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41. Standard Presentation of BoP in India as per BPM6
Date : Jul 10, 2018
(₹ Billion)
Item Jan-Mar 2017 (PR) Jan-Mar 2018 (P)
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 9,339 9,510 –171 10,082 10,921 –840
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 7,984 8,734 –750 8,609 9,990 –1,381
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 5,184 7,175 –1,992 5,290 7,968 –2,678
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 5,202 6,525 –1,324 5,332 7,514 –2,182
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting -18 0 –18 -42 0 –42
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold 0 650 –650 0 455 –455
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 2,800 1,559 1,241 3,319 2,022 1,297
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 2 1 1 4 1 3
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 5 8 –3 4 10 –6
1.A.b.3 Transport 283 248 36 302 318 –16
1.A.b.4 Travel 450 245 205 496 304 192
1.A.b.5 Construction 38 16 21 34 38 –3
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 40 29 10 41 24 17
1.A.b.7 Financial services 67 96 –28 108 75 33
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 9 90 –81 14 110 –96
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 1,290 86 1,205 1,324 110 1,214
1.A.b.10 Other business services 558 552 5 639 607 32
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 22 30 –8 31 40 –9
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 9 10 –1 12 20 –8
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 28 149 –121 311 366 –55
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 300 673 –373 308 811 –503
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 75 43 32 73 40 33
1.B.2 Investment income 176 615 –439 183 762 –579
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 88 293 –205 86 384 –298
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 3 112 –109 4 151 –147
1.B.2.3 Other investment 16 210 –193 17 226 –209
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 68 0 68 76 1 75
1.B.3 Other primary income 50 15 35 52 9 43
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 1,054 102 952 1,165 120 1,044
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 1,052 89 963 1,163 107 1,055
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/ non-resident households) 1,016 72 944 1,125 81 1,044
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 37 17 19 38 26 11
1.C.2 General government 2 13 –11 2 13 –11
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 6 5 2 4 7 –3
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 3 1 2 0 0 0
2.2 Capital transfers 3 4 –1 4 6 –3
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 9,719 9,518 201 11,031 10,271 760
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 938 603 335 891 478 412
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 827 214 613 843 289 554
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 751 189 562 804 287 517
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 534 189 345 585 287 298
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 217 0 217 218 0 218
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 76 26 50 39 2 37
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 76 26 50 39 2 37
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 111 389 –278 48 189 –141
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 111 282 –171 48 127 –79
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 111 233 –122 48 81 –33
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 0 49 –49 0 46 –46
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 0 107 –107 0 62 –62
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 0 107 –107 0 62 –62
3.2 Portfolio Investment 4,763 4,040 724 4,629 4,482 146
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 4,748 4,002 746 4,620 4,467 153
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 3,828 3,396 432 3,750 3,613 137
3.2.2 Debt securities 921 606 314 870 854 16
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 15 37 –22 9 15 –6
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 293 98 195 322 329 –7
3.4 Other investment 3,725 4,287 –563 5,189 4,129 1,060
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs) 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 1,006 825 181 1,297 993 304 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 0 0 0 5 0 5 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 1,006 825 181 1,291 993 298 General government Other sectors    
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 672 1,727 –1,056 1,798 1,648 150
3.4.3.A Loans to India 554 1,611 –1,057 1,403 1,254 149
3.4.3.B Loans by India 117 116 1 396 394 1
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 2 11 –10 3 61 –59
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 1,693 1,426 268 1,581 1,288 292
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 352 298 54 510 138 372
3.4.7 Special drawing rights 0 0 0  
3.5 Reserve assets 0 490 –490 0 852 –852
3.5.1 Monetary gold    
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a.    
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a.    
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 0 490 –490 0 852 –852
4 Total assets/liabilities 9,719 9,518 201 11,031 10,271 760
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 5,000 4,013 987 4,935 4,432 503
4.2 Debt instruments 4,368 4,717 –349 5,585 4,848 737
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 352 788 –436 510 990 –480
5 Net errors and omissions   32 –32 82 82
Note: Explanatory notes on these tables are available in December issue of RBI Bulletin, 2012.
