1 Credit Cards (4.1.1 to 4.1.2) 1638.57 768.53 50574 20765
4.1.1 PoS based $ 900.64 283.26 26656 8052
4.1.2 Others $ 737.93 485.27 23918 12713
4.2 Debit Cards (4.2.1 to 4.2.1) 3716.28 2095.30 65303 29043
4.2.1 PoS based $ 1925.25 676.32 27238 9005
4.2.2 Others $ 1791.03 1418.98 38065 20037
5 Prepaid Payment Instruments (5.1 to 5.2) 3982.85 2086.01 15341 9648
5.1 Wallets 3178.60 1841.26 13111 8693
5.2 Cards (5.2.1 to 5.2.2) 804.25 244.75 2229 956
5.2.1 PoS based $ 81.02 38.21 1021 313
5.2.2 Others $ 723.23 206.54 1209 642
6 Paper-based Instruments (6.1 to 6.2) 710.34 176.82 565315 163685
6.1 CTS (NPCI Managed) 710.01 176.57 565046 163487
6.2 Others 0.33 0.25 269 197
Total - Retail Payments (2+3+4+5+6) 30609.36 23768.64 3603844 1966882
Total Payments (1+2+3+4+5+6) 30728.31 23822.99 15651064 8410535
Total Digital Payments (1+2+3+4+5) 30017.97 23646.17 15085750 8246850

PART II - Payment Modes and Channels
System Volume (Lakh) Value (₹ Crore)
  2019 2020   2019 2020
Apr. Mar. Apr. Apr. Mar. Apr.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Other Payment Channels            
1 Mobile Payments (mobile app based) (1.1 to 1.2) 13830.33 11276.04 520199 364031
1.1 Intra-bank $ 1287.27 1064.77 109624 73418
1.2 Inter-bank $ 12543.06 10211.27 410575 290613
2 Internet Payments (Netbanking / Internet Browser Based) @ (2.1 to 2.2) 2530.83 1597.63 3421077 2246296
2.1 Intra-bank @ 584.09 390.07 1595574 1203819
2.2 Inter-bank @ 1946.74 1207.57 1825503 1042477
B. ATMs            
3 Cash Withdrawal at ATMs $ (3.1 to 3.3) 5471.63 2866.32 251075 127660
3.1 Using Credit Cards $ 7.54 3.68 360 159
3.2 Using Debit Cards $ 5441.22 2851.68 249930 127121
3.3 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 22.87 10.97 785 379
4 Cash Withdrawal at PoS $ (4.1 to 4.2) 33.69 40.87 110 111
4.1 Using Debit Cards $ 30.55 35.67 105 105
4.2 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 3.14 5.21 5 5
5 Cash Withrawal at Micro ATMs @ 344.98 875.54 9993 14462
5.1 AePS @ 344.98 875.54 9993 14462

PART III - Payment Infrastructures (Lakh)
System   2019 2020
Apr. Mar. Apr.
1 2 3 4
Payment System Infrastructures      
1 Number of Cards (1.1 to 1.2) 8863.07 8868.07
1.1 Credit Cards 577.45 573.60
1.2 Debit Cards 8285.62 8294.47
2 Number of PPIs @ (2.1 to 2.2) 18251.64 18342.76
2.1 Wallets @ 17032.85 17150.44
2.2 Cards @ 1218.79 1192.32
3 Number of ATMs (3.1 to 3.2) 2.34 2.34
3.1 Bank owned ATMs $ 2.11 2.10
3.2 White Label ATMs $ 0.24 0.24
4 Number of Micro ATMs @ 2.71 2.76
5 Number of PoS Terminals 51.39 50.85
6 Bharat QR @ 20.27 20.18
@: New inclusion w.e.f. November 2019
$ : Inclusion separately initiated from November 2019 - would have been part of other items hitherto.
Note : 1. Data is provisional.
2. The data for November 2019 for card payments (Debit/Credit cards) and Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) may not be comparable with earlier months/periods, as more granular data is being published along with revision in data definitions.
3. Only domestic financial transactions are considered. The new format captures e-commerce transactions; transactions using FASTags; digtal bill payments and card-to-card transfer through ATMs, etc.. Also, failed transactions, chargebacks, reversals, expired cards/ wallets, are excluded.
Part I-A. Settlement systems
1.1.3: Tri- party Repo under the securities segment has been operationalised from November 05, 2018.
Part I-B. Payments systems
4.1.2: ‘Others’ includes e-commerce transactions and digital bill payments through ATMs, etc.
4.2.2: ‘Others’ includes e-commerce transactions, card to card transfers and digital bill payments through ATMs, etc.
5: Available from December 2010.
5.1: includes purchase of goods and services and fund transfer through wallets.
5.2.2: includes usage of PPI Cards for online transactions and other transactions.
6.1: Pertain to three grids – Mumbai, New Delhi and Chennai.
6.2: ‘Others’ comprises of Non-MICR transactions which pertains to clearing houses managed by 21 banks.
Part II-A. Other payment channels
1: Mobile Payments –
o Include transactions done through mobile apps of banks and UPI apps.
o The data from July 2017 includes only individual payments and corporate payments initiated, processed, and authorised using mobile device. Other corporate payments which are not initiated, processed, and authorised using mobile device are excluded.
2: Internet Payments – includes only e-commerce transactions through ‘netbanking’ and any financial transaction using internet banking website of the bank.
Part II-B. ATMs
3.3 and 4.2: only relates to transactions using bank issued PPIs.
Part III. Payment systems infrastructure
3: Includes ATMs deployed by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) and White Label ATM Operators (WLAOs). WLAs are included from April 2014 onwards.
